View Full Version : anxiety subconscious/progress

01-09-2014, 09:06 AM
Since my first attack 5 months ago, I basically hit rock bottom. Panic attacks all the time, scared of doing the most common stuff. Now I have seemed to get over the panic attacks but still have like that impening doom feeling almost every day and a handful of different symptoms. I finally got to see a doctor, so far everything good. Got my thyroid checked and vitamin levels. I think this will help a lot. I'm so ready to be who I was 6 months ago. Can a large amount of anxiety be subconscious? Cause I'll randomly feel symptoms out of nowhere and not particularly feel anxious. I also heard things you worried about days ago can affect you today or so on. Anxiety is so weird. The only fear I have yet to conquer is driving. I do it, but it's hell for me! Always think Im gonna lose control, pass out or get into a serious car accident . But I'm getting to recovery. One long day at a time.

01-09-2014, 11:08 AM
This looks like a positive move forward! This is great!!...
Yes, things that you stress about, consiously or sub conciously, can bother you day afterwards....(circadium rhythm)....

Did you get some medications, therapy, what?? If we may ask??...


01-09-2014, 11:56 AM
Thanks! Trying to stay positive, but its really hard. No medication, I went to therapy a few times helped a lot. Can't really afford it even with the sliding scale.trying to go back though. And I tried that panic away program, didn't like it though.

01-09-2014, 11:57 AM
You guys have been awesome, though!!! I don't feel so isolated. Nice to talk to people going through the same thing!!!

01-09-2014, 12:09 PM
Do you want some suggestions for herbals that you can afford to at least try?????

01-09-2014, 03:16 PM
Yes please!!

01-09-2014, 03:55 PM

1. Valerian root.
2. Ginger.
3. Kava Kava.
4. Passion flower.
5. Lemon balm.
6. Green tea.

There are some herbals remedies that one could try prior to medications...if that's what youre after friend...

Best wishes! :)