View Full Version : How is everyone today??

01-09-2014, 04:37 AM
Just thought I would see how everyone is doing today?? If they have any worries or concerns?

I'm doing good today after my hypnotherapy yesterday! Feeling postive!!

Feel free to post anything you like on here :)

01-09-2014, 04:41 AM
weeeellllllllll...I'm so glad that you're doing well Ashlee!!
I'm just waiting to see what this day has in store..hopefully good here too.
It seems to be a very busy week, filled with things that are UnLawful sooooo farrrr....and pretty police car lights! Kindof Christmassy!...LOL!

E-Man. :)

01-09-2014, 04:42 AM
Thanks Emannnnnnn!! Well, I do hope you have a good day!! Nearly the weekend... YAY!!

Ooo... what have you done this time??

01-09-2014, 04:55 AM
(sigh)...EMan is never the cause friend...go and read what happened it "Searching for anything Good"....
It was an issue caused by my Lion Cub's, friends, mother..quite a basketcase of an individual, I must say.....
It was kinda cool to say "You psychotic nutjob, you have 3 seconds to get off my property, I am very well armed" (while I lifted my sweatshirt to reveal a 9mm and I was oh so creepy calm and collected when I said it...kinda like Dirty Harry)
I should have said "This is the most powerful handgun in the world (although it isn't) and it'll blow yer head..clean off..go ahead, make my day"...BAHAAAHAA!!!


01-09-2014, 05:08 AM
I will have a read shortly... Wow she sounds like a crazed loonatic anyways!!! But hahahaa I bet you felt like a gangster!! You certainly showed her!!!

Hope your day is a good one :)

01-09-2014, 05:11 AM
I've been gangsta for 40 yrs!! I kow how to deal with people like that, which is why they're place before me...LMAO!!...Her husband was out there too..I think he pee'd his pants. My compliments!
It was quite exciting....:)

01-09-2014, 06:20 AM
Hahahhaa have you ever considered being a cop? or a hit man?? hahahahaha!!

01-09-2014, 07:03 AM
We all want to be gangsta but not always it works. People think I am brave because i will stand up to bullies. I just hate when I meet them, of course I know that they have issues but violence makes me sick, so I grow bigger and braver but the minutes hehehe , later I pay the price of course with my anxiety...It is important not to let people walk over you, and to defend oneself. I would like to have Eman as a neighbor :))
In such short time here, I got to love hm dearly , such positive influence on many people. Thank you Eman

01-09-2014, 07:05 AM
Ash hurry and get to 200 posts

01-09-2014, 07:17 AM
Am not going to get my thousand today ;a00

01-09-2014, 07:25 AM
We all want to be gangsta but not always it works. People think I am brave because i will stand up to bullies. I just hate when I meet them, of course I know that they have issues but violence makes me sick, so I grow bigger and braver but the minutes hehehe , later I pay the price of course with my anxiety...It is important not to let people walk over you, and to defend oneself. I would like to have Eman as a neighbor :))
In such short time here, I got to love hm dearly , such positive influence on many people. Thank you Eman

I've definately got a soft spot for the underdog... I always stick up for people... hate watching people getting bullied!!

Yes we all love E-Man, he is very helpful!!

Yayyyyy 200 Posts!!!

01-09-2014, 11:00 AM
Well thank you all, this means more to me than I can put into words to present.
I get my strength, from watching all of you become stronger, more confident, more able to do, be, and see all the things that you so desperately want and deserve..
That's how I can turn these somewhat difficult (and often times exhilerating) events of my own life, into something that is condensed, minimized, and made out to be...
just another bump in the road...
Because without your growth, healing, recovery as I sit here and read these words,..then I wouldn't grow, learn, or recover from my own mental disorders either..

Love you all too!!

E-Man.. Chris :)

01-09-2014, 11:05 AM
I'm having another good day :) that's two in a row
Went shoping today to get my little ones
Some new clothes tho I'm tired now lol

01-09-2014, 11:22 AM
OMGEEEE!!! ^^^^^^^^ YAY!!!! Great to see this... :)

01-09-2014, 11:52 AM
OMGEEEE!!! ^^^^^^^^ YAY!!!! Great to see this... :)

Thanks E man :) the thoughts are still
There but today is a good day :)

01-09-2014, 12:23 PM
Well done Em!!! Soooo happy for you!! Keep it up! i completely get what you mean in regards to the intrusive thoughts still being there but I just try with all my strength to push them to the back of my mind and thats where they go! :D

01-09-2014, 01:00 PM
Well done Em!!! Soooo happy for you!! Keep it up! i completely get what you mean in regards to the intrusive thoughts still being there but I just try with all my strength to push them to the back of my mind and thats where they go! :D

I've only ever had them twice for. Few weeks. At a time in the whole time I've ever had the panic attacks but they scare the crap out of me

01-09-2014, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE="Ashlee13x;144272"]Well done Em!!! Soooo happy for you!! Keep it up! i completely get what you mean in regards to the intrusive thoughts still being there but I just try with all my strength to push them to the back of my mind and thats where they go! :D[/QUOTE

I'm also from
London :)

01-09-2014, 01:03 PM
Yeah they are really horrible aren't they!! and come when you least expect it sometimes!! yeah, you're from Surrey aren't you? :)

01-09-2014, 06:09 PM
Went back to work today after my fainting episode. Had a pretty ok day taking it easy sitting in my office and investigating people :) Was able to make fun of myself for fainting at work.

01-10-2014, 05:11 AM
Well done for picking yourself back up again and going back to work!! Sometimes it can be really hard to go back to a place after soemthing traumatic is happened... it's good that you are making light of the situation, which is a lot better than worrying all day!!! Did you get yourself checked out at the docs?

01-10-2014, 09:06 AM
Not doing so good today; however it really isn't my anxiety. I'm very sad because my sister had to put her dog to sleep this morning. I'm just feeling extremely sad and my heart aches for my sister. She just lost her other dog a year ago, and now this, plus a divorce in between. I'm very close with both my sisters and when one hurts, we all hurt.

01-10-2014, 09:24 AM
Reneek I am sorry about the dog passing, it is so bad, that I had never get over my last dog. I do not want another dog, no, that's not true. I want another but I can not lose pets, it breaks my heart. I understand that it must be terrible for your sister. 2 dogs and divorce is just too much. Be there for her, eh....

at 5 am terrible nerve pain woke me up. I am congested and in very bad mood, I have to get myself together, because later on is work.

01-10-2014, 09:25 AM
Yeah they are really horrible aren't they!! and come when you least expect it sometimes!! yeah, you're from Surrey aren't you? :)

Yes I am :) where are you in London?

01-10-2014, 12:20 PM
Not doing so good today; however it really isn't my anxiety. I'm very sad because my sister had to put her dog to sleep this morning. I'm just feeling extremely sad and my heart aches for my sister. She just lost her other dog a year ago, and now this, plus a divorce in between. I'm very close with both my sisters and when one hurts, we all hurt.

Really sorry to hear that!!! The best thing you can do is be there for her… try not to take on her pain because it's not good for you!! Hope you feel better soon! If you need to talk i'm always open for a chat!

01-10-2014, 12:22 PM
[QUOTE at 5 am terrible nerve pain woke me up. I am congested and in very bad mood, I have to get myself together, because later on is work.[/QUOTE]

Really sorry to hear about your nerve pain!! maybe take some tablets for it and try and get back to sleep!! Hope work isn't too much of a struggle!!

01-10-2014, 12:23 PM
Yes I am :) where are you in London?

Well I live in Woodford, Essex… like 15 minutes out of London!

01-10-2014, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the support. I am trying not to take on her pain but it is difficult. I loved that dog too. I have two black labs that are a few months older than her dog and it is very heartbreaking to lose a dog (agreeing with Dahila). When I lost my last dog (10 years ago now) it was the straw that broke the camel's back and sent me into horrible anxiety attacks. Now that my current dogs are approaching 10 y/o, I know the beginning of the end will be coming for them within the next 2-3 years and I think it made me really think on that. I know everything has a life cycle, but dogs are just always there for you, with undying love and loyalty. They are always there to lick away the tears and to calm you when you are anxious.

I did speak to my sister for about 45 minutes on the phone and we both had a good cry. She was very pleased with the process that was done for her beloved dog and I hope that gives her comfort. She knows she was sick and in pain. But right now the nerves are raw and the emptiness is setting in. She'll be fine; time heals all wounds.

01-10-2014, 01:05 PM
I'm so so sorry to hear that.. I don't have a dog so I can't really relate… but I have a cat thats been in my family for years and I will be very upset when he goes… I know it's not the same but yeah! Sorry again!

01-10-2014, 01:06 PM
Well I live in Woodford, Essex… like 15 minutes out of London!

Oh yes I know where that is :)

01-10-2014, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the support. I am trying not to take on her pain but it is difficult. I loved that dog too. I have two black labs that are a few months older than her dog and it is very heartbreaking to lose a dog (agreeing with Dahila). When I lost my last dog (10 years ago now) it was the straw that broke the camel's back and sent me into horrible anxiety attacks. Now that my current dogs are approaching 10 y/o, I know the beginning of the end will be coming for them within the next 2-3 years and I think it made me really think on that. I know everything has a life cycle, but dogs are just always there for you, with undying love and loyalty. They are always there to lick away the tears and to calm you when you are anxious.

I did speak to my sister for about 45 minutes on the phone and we both had a good cry. She was very pleased with the process that was done for her beloved dog and I hope that gives her comfort. She knows she was sick and in pain. But right now the nerves are raw and the emptiness is setting in. She'll be fine; time heals all wounds.

Loss of a pet is difficult at best. I had a little Yorkie 13 yrs 3 months and 3 days. She passed a few years back. I did get another that was abandoned in Iowa while there for my grandsons birth. I also have two Shepherds. The new lil guy is great. I named him Dash. He helps me recall the dates like on a tombstone for example 1901 - 1980 I think of it as the dates aren't as important as the dash (or time) between the numbers. Anyway, people usually chuckle if I walk him down the road being 6'4 and 225 lbs. of a guy. My wife laughs about that quite often. lol Sometimes I just wanna do that twist and snap with a lil wiggle just to get them going. :)

What Ashlee said to you is so very important, don't think you can take on another's pain, it's impossible, but you will create your own version of it, and if you're anxious you need no more pain. Nobody likes to see another suffer, but it's not our business to suffer for them. That's my experience. Peace