View Full Version : How can I relax myself about this?

01-09-2014, 01:07 AM
I had a thought in my head that my sister moved something of mine in the bathroom, I remember not being able to find it, or something, very vague.. so just tonight, I go in the bathroom wondering if it's there, and it is..

I can't remember if it was a dream that made me think it wasn't..now I'm going crazy not knowing..

It's just a minor thing, I know, but it's freaking me out a bit.

01-09-2014, 01:14 AM

Just go and ask your sister.

End of freak out.

01-09-2014, 01:19 AM
She's not available to ask right now.

01-09-2014, 01:23 AM
I'm sorry. I can't relate to freaking out over something this trivial. Not at all.

01-09-2014, 01:30 AM
GBE... Do you have any OCD issues at all?

01-09-2014, 01:30 AM
Wow, there's a lot of rude answers on here tonight, first time I've come across this. generally I find this place supportive, and not judging whether someone elses "freak out" is valid enough for them to give advice. If that's how you feel about my question, maybe you shouldn't be on the anxiety forum "JLBnole68", I'm not in the mood for trolls.

01-09-2014, 01:32 AM
Wow guys...chill. Remember we are all different here and freak out over different things. What is small to you might not be to someone else. Ginger- Wayne is right, just ask her when you get a chance. That will put your mind at ease :)

01-09-2014, 01:32 AM
Wow, there's a lot of rude answers on here tonight, first time I've come across this. generally I find this place supportive, and not judging whether someone elses "freak out" is valid enough for them to give advice. If that's how you feel about my question, maybe you shouldn't be on the anxiety forum "JLBnole68", I'm not in the mood for trolls.

JLBs a nice a guy from what I've seen. I don't think he meant that to insult you :)

01-09-2014, 01:32 AM
GBE... Do you have any OCD issues at all? Yes, that is why I keep wondering about this issue of whether it was a dream or not, I have phobia concerning dreams and have for over a year now.

01-09-2014, 01:33 AM
And I can say that I HAVE freaked out over certain thoughts, that is kinda along the same lines.

01-09-2014, 01:35 AM
Can you not call her or send a text message to quickly set your mind at ease?

01-09-2014, 01:36 AM
Right well, I have dealt with trolls in some other forums, I always have worry they follow me into other forums too, like this one. I'd hope to god not, I do have a stalker I know from another forum who frequently changes his identity, and even broke into my email account, he could probably easily find a link to this account I have here, but I will try not to think like that, though I admit it does cause me anxiety at times.

Anyway, thanks for the supportive answers to those of you who wanted to be helpful. Have a good rest of the night all.

01-09-2014, 01:40 AM
Dear oh dear that's ridiculous. Why would someone even do that to you!

JLB certainly isn't a troll, mist neither. We don't really get trolls here with over 25 posts.

A good thing to do, as an exOCD guy, would be to write down the thoughts you're having right now, then yeah, pursue your sis, and start writing down some ways to tackle the thoughts tomorrow. Obviously this isn't a good way to go on right!

I hope you find her. Reassurance isn't the way to live life though. Sorry if I'm being patronizing, im sure you already know this :)

01-09-2014, 01:44 AM
We don't really get trolls here with over 25 posts.

Unless your name is Artaud..:D

The man
The legend

01-09-2014, 01:57 AM
[QUOTE=jessed03;144031]Dear oh dear that's ridiculous. "Why would someone even do that to you!"

I couldn't tell you, he's insane, and that is one of the reasons why my anxiety has shot through the roof in the past 2 years, after being involved with him (and I believe anyone's would if they had dealt with him). He played a lot of games with me, and a few of my friends. He just your garden variety online cat fisher, a hobby of his is creating lots of online personnas, using pics of real people to create dozens upon dozens of people, he can use to play his little games.. he has targeted me for calling him out on being a stalker, and a harasser.. it wouldn't surprise me in the LEAST if he's found a new home on this forum doing the same things, all I'm saying. I am a lot more cautious now than I have ever been. When I see someone leave some rude answers here, I find it strange, because generally I've never run into drama or rudeness on this forum, but if he's here now, I can be sure I'll be attacked with his general brand of snarky, rudeness and I don't wish to deal with any of that in a place where I come for guidance and support.

01-09-2014, 02:05 AM
I apologize without reservation to you, gingerbreadelf. My choice of words was quite stupid. If something is upsetting to you, it's not trivial at all. Not to make excuses, but I've been irritable due to lack of sleep recently. Your post just happened to be the most recent at the top of the list and I should have chosen my words more carefully. If I don't have a word of support to offer, I should just keep my mouth shut. I assure you I'm not here to troll anyone. We all have different things we battle. None of us here should add to that stress. That's not what this forum is about. I hope you will accept my apology, because I really am sorry for being a grump. -Jeff

01-09-2014, 02:07 AM
Awe Jeff! That was really nice! Takes a big man to do that ;) we all get grumpy... As a matter of fact, that should be my middle name right now!!

01-09-2014, 02:08 AM
The good thing about this forum, is when somebody goes out of line, they are reported instantly, like the example with Artaud, so people who aren't genuine, or rude usually get banned quickly. I hope that makes you feel slightly more comfortable. There's also ignore list too on here.

That's sounds crazy though, that someone would do that. I mean, how would he know it's you though, just by narrowing down your issues? Cos dream OCD isn't that common. Or do you use the same username for everything?

01-09-2014, 02:09 AM
Awe Jeff! That was really nice! Takes a big man to do that ;) we all get grumpy... As a matter of fact, that should be my middle name right now!!

Then you'd be Misti Grumpy Peesalot Blue :)

01-09-2014, 02:13 AM
Awe Jeff! That was really nice! Takes a big man to do that ;) we all get grumpy... As a matter of fact, that should be my middle name right now!!
Thanks. I don't feel like a big man for misdirecting my grouchiness towards someone who doesn't deserve it. I do feel bad and hope my apology will be sufficient for the offense.

01-09-2014, 02:19 AM
Then you'd be Misti Grumpy Peesalot Blue :)

Jesse- OH MY WORD!! Hilarious!! Kinda rolls off the tongue eh? LOL...

01-09-2014, 02:22 AM
I think he could turn the trolling on and off honestly, pretend to be nice and follow the rules with some names, then be a total troll with others, I've seen him do this before at the other forum I knew him on, he was capable of a lot.

I didn't say for sure I think he's here, but I am always cautious of the possibility. Anyway, it's fine, no more drama and ready to move on now, all is good. :)

as for having phobia about dreams, I think it's probably tied to depersonalization order, but it freaks me out when I can't remember if something happened in a dream or for real, at least it bothers me more when I feel anxious.

01-09-2014, 02:34 AM
It most certainly does Misti ;)

Yeah, I hope it's all good. No one should be hounded. Did you manage to reach your sister?

Luckily most of the people I see here are gents like JLB. Why I keep coming really.

01-09-2014, 02:50 AM
JLB is usually a sweetheart, we all have bad days. Lovely of you to apologies JLB :) I can't remember if things are a dream or reality all the time.. It freaked me out at first. Now I just roll with it, it will become clear sooner or later.. And I not I usually forget about it anyway Lol it's okay sweety, these things happen. Try relax hey x