View Full Version : HELP!! I am going crazy!!
01-09-2014, 12:37 AM
I have this crazy thing going on right now. I pee all the time and when I'm not peeing I feel like I have to. Then when I sit down to go, a tiny bit comes out.
I have been checked for infections and such and all came back clear. I am going crazy with this!! It is really making my anxiety soar...It is borderline depressing.
Has anyone else EVER had this problem? I need some reassurance. I am scared I have some crazy disorder or cancer or diabetes.....YES I have been googling because I can't get answers anywhere else.
You have to be the president to get an appt with my doctor. I am so frustrated and worried :(
01-09-2014, 12:44 AM
Yeah it would be good to rule out sugar issues. Peeing often can be a sign of diabetes, but it can also be a sign of other stuff. Just by that symptom, I wouldn't suspect it to be that - but checking your sugar is a great thing to do regardless.
If you can't get an appointment - the pharmacy sells little blood sugar machines diabetics use. They're about 10pounds in England, one tiny prick, a drop of blood, and right there you know your sugar level, and whether it's adequate or not. I recommend them a lot.
You're not pregnant are you :p my sister kept moaning of a similar symptom, we all used to tease her.
01-09-2014, 12:46 AM
I forgot to say, anxiety does indeed cause a VERY similar symptom, and I have known people to have the same issue - but despite what a certain old fashioned someone said about me - I'm all for getting those medical clearances first ;)
01-09-2014, 12:50 AM
Jesse- LOL, no I'm not pregnant. I have 4 kiddos already....they keep me busy enough ;)
I am hoping to get an appt tomorrow. Sometimes when I call really early in the morn they can fit me in, I just have to wake myself up.
I find it ironic how I suffer from anxiety and have all these crazy is a new one everyday. I just tell's just anxiety, but I am not so sure this time :(
Oh dear..:(
I would be more concerned if you were actually peeing lots, and drinking lots as this is one of the first signs of diabetes, i am diabetic and this happened to me, but as you are not actually producing any urine and don't mention any extreme thirst i don't think this is it.
This is also not a symptom of any cancer i know of, i know a fair bit about the subject as i have had it twice.
A Urologist would of course be able to set your mind at ease.
Sometimes after i pee i feel the need to go again straight away, i don't need to go obviously but the discomfort of needing to go is there.
It is however a sign of bladder strain, it is possible you may have strained something around your bladder and it is swelled causing the sensation of needing to pee.
It is quite common and nothing to worry about, it may be that your elavated anxiety is making you more aware of your body's sensations and discomforts.
Make an appointment to see a GP whenever you can as this will put your mind at ease, but in the meantime try not to worry to much, it's unlikely anything serious is wrong.
Regards, Wayne.
01-09-2014, 12:51 AM
Thank you for your reply :)
01-09-2014, 12:53 AM
Thank you so much Wayne. That helped me a lot :) I wonder if giving birth to 4 kids would have an impact on my bladder...LOL.
No, but really....I do wonder about youngest is 2, so I would think it would have started when she was a baby. It's just crazy!!
01-09-2014, 12:55 AM
No, no for sure. Anxious people get health complaints too. Unfortunately having anxiety doesn't mean that's all we'll ever have right :p
Hopefully you get an appointment, cos I've seen you post a few times about this now, so clearly it's an issue. Getting your sugar checked should reassure you a little bit that it isn't at least something serious - if you haven't done already. When someone pees a lot, first thing you think is diabetis! Even though for most healthy people it's not often the case.
Did you go to a specialist, or was it just your doctor who checked you out?
Edit: LOL Wayne owned my post here, but I may as well leave it up!
01-09-2014, 01:03 AM
LOL....your a good sport Jesse ;)
It was actually an Urgent Care clinic. We shall see what my doc says. It is a military clinic, so it will probably take forever to get the results back *sigh* What can ya do?
01-09-2014, 01:09 AM
Lol thanks MB, you can't win them all right ;)
Sounds like England over there. You wait ages to get an appointment, then even longer to get the results. Drives you nuts for sure.
Update the thread with what happens, ok? Maybe some girls will have something else to say. I think me and Mist are doing not too bad considering we're both guys here! I'm kinda proud.
Wayne, do you have type 1/type 2? - if you don't mind saying that is.
If you think about how much is packed into our small bodys, even the slightest swelling in one area will cause abnormal pressure in all surrounding areas. Our bladders swell when we need to urinate causing mild discomfort and the urge to pee. but even with our bladders empty we are still able to activley try and pee, it is possible that you have tried to pee on occassion with little urine in your bladder and strained to hard causing a mild internal tear which is healing, and during the healing has swelled larger than normal causing pressure and creating a false need to pee.
Of course only a GP will know for sure but this would explain why blood and or urine tests came back clear. Only a CT scan or Ultrasound would be able to tell if you had an internal injury.
My advice would be to drink plenty of fluids, that may sound counter intuitive but what you want with this is to keep your bladder moving and passing urine to speed up the healing process, like anything, the more you use it the stronger it gets.
Don't take my words as gospel though, see a GP and mention bladder swelling.
Regards, Wayne.
Secondary diabetes to pancriatitis, not type 1 or 2 but i am insulin dependant.
01-09-2014, 01:30 AM
Jesse- you 2 men are doing great!! Thanks :)
Wayne- you have been through a lot! Your one tough cookie. You are definitely a good inspiration here on these forums!! I definitely have mad respect for you knowing what you've gone through and your still fighting on!!!
01-09-2014, 03:05 AM
Sounds like a urine infection.. i've had this before!! Nothing to worry about at all!! Drink some cranberry juice!! you can also get some powder you put into your drink, its called cystapurin I think.. tastes vile but really helps!! Hope you feel better soon!
01-09-2014, 03:09 AM
Or, you could have a slight kink in your bladder.. my boyfriends mum has had 4 kids and has a kink in her bladder which causes her to get bladder infections... absolutely nothing to worry about!!!
01-09-2014, 04:17 AM
Misti Pee,
What is your beverage of choice, from the moment you awake, and all through the day????
E-Man :)
01-09-2014, 04:36 AM
I think it's your hormones were all jacked up too..
and possibly as you stated (4) kids have weakened the pelvic/bladder muscles....
Hope your visit to the Doc goes well today...:)
01-10-2014, 03:01 AM
E-man- water... That's pretty much all I drink. Sometimes I'll have coffee, but it's not often.
My hormones are out of whack, I know that!!
Not sure if it helps but when I was first diagnosed with anxiety, one of my symptoms was feeling the need to pee all the time but then when I went hardly anything would happen. Soon disappeared when i realised it was just an anxiety thing :P
01-10-2014, 03:52 AM
Well,...wack them hormones back into shape then!!!
Welcome GYDA!...
E-man... :)
01-10-2014, 10:33 PM
GYDA- Thank you so much. I went to the doc today and they are running a bunch of tests. I have to go back next week for an U/S on my bladder and kidneys. If that doesn't turn anything up then they are going to move to my female organs. They did another urine culture today and it came back negative again. The doc did say there was some mucus in my urine (???), but he wasn't too concerned.
I am still praying it IS just anxiety and nothing serious. I am scared to get all these tests, but thankful that my doc is being thorough.
01-10-2014, 10:40 PM
Good to see them testing you so thoroughly Misti
.....And now we wait! :)
01-10-2014, 10:42 PM
Glad to hear the doc is being really thorough. At least that will give you peace of mind that they've overlooked something. I hope they locate the problem and get you fixed up soon.
01-10-2014, 10:46 PM
Well I had been there, for more than 3 years; overactive bladder, it passed eventually.....when I got rid of my anxiety source, my job..... I was for years under such stress and one day I started to have issues with my bladder, it stopped when I went back to school, and did not have to go back to this place....
Maybe you are more stressed than usually? Something happened to cause it?
Bladder muscles get tired when anxious people tense every muscle in the body, Starting from forehead then neck, then legs, and everything else ;)
doc appointment and blood works is needed:))
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