View Full Version : migraines?

01-08-2014, 09:02 PM
Hey guys, anyone experience these? Ever since my first panic attack 5 months ago , now I get there weird headaches. Sometimes stabbing pains. But the one I have now worries me. It starts out like a pressure in my right ear, than hours go by and it gets worse and the right side of my face is like not numb but it feels weird and ny right ear is clogged and I feel hot like I have a fever but I don't. Can affect my right side of my body too. I'm thinking migraine without headache or somethibg. Idk

01-08-2014, 09:12 PM
Now both of big toes have this weird feeling and it's rising up my leg and I feel weird in the head. I'm convinced I have a brain tumor or somethibg. Ugh I'm so sick of this shit man. I wish I could not have these symptoms! It can'tbe all ffrom anxiety!

01-12-2014, 12:21 PM
Hey! I get crazy migraines, and my symptoms have always made me think i was about to have a stroke. I first see crazy spots like I am looking in a kaleidoscope. Then, my hand, arm, face and tongue be go numb. I also get very disoriented and can't really talk or remember things. Then the Bad. Headache comes along. According it the dr.s this is normal for migraines. Sounds similar to your symptoms.