View Full Version : My first CBT session.. or should I say hypnotherapy… WOW!!

01-08-2014, 03:37 PM
This is probably going to be quite a long post…Sorry guys!!

So, I had my first therapy session this evening. We started by talking about where my anxiety came from, how I feel when I have a panic attack etc…
The therapist said that he is going to try hypnotherapy!! I was sooo scared… he started talking about it and he said have you got any questions before we start, and I just told him I was scared.. he asked me what I was scared of and I said dying.. is that stupid?? And he said no, I understand why you feel that way due to your anxiety being because of a fear of death! In all my 13 years of doing hypnosis, no one has died and no one has ever had any problems. He explained to me how it would work and i felt comfortable enough to begin although my heart was racing!….

He started off by telling me to take a big deep breath in and slowly out, he then asked me again but this time close my eyes. He said imagine a big wave starting at your feet and slowly working its way up your body and as it works its way up your body you will feel all of your muscles relax! He told me to completely relax myself and he is going to come over, move my arms around in a circle and i will feel 5 times more relaxed each arm. After he did this, I felt sooo relaxed!!

He told me to picture myself, which I did and then he said now picture yourself without flesh or blood but as glass. Theres a liquid filled from the bottom of your feet to the very top of your head, what colour is it? Red… Okay now on both of your big toes there are 2 holes that are being blocked by stoppers. take the stoppers out and imagine all of that red liquid coming out really fast and creating a pool around you (while he was telling me to do this… I was imagining that as the liquid was leaving my body that I could move again, because when I was filled with the red liquid, i was stiff but and once all the red liquid was gone, i could move but my feet were stuck to the floor) now you feel really relaxed and really sleepy! You can hear footsteps and then a person appears with a step ladder. (I imagined they open up the step ladder beside you and it is your height. they walk off and moments later you can hear the footsteps returning but this time slower as if they are carrying something heavy. When they appear they are pulling alone a big tank filled with liquid. What do you want to get from this liquid? i said health, happiness, love, freedom, relief) he asked what colour the liquid was and I said its like a really nice light blue and it sparkles…. Now imagine the person climbing the ladder with a glass jug. They dip the jug into the blue liquid, open a latch on the side of your head and open the top of your head sideways. They start pouring the liquid into you and as it fills up, you feel all the things that you said you wanted to feel.

After that he slowly bought me back… but wow!! after it was finished, i felt sooooo relaxed and calm like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I didn't feel anxious, I felt really happy! I felt like everything was going to be okay!! He said it will take a few sessions and each session we will go deeper and for longer!!

I would seriously recommend this to anyone!!!!

01-08-2014, 03:42 PM
Wow that sounds amazing :) and how do you feel now?

01-08-2014, 03:52 PM
That's a fascinating post. I admit to not believing in hypnosis, as in I don't believe I could be hypnotized. I'd sure try it though. I find the imagery he used really ingenious. Very descriptive and detailed. Cool! Do tell us how your other sessions go?

01-08-2014, 03:52 PM
it was!!! I feel sooo good! really relaxed and stress free but very tired!

01-08-2014, 03:53 PM
That's a fascinating post. I admit to not believing in hypnosis, as in I don't believe I could be hypnotized. I'd sure try it though. I find the imagery he used really ingenious. Very descriptive and detailed. Cool! Do tell us how your other sessions go?

Thank you!! to be honest before today, I felt the same but I'm not scared anymore!! It was a really good session!! i will do!!!

01-08-2014, 03:54 PM
it was!!! I feel sooo good! really relaxed and stress free but very tired!

Well very well done :) when is your next one?

01-08-2014, 03:55 PM
Thanks Em!! next Wednesday! I will let everyone know how it goes!

01-08-2014, 04:01 PM
Wow Ashlee, that seems pretty cool. I was imagining it as I was reading your post, but my colour was yellow for the happy liquid! Haha. Do you think this is a similar concept of meditation?

01-08-2014, 04:03 PM
Thats really good!!! If it helps you relax maybe apply it when you feel anxious?? Yeah I do in a way… like when I try and meditate, I always want to open my eyes and I do and I felt the same with the hypnotherapy but I ws zoo relaxed my eyes didn't open! It was an amazing experience!

01-08-2014, 04:08 PM
That's incredible. I'm actually really scared of meditating because if I close my eyes and am told not to think of anything I think of everything!! Has your therapist given you bite size exercise to do when you get an anxiety attack?

01-08-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm the same.. I have too much going on in my brain! He just said if you start to feel anxious or feel like you are going to have a panic attack… imagine how you felt as the glass person with the blue liquid, that freedom, that happiness which is what I'm going to do!!

01-08-2014, 04:13 PM
I know lots of people here have been trying CBT, not personally myself, but I always wondered how a session goes or what happens during it; Like is it different for everyone or is this the standard procedure for CBT? In anyway, I think it's really cool that you described how the experience was. It was a good, interesting read, so thanks for sharing.. :)

01-08-2014, 04:15 PM
I think it depends on the therapist and the person… I never expected that though!! Thanks glad you enjoyed it.. I will update everyone on how my next session goes!!

01-09-2014, 05:05 PM
Thats really good!!! If it helps you relax maybe apply it when you feel anxious?? Yeah I do in a way… like when I try and meditate, I always want to open my eyes and I do and I felt the same with the hypnotherapy but I ws zoo relaxed my eyes didn't open! It was an amazing experience!

Awesome thank you for sharing. I think you'll be fine with this, and it does work. Especially to those who think they can't be hypnotized. Proud of you for trying this.

01-10-2014, 04:56 AM
Thank you! Yeah, I'd never had it before either and didn't know what to expect but I would recommend it!!