View Full Version : I Need Help

01-08-2014, 12:38 PM
So, quickly, I'd like to state I am new to any type of forum and, beforehand, had always thought these things were not for me; at the moment I have no more outlets. Friends and family have become overwhelmed with my constant worry, I will not have an appointment for a new try with meds until February, and I am simply tired. My anxiety- which is, to me, far more pronounced than the term "anxiety" can encompass, but I feel most here would understand that- is not over a simple phobia. It is constant, ever finding new areas of my life to eat at. Mostly, it enjoys tormenting me over my relationship, death, my appearance, my future, and minor things that pop up day to day. I am becoming depressed and I cannot find release. I am 17. I have fear over my sex life, if it means as much to her as to me, I fear dying and diseases which could speed up death. I worry about it all. I am just tired. I would like to know if any of you- whoever you are - have had similar anxiety and depression as I, and if you found techniques, treatment, counseling- I mean if yoga helped you at all please let me know, I'm willing to try anything- that has calmed the incessant anxiety and sadness which accompanies it. I apologize for the length. I just need some advice, some outlets to get this under control.

01-08-2014, 12:43 PM
Get in to see you doctor asap. Call today and see if they can fit you in. If not go to emerg.

01-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Hey John,

Extremely bright and intelligent young man typed that..for a 17 year old.
I'm guessing that this is nothing new to you and has just developed along with you as you've matured. There wasn't a specific trigger.
It is or may have just began as, general anxiety that has grown into some really serious mental illnesses and disorders.
You came to a great place to start, I must say...all of us here can understand what it is that you're going through and thinking.
Yes, it has taken on one of the most aggressive types of phobia/anxiety/ and there's the initial signs of depression because of how it's consuming your thoughts and mind.
You have many, many different areas of worry, fret, fears, and concerns. I think that this upcoming Doctor's visit in February is the greatest step to take at this time.
You will need some medicational assist to "minimize, condense, and simplify" all of these concerns.
Although yoga, book, tapes, therapy, supplements, can be helpful..you've grown beyond the ability of all of those combined to get you stable....
Those, come after, the Doctors prescriptions of an AD, an anti-anxiety med, and possible an A typical anti-psychotic medication too..then arrange the therapy 30 days beyond.
You will have to try medications, period..to level you out..first and foremost.
Then, see where they take you because it is usually to much better, more tolerable places in our lives....then we make adjustments as needed.
You caught this quickly, so that is a plus...and openess, honesty, truthfulness, is one of the MAIN GOALS to getting rid of these disorders..
The more people try to "hide and conceal" it, the stronger it becomes.

Welcome John!...

Hope that helps you in some form or manner bruh..


01-08-2014, 12:53 PM
I'm trying. My dad has my insurance card, and I was against letting him know I was having issues again, so my mom took me to community counseling where they allow treatment without insurance, but because of this I will not be allowed to see a doctor for about a month, maybe a little less.

01-08-2014, 12:56 PM
Your mind is just really wound up now.

Yoga and meditation are great to relieve the anxiety. Any way you can just relax your muscles will help.

Hard to be relaxed and anxious at the same time.

A few on here, Jessed for one, is really into that stuff and he could probably give you some direction with it.

But the things that are making you anxious pretty much sound like most here. With me, it was a bunch of things.

You certainly aren't the first nor the last to think your anxiety has to be where others have only dreamt.

See if your doc can get you a benzo prescription to help calm your mind and body so you can begin to think clearly about what is going on.

Anxiety is beatable, especially when you are looking to get help at such a young age.

Many people here that will gladly listen or offer advice/assistance.

Hope you overcome this quickly

01-08-2014, 12:56 PM
You have no idea how much this means to me. I had no inkling there were websites where people actually give constructive comments. Sir, I appreciate this very much. Thank you.

01-08-2014, 12:56 PM
I tried tai chi.....it helped a lot in terms of meditation and calming me down. I had to switch from the class due to schedule conflicts and I desperately need to find another class of either that or yoga that works for me because it really helped me out a lot.

01-08-2014, 01:01 PM
I also agree with E-man about getting on an anti anxiety drug (SSRI) for a longer term control.

Benzo a help immediately but the SSRI will work throughout the day

Unfortunately can take 6 weeks or so for the full affect.

Once the meds cool you out pretty constantly, you can begin working on overcoming anxiety.

Impossible to do when your mind will not stop racing at 100 mph

01-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Hello and welcome to the family we have here,this is such a amazing forum a a you will Find encouragement and advice and support on here and you may even crack a smile and laugh from time time to :) welcome

01-08-2014, 01:07 PM
You have no idea how much this means to me. I had no inkling there were websites where people actually give constructive comments. Sir, I appreciate this very much. Thank you.

It means alot to all of us, to sit back here (wherever in this World we are) to watch you grow and get better Son...That's how WE ourselves recover too...:)

01-08-2014, 01:09 PM
Yeah, there was no specific trigger. About a year ago the anxiety/depression flared up and I began seeing a counselor and was put on Zoloft, but I began forgetting to take it, and eventually, because of the ups and downs of withdrawal symptoms- the shocks, mood swings, etc.- I weaned myself off of it. I'm wondering if I should give that a try again.

01-08-2014, 01:14 PM
yeah, there was no specific trigger. About a year ago the anxiety/depression flared up and i began seeing a counselor and was put on zoloft, but i began forgetting to take it, and eventually, because of the ups and downs of withdrawal symptoms- the shocks, mood swings, etc.- i weaned myself off of it. I'm wondering if i should give that a try again.


01-08-2014, 01:20 PM
A year or so ago the anxiety/depression began to be pronounced so I began seeing a counselor and was prescribed Zoloft, but, after maybe two months of taking it I began to get forgetful and miss doses, and because of the withdrawal symptoms- electric-like-shocks, moodswings, etc.- I weaned myself off of it. Is that something I should try again and stick to, or should I try something new? I'm unsure.

01-08-2014, 01:23 PM
IMHO: There are some good AD's out there and Sertraline (Zoloft) seems to be one of them in some patients...although some still have anxiety and panic if a (secondary anti-anxiety) is not being used with it too.
Also, considering this intense anxiety, steer clear of (Lexapro) too...and just go with (Celexa) instead...I have yet to see (1) great report here about anyone taking Lexapro that is calm...but see more reports of people here that take Celexa that are doing better. Some (Lexapro) users report all kinds of internal energy, nervousness, fidgity..that of course turns into = anxiety. (I'M HOPING SOMEONE WILL STEP FORWARD AND SAY I LOVE LEXAPRO AND I'M NOT ANXIOUS AT ALL, BUT I DOUBT THEY WILL)...unless it's Jesse just messing with me of course...
MY favorite AD (through all of the reports I've read throughout the years) is Prozac, BUT...you're 17 and (1 or 2) teens had some suicidal thoughts with it so most Doc's won't prescribe to teens...BUT, you seem very mature for 17 (your presentational words)....

I'd just ask the Doc to start with low dose fluoxetine (Prozac) like 10mg, or 20mg max.
with and anti-anxiety (OTHER THAN BUSPAR) like a real benzo..(xanax, klonopin,)
and maybe even an anti-psychotic (like low dose seroquel, abilify)....because of how "intense" your presentation was....

Then get a referral to a therapists too...:)


01-08-2014, 01:25 PM

yes!!!!!!.... :)

01-08-2014, 01:46 PM
Effexor worked great for me with the occasional Xanax or bottle of wine!

01-08-2014, 05:55 PM
They also put me on Buspar!! It did nothing whatsoever. I wouldn't finish the prescription I don't understand what is intended with that med. it had no effect on the anxiety, AT ALL. It just made me feel weird.

01-08-2014, 05:57 PM
Years ago I was on Buspar.

It helped exactly 0

Some people say it helps but I never met "some people"

01-08-2014, 05:58 PM
BAHHAHA! It's like Super Secret MD Protocol,..here, try this stupid shit first, to make them feel even more anxious and weird with a tingly head, (then the Gov is happy) then move on to something that actually fuggin works!!! :)

Yes, it make one feel even more weirder than what we already do!!!...


01-08-2014, 06:01 PM
Oh,,..it was manufactured by Johnson & Johnson...here. take this Johnson!.....in 1972!!! LMAO!!....thank God you guys are bringing me back from Terminator 1 through 4 land....:D

01-08-2014, 06:08 PM
Hahaha! I'm glad there are a couple of people who agree about the buspar. I'm worried my mom won't want me on something like Xanax though, but I've heard benoz work miracles. I have no relief. I just had flashes in my eyes, which induced the fear of Ocular Melanoma. and whats funny is I know most of these fears are irrational, but it never helps to tell myself they are. I would be willing to let my mother handle my meds, I just need something to stop this.

01-08-2014, 06:23 PM
I take Buspar 3x daily along with zoloft. It can't do thr job alone, but works nicely with zoloft.

01-08-2014, 06:41 PM
Yes, I've had anxiety and depression like how you have mentioned. ...from what I gather it is really not that uncommon. It is in matter of degree and there are other things like biology, stress, whether you're getting enough sleep or not, and coping habits are Huge. Another big thing that can exacerbate it is withdrawal from these medicines (AD's)...oddly enough.

I have intrusive thoughts, racing thoughts, worries, preoccupations...crazy mind feeling like I'm going out of control. It's all anxiety/panic and nothing organically 'serious', other than the devastating and often counterproductive effects such thinking and feeling can have on your life and goals.

I know I'm doing better now that I'm on celexa. My sleep is wack but I'm stressed out so, I don't know. You gotta keep trying. ..stay at the center of the circle and always aim for balance, in your life. What really helps me but is hard to do is behavioral/emotional rewiring. You can't change the intensity of your anxiety..(only indirectly - by the controls mentioned above).but only how you deal with it. Become aware. When you run, sit and accept. When it hits you, don't avoid, but sit and bear it. It will fade and become softer, in time. Im a believer that serious anxiety problems are developed. They are formed. if you start changing your approach to things, in some very basic ways that you formed when you were young but have overlooked, you will see there was a lot you do that isnt really adaptive - but that got you out of the short term crux....but that keeps your anxiety problem around. Alot of what we did when we were younger is really, immature , but most of its become so automatic we continue those habits because they have 'worked' for us. but how well are they working for You? look at how you can improve that. Become aware once again, to how you act. think basically, and try it over again. it will become softer. Naturally, you will see.
Anxiety is all about illusion. It feels really intense but that's all it is. Try to aim for balance, and always ask yourself, "is what I'm doing going to aggravate whats going on or is it going to make my life better over time." And do the constructive, adaptive thing.
Yes this may be harder than what you've done in the past. But you'll know what is healthy and right.
Good luck.

01-08-2014, 06:58 PM
Thank you for that. This whole forum is serious about helping one another. It's hard to find this type of sincerity among my peers. Thank you.

01-08-2014, 07:01 PM
Just remember us when you're famous, John

01-08-2014, 07:02 PM
Most people are idiots. Or at least, they act like idiots in front of and to their peers. I don't know why, this is so extraordinarily unhelpful. I can relate to what you say. Alot of times people are just trying to look cool. Especially at your age, God it was the worst. Your age group doesn't know itself, yet..how can they offer up any wisdom? If wisdom comes with experience, you'll have to wait for the ripening. In the meantime, you can take in advice here and apply it on a leap of faith..your experiences may corroborate it later on, then you'll have the experience (wisdom), and it will be solidified for you.

I hate to say it, but that immaturity/unhelpful ness and insincerity continues into adult life, although less.
You get better at knowing yourself, thankfully being 'cool' becomes less important ...and you get better at making decisions that are geared toward you, not the rest of the world,

The Oracles at Delphi had it right when they inscribed "know thyself" on the temple. It is the most important thing you can do. Keep an eye to it, with purpose. Let the rest of the stuff go.

01-08-2014, 07:40 PM
I think it is fantastic that you are so young and already know that you need help, you will beat it. You just need to talk to doc the best would be psychiatrist. They know the most about anxiety and other types of disease. We all here fight with it. You will get the support you need ,and you will get better.
Welcome to the forum:)))