View Full Version : dr appt

01-08-2014, 09:00 AM
So I have an appt with my gp in a few hours. I don't know exactly what I should do. I passed out at work yesterday and am not sure if it was from anxiety. She put me on paxil about 6 months ago and I was only able to take it for 5 days due to side effects. I am on .5 mg clonazepam 1x per day. I'm going to see if my iron level can be tested. I'm not sure whether I should try a new med or what is going on with me. I am nauseated and anxious about the appt. I really can't afford to lose any more weight and that's what anxiety does to me... Can't eat.

Any advice on what I should bring up or be seeking?

01-08-2014, 09:14 AM
Get a blood test done like you say it maybe that your low in vid D or iron Etc as I know I am have you had your thyroid looked at to as that can make you lose weight and easy to treat :)

01-08-2014, 09:17 AM
Yep, make sure sugar and blood pressure are taken too. Sugar comes with the blood test, but they don't always give that kind.

Not good to pass out :)

01-08-2014, 09:19 AM
You may have passed out because you are breathing shallowly. Be aware of your breathing and take deep cleansing breaths. If you are not eating well, it could also be that you became hypoglycemic from your blood sugar being too low. These are all possibilities. I would be sure to mention to the doctor so that, as em suggested, your levels can all be checked. You must try to force yourself to eat something even through anxiety. Carry candy with you so that when you get that lightheaded, passing out feeling, you can give yourself a quick jolt of sugar that may help pass those feelings.

Let us know how the doc visit goes.

01-08-2014, 12:28 PM
She's trying me on a new med and had bloodwork done for thyroid, anemia and a few othets. She checked blood pressure sitting and standing. Hopefully I have a better reaction to this med than the paxil...

01-08-2014, 12:29 PM
YAY!! This sounds positive...You've done everything that you were supposed to at this point too...:)

01-08-2014, 01:09 PM
Yes, even got the bloodwork done right away without thinking about it else I would never go back to get it done... I'm bad about bloodwork.

01-08-2014, 01:31 PM
Yes, even got the bloodwork done right away without thinking about it else I would never go back to get it done... I'm bad about bloodwork.

Oh thats
Good news you got all that done :) what did they put you on?

01-08-2014, 02:33 PM
Remeron. I'm doing some research. Wondering if I should take it tonight as I need to go into work tomorrow or wait until the weekend in case I get crazy side effects.

01-08-2014, 02:38 PM
YES!!! My Nephews wife looovvveeesss Remeron!!
She was an Agoraphobe...
Now, she won't shut up and came to Christmas dinner with my Sister's Son!!!...(how nice!)

I'm happy for you!!

She takes hers at night, because it will make you sleepy. (She never slept either, now she does!)

Congratulations Stacea!


01-08-2014, 02:45 PM
YES!!! My Nephews wife looovvveeesss Remeron!!
She was an Agoraphobe...
Now, she won't shut up and came to Christmas dinner with my Sister's Son!!!...(how nice!)

I'm happy for you!!

She takes hers at night, because it will make you sleepy. (She never slept either, now she does!)

Congratulations Stacea!


They said to take it at night, hoping it doesn't knock me out too much.. I am hoping for the weight gain side evfect, just weighed i n at 91 lbs and I'm 5'6". Anxiety= no appetite for me. I hope it makes me more social. Always nervous about new meds and side effects.

01-08-2014, 02:57 PM
Roxanne was 86 pounds,..at 5'5"....Now, she looks great at 105!!! Yes, I forgot about that side effect, but she looked perfect!.....You will gain weight too....

More social? She won't shut up (in a good way though) now!!!


01-08-2014, 03:10 PM
Wondering if the .5mg of clonazepam with it will turn me into sleeping beauty... So glad to hear such a success story about this med :)

01-08-2014, 03:29 PM
I doubt that you will need the Klonopin anymore at night,...that would be best for your public speaking times,...

Considering you also have a performance anxiety, has your Doc ever mentioned something called a beta blocker to you?????....Unless you have low BP..

01-08-2014, 03:40 PM
Yep, tried propanalol. BP's too low and I am scared of passing out in public so not a good mix. After 6 months of klonopin I should probably wean off though right? My GP wants me to cut the remerol in half at first too.

01-08-2014, 05:19 PM
Are you on the small dose of Klonopin? I was talking today with my psych about it, she told me she has some patients on the same dose for years, and not to worry about this med so much. I am on it. Klonopin does calm me down but not sleep after that:) I need to take additional sleeping pill.
My daughter attends some workshop and she learn there the public speech, she said it helps, but she takes a clonazepam 0.5 before speech. the group is pretty big...maybe you could take a half of 0.5 klonopin:)) good luck :))

01-08-2014, 05:43 PM
Yes, I am on .5mg 1x a day before bed. I think I'll stay with the klonopin for now and take 1/4 of the remerol. I have an appt with my pych doc on Fri and will talk it out with her. I know it's a small dose, but I take it daily and there are so many horror withdrawal stories out there in internet land. It would probably help me most if I didn't read them and just talk to my Doctor lol.

Thank you!

01-08-2014, 06:35 PM
Ok, took 1/4 of the 15mg remeron instead of the 1/2 my GP told me to, just anxious about it. Also taking my usual .5 mg klonopin until I talk to my doc on Fri. Wish me luck and sweet dreams. I want to get back to work tomorrow.

01-08-2014, 08:02 PM
I am on clonazepam which is Klonopin for .....honestly for a year, off and on, regularly I take it for 6 months 1x 0.5. Yeah people try to scare others, finding a perverse satisfaction in it. Do not worry about it now. you need months to form a habit with this med