View Full Version : Anxiety at work!

01-08-2014, 07:00 AM
Why is it every time I start to feel good and positive I have an attack!! I can't get my head around it at all! Feel like crap again now!! :-(

01-08-2014, 07:17 AM
I'm right there with you. Have been doing good at work and then I passed out yesterday... So embarrassing. High stress job?

I can be doing great and then just lose confidence and it takes me a while to build myself up enough again to get through the day.

Hang in there, it'll get better.

01-08-2014, 07:19 AM
I am at work now and panicky... its horrible.. I feel really rough right now!!

01-08-2014, 07:59 AM
I am at work now and panicky... its horrible.. I feel really rough right now!!

You will be ok Ashlee go and get a glass of water and sip it
It's just feelings nothing more,yes they are scary I know,take deep slow breaths

01-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Thanks em, I do feel a bit better now.. took myself to the toilet and just sat there, no moving a muscle and felt my heart slowly go back to normal.. still feeling a bit anxious but the worst has come and gone...

01-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Me to Ashlee! It's just passing now though, hope your ok x

01-08-2014, 08:21 AM
Yeah, mine's pretty much passed, but still feel a bit anxious. Hope you're okay too! x

01-08-2014, 08:29 AM
I still feel anxious to, just hope it don't happen tonight, you to x

01-08-2014, 11:03 AM
Feeling the same way guys :( so tough !! ESP when only a few ppl I work with kno what's going on .. Dealing privately with this is tough sometimes

01-08-2014, 11:15 AM
Had the exact same issue at work today. Had to constantly get up from my desk and go to the toilet to calm myself. Its so hard when youre sitting in a quiet office and all you want to do is have a freak out. It was not easy!
But it definitely helps to have a few colleagues who know about it so if it gets too severe you can ask them to go with you outside get some fresh air, talk and distract you. .

01-08-2014, 11:26 AM
Work is def tough when dealing with attacks. Few people know but it still sucks bc i have to deal with nervous patients.... I lve found since I've had attacks nervous patients I get anxious and I find work to be a trigger now only bc I'm worried of having one while here which sucks I try not to think about it but easier said than done.! I just chug water whenever I can to try to relax me

01-27-2014, 09:29 AM
This morning was really bad after I got to work. I've been dealing with what seems like reflux for about a week. I ate a continental breakfast like I usually do at my desk (I drank milk, I stopped drinking coffee) and after a while I got the urge to use the restroom but when I got there I just couldn't produce anything. I just couldn't relax! I went back to the office and my heart started to pick up, especially when I was on my feet. I took my pulse and it was over a hundred. Usually my pulse is the upper 60s-low 70s during the day. I felt like I was dying. I even called up by mom, who is in another town, in order to calm down.

Finally I used the restroom successfully and my heart went back to normal. Right now I feel tired, not in an exhausted way, but that I just got over something. I always read that a racing heart is just part of panic and that it can't hurt you but I really wonder what this kind of thing can do to your heart over the long term. That's why I worry about my heart so much and I actually worsen my anxious feelings.

I think I'm going to my doctor soon over this. Besides the anxieties that I have - which are constant, it seems - I go days without going to the bathroom. I do urinate, but sometimes I'll go three or four days without being able to produce the other stuff even though I'm aware that I need to. I just can't relax. Sorry for the details.

01-27-2014, 12:16 PM
Hey how old are you bro?:)
I feel the exact same! I feel confident to get to school and not worry and i end up going bright red when people talk to me and look silly and start to panic!
And especially when i think i'm ready for an interview it goes terribly wrong.. So it's made me think, that i have to be negative all the time:/ hope you're ok x

01-28-2014, 10:01 AM
i've been off work for two days trying to deal with my panic/anxiety/no sleep/new meds. I want to vomit when thinking about going back. I share an office with other people so I feel like I can never get away.

01-28-2014, 10:22 AM
i've been off work for two days trying to deal with my panic/anxiety/no sleep/new meds. I want to vomit when thinking about going back. I share an office with other people so I feel like I can never get away.

Ugh I know this feeling. It helps if your coworkers have some understanding of what you're going through but very often it's not or can't be the case. Problems like these make others uptight or they just can't be bothered.

Let me just tell you that after the attack I had yesterday I really didn't feel like going back but I went. I've felt edgy a couple of times but I'm managing. If you start avoiding things, your fears will only get worse and you'll feel more confined.