View Full Version : Day 3 back in work and im already off!

01-08-2014, 02:19 AM
Well, I had every intention of going to work, I was dressed and about to eat breakfast. I was feeling very tired and emotional but not dreading work at all. Then my daughter thought it would be funny to sneak up behind me and poke me in the sides. I had a fright, I went to cry and haven't stopped since! I managed to compose myself to take her to school but had to come home because I just couldn't stop.

Luckily I'm on a phased return so I've been able to stay off today and work back the hours next week but I'm terrified I'll be like this again tomorrow and I'll end up off sick again and what if I can work?! That's just not an option for me.

I don't normally cry, I'm not a crier, I feel like a wreck.

01-08-2014, 02:32 AM
Hello there any little thing can do this to you when your anxitey is running high,do you take anything ? Do you just suffer with anxitey/panic attacks ?

01-08-2014, 02:36 AM
Please don't feel bad, you need to give yourself time. I know exactly what you are going through, I just went through it. Off work for a few days came back...took one step in the building...started crying and had to leave. Now.doctor has me on three week leave.

01-08-2014, 02:49 AM
Some days we just lose GemGem.

Eveybody loses someday. With anxiety those some days are more frequent. But we don't lose everyday. You'll have better days. Kinda like the ying and yang of life. The CBT is gonna get you into gear. Hope this passes soon for you my dear.

The M&M swimming pool is there anytime you want it. There are no troubles in there - just more M&Ms :)

01-08-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanks guys, I think I've been doing too much too and go overwhelmed I've been asked to make 2 birthday cakes for a lady) and I love it so much I said yes! So after work yesterday I spent 7 hours doing those, didn't finish until 10.

I've now had a nap and it looks like the waterworks have stopped for now. I have to remember I've been off for 2 months, it's going to be hard! I seriously need to think about number 1 and take it easy!

M&m's pool sounds good right now lol xxx

01-08-2014, 05:10 AM
Thanks guys, I think I've been doing too much too and go overwhelmed I've been asked to make 2 birthday cakes for a lady) and I love it so much I said yes! So after work yesterday I spent 7 hours doing those, didn't finish until 10. I've now had a nap and it looks like the waterworks have stopped for now. I have to remember I've been off for 2 months, it's going to be hard! I seriously need to think about number 1 and take it easy! M&m's pool sounds good right now lol xxx

Yes you need to take some time out for yourself
Plus where you have a little one
I know how hard it can be as I have two children myself,
Love your photo,I love that show :)

01-08-2014, 05:25 AM
Em1 me too, love Daryl :-)

Yeah, my girl is 9 and is having premature teenage attitude I'm sure!!! It's really hard at times but she is a lovely girl. I scared her this morning when I cried but gave lots of hugs, and going to give a lot more later and explain it wasn't her fault, I was just on the edge lol xx

01-08-2014, 05:34 AM
Em1 me too, love Daryl :-) Yeah, my girl is 9 and is having premature teenage attitude I'm sure!!! It's really hard at times but she is a lovely girl. I scared her this morning when I cried but gave lots of hugs, and going to give a lot more later and explain it wasn't her fault, I was just on the edge lol xx

What's not to like with Daryl lol
Aww bless her,she will be fine,are you on anything?

01-08-2014, 05:38 AM
Yes I'm on 20mg citalopram, have been for a couple of months, and I start CBT next week. I didn't realise how hard getting back to 'normal' work would be! The thought I'll be back to full time in a few weeks terrified me! I'm sure I'll feel better after a good nights sleep xx

01-08-2014, 01:34 PM
Yes I'm on 20mg citalopram, have been for a couple of months, and I start CBT next week. I didn't realise how hard getting back to 'normal' work would be! The thought I'll be back to full time in a few weeks terrified me! I'm sure I'll feel better after a good nights sleep xx

Yes it may do now but you will start to
Feel much better the more the meds work :)

01-08-2014, 02:11 PM
Hi gem gem. Don't be hard on yourself. Just like em said, you need to take time for you. I'm a single mum to two girls. When I'm feeling on edge or just off I get them in my bed for snuggles and films. Little things. It helps me relax and they see it as a treat. :). Xx