View Full Version : Happy Thoughts

01-07-2014, 06:01 PM
Since I'm having an anxiety attack, I thought maybe posting an anxiety success thread would help. So I'll start...this weekend I drove 2 hours to see my best friend. Long car drives FREAK me out (all alone on the highway, no one to help...), and I made it there and back. I started to panic but managed to talk my way through it and had a great time there.

So what have you succeeded in recently that would normally get to you?

01-07-2014, 09:06 PM
Excellent Steph! Success!!..

Hmmm....Something that would normally get to me?

My oldest daughter called and wanted to borrow one of my cars for a couple hours so I said hold on a sec, then went and spoke to her sister about this sudden inquiry?
She said "Don't do it, she just wants to go rob a drug dealer and use your car"......
Got back on the phone, and said.."Not tonight, we need them both...sorry but take care".....

Then I just thought, oh well...normally, it wouldv'e been a much bigger deal.

That was a success for me!...YAY!!!


01-07-2014, 09:45 PM
Good for you! Kids can definitely can stress and anxiety.

01-08-2014, 05:53 AM
That's a success :) talking yourself down from a fear, that's a big deal. Way to go!

Ok I'll do one. Stupidly I got really, really drunk a long way from home one night, I missed all trains, and I had no clue of the bus schedule. I remember freaking out terribly, getting the ice through the veins thing, the bad thoughts came in like you're not gonna get home tonight, and the alcohol lead to panic attack symptoms... I remember just soothing myself in my head the whole time, and taking a slow 3 hour walk home. That night changed my life really. I realized how powerful my mind was, and really gave so much effort to making it calm.

I also try not to get too crazy when drinking now!