View Full Version : Pregnant with anxiety.

01-07-2014, 10:09 AM
Hi everyone, I just found out I'm pregnant. This will be my 2nd pregnancy, but when I got pregnant the first time, I didn't suffer from anxiety so everything was ok. I have been having heart palpitations. They wake me up and I have a hard time going back to sleep. I've read that it's a common thing during pregnancy. I'm happy but nervous at the same time. I guess I'm thinking ahead of myself. For example, what if I get a panic attack while pregnant? I was on a low dosage of medication, but now I can't take anything. I do consider myself pretty strong, but at times I can let anxiety rule my day. Has anyone else gone through pregnancy and anxiety at the same time? Thank you!!!!!!

01-07-2014, 10:14 AM
Hello first off congratulations :)
Yes I have Been through this twice and you will
Be fine :) as with your heart that's just anxitey it will cause no harm to you or your baby

01-07-2014, 10:17 AM
Thank you very much!
I also forgot to mention, I feel dizzy at times too. Did you ever feel that way?

01-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Hi everyone, I just found out I'm pregnant. This will be my 2nd pregnancy, but when I got pregnant the first time, I didn't suffer from anxiety so everything was ok. I have been having heart palpitations. They wake me up and I have a hard time going back to sleep. I've read that it's a common thing during pregnancy. I'm happy but nervous at the same time. I guess I'm thinking ahead of myself. For example, what if I get a panic attack while pregnant? I was on a low dosage of medication, but now I can't take anything. I do consider myself pretty strong, but at times I can let anxiety rule my day. Has anyone else gone through pregnancy and anxiety at the same time? Thank you!!!!!!

First of congratulations! I've always had really bad anxiety, especially health anxiety. I had my daughter last February & during my pregnancy my anxiety actually calmed down alot. I thought it would have been sky high due to being pregnant & all the things that come along with pregnancy, worry etc. Plus i came off my tablets aswell. If you feel anxious just take deep breaths & say to yourself i'll be fine i've done it before & think of the good things to come. Hope this helps a little :)

01-07-2014, 10:25 AM
It actually does help me out a lot. I tell myself every day to be strong. Especially for my son who's only 3 years old & now I have another motivation to not lose hope for. Thank you for your time. It is really appreciated ladies♥ My doctor said it's my hormones. I get assigned to an OB/Gyn tomorrow :)

01-07-2014, 10:45 AM
First of congratulations! I've always had really bad anxiety, especially health anxiety. I had my daughter last February & during my pregnancy my anxiety actually calmed down alot. I thought it would have been sky high due to being pregnant & all the things that come along with pregnancy, worry etc. Plus i came off my tablets aswell. If you feel anxious just take deep breaths & say to yourself i'll be fine i've done it before & think of the good things to come. Hope this helps a little :)

Congratulation, and actually pregnancy does a lot of good for us. Somehow woman feel better (have been there twice) so I did. We do not take meds because of possible harm to the child, I think you will manage, I know you will:)) Do you know what are having?

01-07-2014, 10:58 AM
Congratulation, and actually pregnancy does a lot of good for us. Somehow woman, like Jesse feel better (have been there twice) so I did. We do not take meds because of possible harm to the child, I think you will manage, I know you will:)) Do you know what are having?

The baby is robbing you of vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals...what does the Doc have you taking as far as a pre-natal vitamin and did they hand you a booklet on what to eat and what not to eat as well??...Hormones is only a part of this issue. :)

01-07-2014, 11:07 AM
You may feel dizzy due to the anxitey or that you need abit of sugar :) you will be fine

01-07-2014, 11:12 AM
Hi everyone, I just found out I'm pregnant. This will be my 2nd pregnancy, but when I got pregnant the first time, I didn't suffer from anxiety so everything was ok. I have been having heart palpitations. They wake me up and I have a hard time going back to sleep. I've read that it's a common thing during pregnancy. I'm happy but nervous at the same time. I guess I'm thinking ahead of myself. For example, what if I get a panic attack while pregnant? I was on a low dosage of medication, but now I can't take anything. I do consider myself pretty strong, but at times I can let anxiety rule my day. Has anyone else gone through pregnancy and anxiety at the same time? Thank you!!!!!!

Im completely understand what you are going im 12 weeks pregnant and suffer with really bad anxiety, mine is really terrible atm but I take everyday as it comes im also a suffer of agrophobia so battling both is hard for me, but you will get threw it lots of mommys have hunnii, if ever you want to talk please inbox me, not to forget a massive congrates hunnii :-)

01-07-2014, 12:28 PM
I don't know what I'm having yet nor how far along I am. Yesterday, I went in to get checked because of my heart palpitations that were scaring the heck out of me. I thought I was going to have a heart attack because a few days before I had gone to the E.R due to feeling lightheaded and my heart racing, but they said it was anxiety. I mentioned to my doctor that I was getting dizzy and was late on my period so she ordered a pregnancy test that came back positive. I get an OB/Gyn tomorrow so hopefully everything comes out fine. I'm nervous, but I know God will help me overcome this.

01-07-2014, 12:30 PM
Im completely understand what you are going im 12 weeks pregnant and suffer with really bad anxiety, mine is really terrible atm but I take everyday as it comes im also a suffer of agrophobia so battling both is hard for me, but you will get threw it lots of mommys have hunnii, if ever you want to talk please inbox me, not to forget a massive congrates hunnii :-)

I will message you :) I'm glad I'm not alone and can relate to most of you on this forum. Even though I wished no one had to suffer from anxiety because it can be really bad at times.