View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety Disorder

01-07-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie on the forum. What I'm dying to ask you and find out is:

To be diagnosed with GAD, do your symptoms have to include "Worry"?

I without a doubt have anxiety about 20 hours every day, until I on most days shut down for a couple of hours and get some sleep.

I can't say that I worry very often at all, its pretty rare...however rumination is very much alive in times of high anxiety :/

Thanks for reading,

01-07-2014, 10:49 AM
No sir, IMHO..anxiety does not have to include constant "worry"...but then we must define "worry" as what?
It can simply be more driven by "fear"...rather than "worry"
But then, what is "fear"?
"Rumination" is... what?

Interesting question, very complicated in just a few words..Intriguing!

Welcome Ryan..
