View Full Version : doctor appointment in an hour

01-06-2014, 10:59 PM
Got an appointment with a cardiologist in an hour.. really nervous.. dont know what to say to him. Ive been to cardiologists many times but they never seem to take me seriously. The reason im going is cause of these nasty pvc's I keep getting..
What should I ask him? What tests should I ask him to do?

01-06-2014, 11:01 PM
Have you had a stress test yet?

01-07-2014, 01:36 AM
No never had one of those. Ive just gotten back from the docs and I did a blood test, chest xray and ECG. ECG and blood pressure normal. He scheduled me for an echocardiogram, liver tests and breathing tests in the upcoming days cause he thinks im feeling unwell due to my flu that ive been having for a few days. So hes gona check the blood test and see if its a viral infection or bacterial infection. He said sometimes viruses can affect the lungs and heart.
He said my heart is fine but as always I have this annoying voice telling me he's missed something...

01-07-2014, 01:56 AM
Pretty thorough testing there. What's the situation with medical care in Dubai? Is it insurance, subsidised?

Crazy how anxiety can do all these things to your heart and brain and you can still be completely healthy. Truly, truly crazy when you think about it.

01-07-2014, 02:19 AM
Its insane. Thats why its so hard to believe when the doc gives you the all clear. These ectopic beats are hellish. Mind you, ive been thinking about them 24/7 for days. I guess if I wasnt worrying so much about them they wouldnt be this scary when they do happen. But how does one stop worrying about something that just feels so life threatening???
Ive been having these for 6 bloody years!! How am I not used to them by now? I guess cause I didnt get them for a while but now they've returned in perfect coordination with my increased anxiety. I can see the patterns but im too paranoid to think of them as benign.
Im happy with my doc though. He really seemed to know his stuff.
Do you guys think its better to mention your anxiety problems when going for check ups? I feel like when ive mentioned it in the past they automatically conclude that its all caused by anxiety. Today I didnt mention it at all even when he asked me if ive been stressed or depressed recently..

01-07-2014, 02:20 AM
Its insurance in dubai. They said they need approval from the insurance to be able to do an echocardiogram. Is that how it is in other countries too?

01-07-2014, 02:32 AM
In insurance based countries, it's similar yeah, depends on some providers.

I got random beats yesterday that were just mental. Like truly mental. My heart hurt, not even my chest, my heart. I drunk some high caffeine drink or something. That shit is scarrrrrry whenever you get it. I kinda knew I wasn't dying, I'd had them before, but I was kinda freaked. Sounds like you had something similar today, albeit anxiety driven.

Getting fully tested is good though. It does help things. To give your heart a beating in a test environment, it does some good for reassurance.

Having a good doctor the same thing! When you get the standard, you have anxiety, after they check your blood pressure, that's kinda unnerving.

I mean, if your issue mostly with heart?

01-07-2014, 03:23 AM
My issue is mainly my heart. I dont know what came first. Anxiety or heart fears. I think what scares me about the heart is that any complications with it can lead to a sudden death. Thats what bothers me. The suddenness of it. Whereas any other pains or weird sensations dont bother me In the slighest..

01-07-2014, 03:25 AM
Ive had 3 echocardiograms, a dozen blood tests and atleast 20 ECGs in the past 6 years. Everything totally normal. The only thing once 2 years ago the doc said I have the occasional premature heart beat and he prescribed me a beta blocker. Kinda thinking I need to get back on those cause dont they stop adrenaline as well? I could use that. Im so pumped with adrenaline constantly

01-07-2014, 03:31 AM
I then had like 15 echocardiogram.... Like 30+ EKGS like 20+ blood test just in the last 2 months! I wouldn't be surprised if they took my insurance as much as I go to the hospital! I have chest pains all the time and you would think I would be use to it by now but I'm not I still get scared not as scared as I did when I first start to have them but still scared enough to keep running to the hospital

01-07-2014, 03:33 AM
Dayam, that's some anxiety you have right there CDFrank!!

@VH - yeah the beta blockers are usually pretty good at reducing the usual anxiety symptoms. If you were scared of antidepressants, they're not a bad place to begin.

01-07-2014, 03:35 AM
And the heart is freaky. When mine races, I still think wtf, what if this just stopped. Heart was never my thing, I was always brain, so I don't panic at those thankfully, but they do kinda make me feel weird.

01-07-2014, 03:39 AM
Jesse, you have no idea I then been to the hospital so many times they sent a letter to my house wanting me to confirm some visits cause they think it was fraud but I had been all those times they asked about!

01-07-2014, 03:45 AM
Cdfrank - all at the same hospital?? How did they agree to 15 echocardiograms??? Are you allowed to choose the tests you want done?

01-07-2014, 03:49 AM
I went to the same ones for a minute but then they started asking me why do I keep coming cause I was literally coming everyday and sometimes 2,3,4 times a day! After hey told me they ran out of test for them to give me I went home (I was away at school).... I went home cause I couldn't even bare being at school anymore I couldn't concentrate I was in the hospital everyday and I want eating so I went home and still was going to the hospital not as much but I'm still going now! After I went so many times they started asking me what test do I want them to do but they had already did every test they had!

01-07-2014, 03:49 AM
Snap Jesse mines the brain now and years back mine was my heart. It does get better I
Promise. I actually went in deep end with mine and started running. I started medication though when I did it. I then became a fitness freak so my anxiety I guess latched into the next thing xx

01-07-2014, 05:49 AM
And the heart is freaky. When mine races, I still think wtf, what if this just stopped. Heart was never my thing, I was always brain, so I don't panic at those thankfully, but they do kinda make me feel weird.

I was always brain too. Aneurysms and brain tumors. I was sure I had a tumor when I first had dissociation. I had a ct which was normal and it went away. Now lately it has been my damn heart! I've had all the tests to rule out any problems, but it's never easy when your heart is flying a million beats per minute!