View Full Version : Outpatient treatment - snowstorm causing delay!!!!

01-06-2014, 06:48 PM
Diving right in here. I started an outpatient treatment program last week for anxiety (GAD) - 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Unfortunately we've been hit by that massive snowstorm/polar vortex so I will have at least 4 days without treatment and am suffering. The whole point of this was to get treatment, not to be stuck at home worrying about freezing pipes and dealing with sick kids who are STILL bouncing off the walls. I'm scared I'll lose hot water (my nearby neighbor did), lose power (another neighbor lost power in the last storm), get sick, have to skip MORE treatment sessions to take kids and/or myself to the doctor... I haven't told my ex-husband, because I'm afraid he'll use it against me someday. So I'm juggling sudden and secret child care arrangements, child illness, everything. And I'm not even going back to treatment until maybe Wednesday!! I need help right now.

What do I do? I'm blowing things out of proportion, I'm screaming at my kids who ignore me, I have a sort of boyfriend who I want to pick a fight with, I'm losing it. My daughter has a whole pack of diagnoses herself, which is part of the root of all of this (she's 5 - was adopted at birth, so there's no genetic link... ADHD, huge emphasis on the HYPERACTIVE, Oppositional Defiant Disorder that my older son imitates, and some form of mood/bipolar disorder (she's on tons of meds). I'm thinking I should have gone inpatient. I can't deal with this. My ex dumped the kids off in a frantic state, because he couldn't deal with them anymore - and I can?? I'm a mess!!

I don't even know what specific advice I'm asking for. Just help. HELP. I have to wait til Wednesday, unless we get more snow, in which case it'll be even longer.

01-06-2014, 06:53 PM
Just calm down, the treatment is not like medication, If you miss one nothing happens. Look tomorrow I have my treatment and psych appointment and I do not know if I be able to get there.......It is a major storm, frigid temps and a lot of blowing snow where I live. In the morning my app at 7:30 is going to be -26 with the wind -41. Just hang on. it will end soon :)) Try to meditate. Do u have any meds?