View Full Version : Anyone had 24/7 disrealization w/their anxiety

02-11-2008, 10:27 AM
I was kinda interested for my own peace of mind, if anyone else has disrealization 24/7. I have had it for 4 years. It always begins with a pressure feeling on top of my head, floaters that look like little worms, then moves on to a stuffy nose, intense sleepiness and my vision gets worse. By the time I leave work I am pooped out even though my job is easy. I feel like im buzzed with anxiety all the time. Decongestants and allergy pills do nothing for me so I think it may be muscles tensed up. Oh yea I would also like to know if anyone has had one pupil become larger than the other after their anxiety started. All 4 of my docs say its nothing to worry about. I had a CAT scan just incase but nothing showed up. I can't take SSRI's because I sweat like a pig. I think my anxiety started after I started binge drinking back in my college days. I quit drinking cold turkey about 7 weeks ago and still feel like crap. I have heard that it can take 13 weeks to tell a differance in some people. I used to be such a happy, outgoing person fun loving person. This sucks.

02-11-2008, 11:46 AM
I doubt that pupils changing size has anything to do with anxiety. I know what you mean about the sinus symptoms though - I have had a nasty cold recently and it came with a bad sinus headache. Your problems sound a lot like sinusitis. In any case you should go to the doctor to rule out anything more sinister (the pupil thing puzzles me but it is probably quite innocent). Doctors can give you stuff to treat sinusitis anyway.

But there's no need to worry too much!!

02-12-2008, 07:37 AM
Unreality is perhaps one of the most common AND disturbing symptoms of anxiety. And experiencing it for long periods of time is typical. In any case, it sounds to me like perhaps your anxiety was caused by something back at the time you were in school. Perhaps you were undergoing alot of stress at the time. And maybe that, combined with your binge drinking, caused it. However, it sound like at this time, there is perhaps nothing REALLY wrong in your life - except, of course, this anxiety disorder that was caused by some problem(s) that no longer exist. And the only reason why it persists is that you have such an intense fear of it. The mere fact that you are suffering from disturbing symtoms like unreality AND the fact that it has lasted four years bothers you GREATLY, which, in turn, CAUSES symptoms. As the other gu suggested, try not to worry about this so much. Accept that your symptoms will be with you for some time. And that as you become less fearful in general, they will gradually subside. Just keep in mind that this WILL take time. And progress is NEVER smooth - there will be us and downs. As I tell almost everyone, consider some good self-help books here.