View Full Version : Helping others to understand ANXIETY SUFFERS!

01-06-2014, 04:48 PM
Want to help others suffering from anxiety and also help others to understand that anxiety is an illness and shouldn't be pushed to the side and looked down upon? Share your story and get noticed! Good afternoon everyone I have been writing a book about my experience with living with anxiety. I have been reading so many books about it but none tell you about people who actually went through anxiety, their symptoms and how they feel about it. In this book I want to let people here from anxiety sufferers, current suffers, past suffers and their experience! Kind of like "the help" if anyone read or seen that movie and book! I would just want you guys to write about your experience with anxiety.... When it started how you dealt your symptoms and how your dealing now and some words that could help others! My publisher think this will be good for helping others cause as I said I think it would help me to read a book that was written and you could here different stories from other people lives and how they chose to deal with it! If anyone would like to participate and some mind sharing your story let me know!