View Full Version : Would You Like To Take Part?

01-06-2014, 01:08 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post a call for submission, but I am currently working on a project which entails creating an illustrated pocket book / zine / booklet in which I discuss Anxiety.

I want to compile words of wisdom and advice for people who suffer from anxiety, the most important aspect is that the content would come from people WITH anxiety. Things that have helped you might help someone else and I would like to use my platform as a graphic artist to spread the word. I feel that something like this could really benefit younger people, particularly in schools where the subject of mental illness isn't always addressed. Perhaps it would give someone comfort in knowing that they're not alone and that help is out there.

I would properly credit any written submission (unless you'd prefer to remain anon which is fine also) and would (with your permission) write a little bit about you (age, how long you've had anxiety, how you feel today etc).

I'd really appreciate your time, and would be greatful if you feel you'd like to contribute. Any feedback on my idea would also be welcomed.


01-06-2014, 02:02 PM
I will, but it will have to be in the am...I'm at my "best" in the am's. LOL!

If you would like to get an idea of who I am, go to my profile and click "about me".

That'll give you a place to start...:)

01-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Wow it sounds like you've had your fair share of experience with various illnesses, really inspiring to read about your achievements too. Thanks so much for agreeing to contribute :) I'll look forward to reading your response!

01-06-2014, 02:55 PM
You'll have to direct it. What do you wish to know Leanne???

The story is 46 yrs in time...eessshhhh... LOL!!

I am much more creative in the early morning..my thoughts aren't as distorted as when I tire and wear down..I'm old! BAAHA!!


01-06-2014, 02:58 PM
PS: Others will follow suit, because if there's anything that some of them have learned thus far, the more "open" they are about anxiety and its origins, the better that they feel about themselves and exposing "it" rather than hiding it.. I won't be the only (1)...:)

01-06-2014, 03:10 PM
I hope so! Honestly, I don't require any really personal details from anyone (unless it's important to your contribution), I'm just hoping you guys will be able to share some key bits of advice you have about coping with mental illness and anxiety in particular. Things that have really helped you or something you learned which put things into perspective. I just want to gather together some insightful words of wisdom in hopes that I can pass it on to others!

01-06-2014, 03:17 PM
I got alot of that...alot of techniques, and I don't generally have it anymore either. That's why I'm here, to help others. I do have (1) teeeennyy issue that continues to haunt me that I will disclose in much greater detail in the morning. It's called IED or intermittent explosive disorder or roadside bomb syndrome...

I go blind temporarily. I mean, I can see, just can't "see"..

I'll explain. All the other stuff, I control it, not it me.

E. :)

01-06-2014, 03:21 PM
Here's my present medications lists if you wish to see this too...plus I have tried (1) more, without success called Lyrica. It didn't agree with me....


Chris...(The Anxiety Hunter)...Jesse came up with that, kinda catchy..:)

01-06-2014, 03:24 PM
I'm intrigued! Thanks again for agreeing to share, I really appreciate it!

01-06-2014, 03:26 PM
Very welcome...I'm an open book, or else anxiety would defeat me. It doesn't stand a chance when you reveal your weaknesses....

01-06-2014, 03:29 PM
What a wonderful idea. I would be happy to contribute in any way i can. If you need a web presence for the project i have experience in web development.

01-06-2014, 03:32 PM
There you go bruh!! Step up friend...this is how you get it to leave you alone, "expose" it. Thanks MIST! (Wayne).....:)

01-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Hi Ibson, I do some art, would you be interested in something like that? And if so what?

01-06-2014, 04:13 PM
It's crazy cause I just posted something about my book that's something like this. I think this will be very helpful and maybe we could speak with each other about different ideas and maybe work together on something's!

01-06-2014, 04:17 PM
Ok ill give it a go!

I'm Amber, 21 years old from Australia. I suffer with PTSD, OCD, depression and chronic anxiety. I was always a bigger girl, didnt have many friends.. I was depressed majority of my life. Graduating year 2009 we have a thing called schoolies, it's similar to spring break a believe. This is where my trauma happened. 4 years ago now, I went through medication, therapy, suicidle thoughts, self harm, I loved and I lost, I had ups and downs.. Until one day, march 2013 I hit a breaking point, I was on the outter of a bridge looking down on rocks and water, about to jump. When I had a thought cross my mind, it felt like dejavu my mum crying at my funeral. Next thing I know I'm walking back to my car on the phone to someone I was living with at the time. This was it for me, I began healing myself, I became so positive.. It was actually unhealthy, I bottled everything.. And turned it into nothing. I met my now fiancé soon after, he turned my life upside down. Made me feel again, open up to my emotions and ofcource to him. November 2013 I was visiting him, when I found out a family crisis happened, and also my father passed away.. I had panic attacks before this but, rarely and I didn't understand them. I was at the airport to go home, I had a sever attack, couldn't breath, dizzy, heart racing, couldn't move my limbs etc this went on for 2 hours! They weren't going to let me on the plane, but a medic calmed me
Down and I was able to leave and attend my fathers funeral the next day. Since then I have had ups and downs, but I am well on the road to recovery, I'm pushing myself everyday is a challenge, but it makes me stronger. We would not be handed this life if we could not handle it, everything happens for a reason and use chosen ones are meant to be strong, for the world.

I have made a video on YouTube, and plan to make more. Here is a link :)

01-06-2014, 04:46 PM
Actually, this one has abit more info in it, you can take bits and pieces of you wish :)

My story: ( short version)

I'm Amber, 21 years old from Australia. I suffer with PTSD, OCD, depression and chronic anxiety. I was always a bigger girl, didnt have many friends.. I was depressed majority of my life. Graduating year 2009 we have a thing called schoolies, it's similar to spring break a believe. This is where my trauma happened. 4 years ago now, I went through medication, therapy, suicidle thoughts, self harm, I loved and I lost, I had ups and downs.. Until one day, march 2013 I hit a breaking point, I was on the outter of a bridge looking down on rocks and water, about to jump. When I had a thought cross my mind, it felt like dejavu my mum crying at my funeral. Next thing I know I'm walking back to my car on the phone to someone I was living with at the time. This was it for me, I began healing myself, I became so positive.. It was actually unhealthy, I bottled everything.. And turned it into nothing. I met my now fiancé soon after, he turned my life upside down. Made me feel again, open up to my emotions and ofcource to him. November 2013 I was visiting him, when I found out a family crisis happened, and also my father passed away.. I had panic attacks before this but, rarely and I didn't understand them. I was at the airport to go home, I had a sever attack, couldn't breath, dizzy, heart racing, couldn't move my limbs etc this went on for 2 hours! They weren't going to let me on the plane, but a medic calmed me
Down and I was able to leave and attend my fathers funeral the next day. Since then I have had ups and downs, but I am well on the road to recovery, I'm pushing myself everyday is a challenge, but it makes me stronger. We would not be handed this life if we could not handle it, everything happens for a reason and use chosen ones are meant to be strong, for the world.

How I feel about anxiety:

Anxiety is like a 2 year old child, it is always around, sometimes noisier and naughtier than other times. This child is a full time job, it exhausts you, always wants your attention, is always around but like every child with the right nurturing and discipline it can grow to be a well behaved young adult. Anxiety is crippling, the feeling of impending doom, and all the nasty effects it has. When an attack hits, you feel you could die at any moment. My personal anxiety is change, fear of the future, my own thoughts cripple me. Being trapped frightens me a lot (car,
Train, bus, plane) these are times when my anxiety is at it's highest. Anxiety is annoying, but I wouldn't say I hate it. It's simply just your mind saying 'hey, we need some help. We can't keep going like this' anxiety is a stress thing 99% stress, when it hits that 100% mark is when anxiety comes into play.

What I do:

Everything worth fighting for in life takes alot of time and effort. Nothing will cure anxiety over night. I went back on anti depressants (Lexapro) and began therapy again. I eat healthy, and go to the gym 6 days a week. I also run around the block everyday, and have yoga, dance and pole dancing lessons throughout the week. I self heal online (tinybudda.com), I meditate and I work. I have a social life, I go out places. I light my lavender scented candle, drink a cup of green tea and think of all the positive I have done for the day and what positive could happen in the future.

I have made a video on YouTube, and plan to make more. Here is a link

01-07-2014, 01:08 AM
What age range of children are you thinking about?

I wonder on all the different types of issues kids have to face as they be in this world today.

Broken Home Kids (those who have no home - build on strengths - buddy up - and all the rest below ..)
One parent Kids (family values still apply, stronger bonds ... )
Poor Kids - (build on strengths - be a beacon for others - don't't back down)
Learning Difficulty Kids - (build on strengths - go with what works - work with teachers that encourage and report those teachers that bully!)
Peer group pressure Kids - (discernment on understanding others .. .. how to find space, withdraw and re-engage)
Targeted Kids - (learn what makes a target, how to take a stand for others - self esteem building exercises .. ..)

Other tips - finding space / library - sports track and field - doing solo activities from drawing to reading in full view to be seen AKA- How not to become a target whilst building self esteem ... HOW avoidance can and cannot work - learn where the big fish swim, where the hot spots are and how to create your own zone.

Many of the above are what many kids need to learn, however teachers are too busy these days - and policies and procedures are only implemented for these thing - when it's toooo Late. All of this uneducated social interaction is left for the little ones to learn themselves - however based in a world full of SUCCESS orientated kids measured on how much they have, what they ware and how they appear, will leave many little fish - very frightened, targeted, labeled, and summed up before they even get to their first test -
YES - mental illness would challenge the system as is currently stands. The whole damn education system needs to prioritise what's more important - Authoritarian historical indoctrination until the world is extinct - or teach the kids how to live with each other before unloading the worlds expectations. Guilt, shame and obligations.

If anything - the best thing any student needs to learn is to UNLEARN! ;)
__________________________________________________ ____

Edit, you'll have to forgive me, as I never really understand the questions given - it's yet another thing about those of us that cringe under the stance of the system. I'm about identifying where things went wrong, and how we can learn from that - not sure how to rehash every moment into that others than see it for what it was and still is.

Wish you the very best at putting these people's response to work.

01-07-2014, 04:34 AM
When I saw you post this thread Ibson, I immediately thought 'Ponder'!

You can read some of his musings on the depression forum. They've become very popular.

Tells it exactly as it is.

Partly because he's become quite frustrated at some of the societal norms, partly because he's pursued understanding of himself, and partly because he's an Aussie, and they're all loud mouths ;)

01-07-2014, 05:29 AM
Am not! ... Ok maybe slightly.. Ok bloody hell Jesse James, you think you for us all figured out aye haha

01-07-2014, 06:35 AM
MIST- Your offer for a web presence is very kind! Perhaps a website where people submit their ways of coping with anxiety to others would be great as an extension of my project. We would need content first, naturally. That's where I'm hoping the users of this forum could help me!

JLK- I would love to see your art! At this stage I'm looking for written submissions - things that can then be accompanied by illustrations and artwork. However, if any of you can contribute drawings with the advice you want to submit, that would be awesome.

CDFRANK- Great minds think alike! I will privately message you to discuss your project :)

AMBER - Thankyou very much for your contribution. I'm so glad to hear that you've found a path to overcoming your illness. Everything you wrote in your 'What I Do' section was extremely helpful, I also found the way you personified anxiety (as a 2 year old child) really enlightening. As someone who doesn't particularly have much anxiety experience, it certainly helped me to understand how it can be.

PONDER - I'm looking to aim my project at teens / young adults. According to my research, Anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses amongst teens (correct me if i'm wrong). The issue of anxiety tends to go unnoticed by parents and teachers, and in my own experience, very little is spoken about in schools and collages about this subject. Young people aren't getting the help they need and quite often they don't even realise they have a problem. Too many of my friends have crippling anxiety and have had to struggle with it all of their educational lives. Most still are. My project is to find a solution to this problem. Thankyou ever so much for your thoughtful contribution, I will most certainly begin to draw upon the points you made :)

For Anyone A Little Confused About What I'm Asking For

Here are some examples of advice that have been submitted so far:

- I have a mantra that I say to myself "calm, confident, capable"

- Go to therapy man, talk about things

- I'm an open book, or else anxiety would defeat me

- And pretty much everything Amber and Ponder have said!


01-07-2014, 07:02 AM
Am not! ... Ok maybe slightly.. Ok bloody hell Jesse James, you think you for us all figured out aye haha

LOL yeah, I was in a rush, I should of said it was my opinion, rather than quickly stating through reasons ;)

I get the two year old child thing. I think that's a technique I used often. Sometimes it needs to be ignored to teach it it's place, and sometimes it needs to be comforted and mothered, it needs to know everything is ok.

01-07-2014, 07:47 AM
Hi, I'm Steve.
1. Act like a dumbass, it makes life "less serious".. and the tradeoff is that, it lowers anxiety because as an anxiety sufferer, I tend to "over analyze" everything. Just like everyone else here. Think it through, over, and over, and oddly enough, thinking about the same s**t over and over, doesn't change it.
2. Quickly analyze any situation. Can I change it? Yes or no. How can I change it? Easy or difficult. Is it worth trying to change? Does this change benefit only me, or others too? If I can't change it, I accept it...even if I don't like it.
3. I learned to understand, over time, that 99.97% of the things I would be concerned about, worry about, fret over, that would cause me sleeplessness and in turn, increase anxiety levels,...never happened.
4. Make a "plan" that is very detailed when it comes to things that I find stressful beyond normalcy.

Go to the shopping store at the same general time daily, whether I couldv'e gotten everything in (1) giant trip or not.

To put me into a situation, more frequently. To see some of the same faces and people. To have a routine. To get me out of this home.

Go to the same gas stations, to see, meet, greet, the same people. This helps because any gas station is as harmless as your regular station.

Expect the unexpected. It helps to be a certain personality type, as I tend to know the 20 different things that may potentially happen so when they do,
then it's no big deal.

I hate to stand in lines, so I will keep walking around, or stand back in another section "pretending" to be shopping until the coast is cleared.

I saved 100% on stress, by switching to not giving a flluck. It doesn't mean not to care about people, it means, s**t happens, expect it.

Rid your life, of people that bring you additional drama, stress, conflicts, struggles,..that are not of your own doing.

If they can not change the amount of impact that they have on you, then ignore them, avoid them, evade them.

I don't bring any of that, into anyone else's life. Why? Because I have respect and courtesy for others, and I KNOW how things impact other people.

Offer to help other people, in need, of anything. If you see someone struggling with something (normal circumstances of course) then help them, and
ask for nothing in return (except I must ask for 1 cent)...I have a curse on me,..whenever I do good unto others, something happens but I keep doing
good unto others anyway. (NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED) Is my curse. My Father told me that decades ago and it has proven to be true.

Be neighborly, KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS. I know all of mine, but of course, there are some that "just don't get it". I call this type, "Mr & Mrs. Dry" or
"The Doorknob Family". They are recluse. BUT, when they need something, guess where they go?

Say hello to a complete stranger as often as possible.

Donate things that you don't need, use, to a needy family, person, group.

Lower your "expectations" of others, because they are going to let you down...

Live for today, forget the past,,don't talk about it, reinvestigate it, reopen dialogue, you can not change what has been done or said,..and have hope for
the future. NO ONE knows what the future holds in store, for anyone, anywhere...so, don't worry about it.

Lastly, find something good, something to laugh about,, something that makes you happy, somehow, somewhere.....

Hopefully that's good enough for now..

I have anxiety BUT anxiety does not have me anymore....

Chris. :)

01-07-2014, 08:35 AM
Thankyou Chris!! Excellent stuff :) You guys are such an invaluable source of inspiration and enlightenment for this project!

01-07-2014, 08:39 AM
Very welcome Leanne!! If I can think of more then I'll definitely post it for you....:)

01-07-2014, 11:53 AM

Had to post Abi's Commandments here...Hope she doesn't smack me!!...It's completely perfect IMHO.

01-07-2014, 12:04 PM
They're great! I'll send her a message to see if she's willing to let me use a couple :)

01-07-2014, 12:15 PM
Perfect, she'd probably love that...Abi's cool! We just don't see her much anymore.....:)

01-07-2014, 01:20 PM
Working on it Chris . TY :-) very good read for me and others.
Thank you for kind words Jesse and peoples

Good thread.