View Full Version : lets all be like kids..

01-06-2014, 09:42 AM
I work at a kids club so I spend most of my days playing with kids. They fascinate me. They are so carefree and happy and easily distracted.
I would give anything to be able to enjoy some lego blocks as much as they do. Or spend ages coloring in something ..totally focused on it.
My life coach has told me to really observe them and perhaps learn to be carefree as they are. I remember myself as a kid and pre-teen. Absolutely fearless. I used to think to myself that I was invincible. Nothing could kill me. I dont know what changed. Paying bills happened. Uni happened. Relationship problems happened. Family problems happened. So I guess I do know what went wrong. But these are normal. Theres always going to be these problems. What is important is knowing that they will all pass. What is the worst that could happen? I think once you hit rockbottom you just find your way back to the top getting stronger and stronger. Ive been at various levels of rockbottom. Homeless in -10 degree weather. Swine flu. Parents divorce. Traumatic break up with someone I love more than anything. Depression. Anxiety. Its also ironic how the club I always go to every weekend is called 'rockbottom' haha.. Its so crazy how one negative thought or idea can manifest itself into such a giant storm cloud of mental disturbance.. but storm clouds always make way for the sun and the white fluffy pretty clouds.
Just give it time.
Pain is temporary.

01-06-2014, 09:49 AM
Yea, when we are young we are in such a hurry to grow up and when we are adults we would give anything to have that carefree life of being young again..pretty universal thoughts i think.

Nice acronym about the storm clouds always passing to make way for fluffy clouds..reminds me of this:


01-06-2014, 10:10 AM
You have a great perspective vonnhelsing. Thanks for the insight. :)

I will remind myself to be like a child today.

01-06-2014, 10:25 AM
Yeah, I really liked your words, Vonn.. :)

It'd be nice to just be a kid again. Wouldn't have the pressure and stresses and expectations from anyone or thing. Being a kid, your job is just to have fun! Which makes me wonder why I was in such a hurry to grow up in the first place.. I love hanging out with little kids; they really bring out the kid side in me and make me laugh with their curiosity and carefree lifestyle.