View Full Version : lets become inspired.

01-06-2014, 04:27 AM
If it's possible...lol. having a little bit of a laugh, or a smile..even a light hearted thought can really reduce some anxiety. No not during the middle of a panic attack lol. Here is something that inspired me. Please feel free If you have anything inspiring to share so we have a positive thread to look upon. Yeah...I'm corny.. ;)

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Corrie ten Boom

01-06-2014, 05:45 AM
My car actually started and its -6!! but my fangers are numb...OMG!!

Have a great day all!....


01-06-2014, 08:14 AM
I love this idea!

Another cold weather related story - I went running this morning and just before reaching my house on the way back, I ran over ice and landed on my ass. My elderly neighbour was in his garage and saw the whole thing. I've learned to laugh at myself lately so naturally I cracked up. He started laughing aswell (after helping me up) and ensured me that no one but him and his cat saw me. His laugh made my day!

01-06-2014, 08:17 AM
I wanna go running but it's-40 right now!! brrrrr...

Great stories though, LOL!!


01-06-2014, 08:19 AM
I love this idea!

Another cold weather related story - I went running this morning and just before reaching my house on the way back, I ran over ice and landed on my ass. My elderly neighbour was in his garage and saw the whole thing. I've learned to laugh at myself lately so naturally I cracked up. He started laughing aswell (after helping me up) and ensured me that no one but him and his cat saw me. His laugh made my day!

That's awesome :) but it says you live in London, did you miss out the part where after helping you up he stole your purse? - Joking, of course!

01-06-2014, 08:22 AM
That's awesome :) but it says you live in London, did you miss out the part where after helping you up he stole your purse? - Joking, of course!

Ha ha, never! An old English gentleman has only the kindest heart! Plus, I didn't have my purse with me anyway...

01-06-2014, 08:45 AM
Awesome idea. Inspiring breeds more inspiration though. :D

F E A R False Evidence Appearing Real

01-06-2014, 08:48 AM
F E A R False Evidence Appearing Real

Aka - Fuck Everything And RUN!! :)

01-06-2014, 11:29 AM
Awesome idea. Inspiring breeds more inspiration though. :D

F E A R False Evidence Appearing Real

With all of the negative we are trying to.release here, positive is also nice too. :)

01-06-2014, 03:44 PM
I have started doing something recently.. And my god it works wonders.
-instead of thinking 'i have to..' Think 'i get to..' For example, 'I have to go for a run' that sounds like a chore, plus it can be changed 'I have to go for a run... But.. I'm just too tired' you could change it too ' I will go for a run' but still it sounds like a chore. ' I GET to go for a run' it sounds like a gift, which it is.. You have working legs, your healthy, your helping your body, you GET to do these things when other people can't..
Change the way you think of chores.. It makes a world of difference.
I GET to go to work: people don't have jobs, some homeless, struggling with families.. You get money in.. This is great!
I GET to eat healthy food: alot of people can't afford the healthy eating life style, if you can this is great for your mind, body, health and soul. Plus ofcource families in Africa etc would be so happy to have broccoli and chicken breast.

Also, compliment someone. If a stranger is wearing a really nice dress that you love, tell them! It will make them
Feel good and you!! It will stick in their head for hours.. Sometimes given the right compliment,
Like you have amazing cheek bones, or you look like you work out, you look amazing! This.. Can really make their day, and stick in there head alot longer than something materialistic!

Change your negative thoughts into positives. Easier said than done, trust me I know. Something you can do, every time you catch yourself thinking negatively, take 1$ out of your bank.. When you start thinking positively without trying.. Then the money pit away from negativity will be your gift.

01-09-2014, 06:02 PM
Aka - Fuck Everything And RUN!! :)

Now that's funny stuff. lol
Thanks Jessed03