View Full Version : Awakened with a nightmare

Olive Yew
01-06-2014, 01:10 AM
2:08 am and i had a bad dream about the world ending and knowing when we'd all die and trying to spend family time with my family and stuff.... Really depressing and scary.

Past few nights I've had bad dreams of some form... Dreams of ex boyfriends and whatnot. :( i hate this.

01-06-2014, 01:21 AM
same here...x girlfriends are horrifying!!!

tryin to get back to sleep now, with a pot of coffee...:)

good morning ms. Olive....

01-06-2014, 01:30 AM
I had one too. So bad it freaked me out, I got up, switched the light on, walked around the house for a bit, got a drink, played with the cat.

Sometimes they really catch you out badly. Are you doing ok now?

01-06-2014, 01:34 AM
"Played with the cat, sometimes they really scratch you out badly. I have multiple contusions and lacerations now. Are you doing ok? Do you need me to call some Bobbies with those cool minature cars that chase Jason Bourne everywhere he goes?


01-06-2014, 01:41 AM
2:08 am and i had a bad dream about the world ending and knowing when we'd all die and trying to spend family time with my family and stuff.... Really depressing and scary.

Past few nights I've had bad dreams of some form... Dreams of ex boyfriends and whatnot. :( i hate this.
Dreams are hard to let go of because they feel so real in the midst of them, try to change your focus and do something else. The more you're able to do this the more the thoughts can get out of your head, hopefully these bad dreams will subside

01-06-2014, 01:43 AM

That's how crazy the nightmare made me... I don't even own a cat!

01-06-2014, 01:45 AM
I don't even own a cat!

I figured that part out!...yer more of a http://www.pic4ever.com/images/1304.gif type....

Olive Yew
01-06-2014, 07:31 AM
I ended up falling back to sleep shortly after writing this and dont remember what i dreamed afterwards

Olive Yew
01-06-2014, 07:32 AM
I had one too. So bad it freaked me out, I got up, switched the light on, walked around the house for a bit, got a drink, played with the cat. Sometimes they really catch you out badly. Are you doing ok now?

I sorry you had one too :( that's chicken poop

01-06-2014, 07:42 AM
Thanks. They're ok when you turn on the light and wake up.

It's that 'Whoa, where am I' feeling when you wake up that's annoying.

01-06-2014, 07:43 AM
I dreamt that I was at a gathering with whom I don't know, and my gf was there so I decided to grab my coat and sneak out...only problem was that as soon as I made it to the stairway she was right behind me but I was running and she just walking along with her hands in her pockets whistling, but keeping up with me!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!...then I woke up...NIGHTMARE!! Now THAT'S chicken pooooop! :)

Olive Yew
01-06-2014, 07:51 AM
Mine meshed two of the things i fear the most: death and rabies (yeah i know. It's dumb but i'm terrified of rabies ever since I took a class on it in jr high and they went into great detail what happens to your brain... Closest thing to a zombie you'll ever get).
Anyway. It was the end of the world we my family decided we were all gonna hang out with each other cuz we'd be dead by the next day and for some stupid reason there was a rabid goat (dont ask) and it bit me and then I couldnt spend my last day with my family because they stuck me in a room by myself with the rabid goat cuz I was then infected and they didnt want to die from THAT.

01-06-2014, 08:00 AM
Ugh there is nothing worse than dreaming about your fears! Whenever that happens to me, it puts me in a weird mood for the rest of the day, do you know what I mean?

I like to fill my day with happy things to try and get over it. Cake always helps!
Hope you're feeling better :)

01-06-2014, 08:03 AM
Yay!!! Cake does help.....:)

01-06-2014, 08:05 AM
There was another person here with rabies fears, so it's not too uncommon. I used to very concerned about it, but I rationalized with low risk and facts.. and just overall try to not get bit by anything. :P

I had a dream the other night where I drowned. Woke up and felt like I couldn't or wasn't breathing. Didn't go back to sleep after that...I also get a lot of vivid zombie dreams to where I wake up with a racing heart..Sorry about the bad dreams guys..Nightmares suck...

Olive Yew
01-06-2014, 08:42 AM
There was another person here with rabies fears, so it's not too uncommon. I used to very concerned about it, but I rationalized with low risk and facts.. and just overall try to not get bit by anything. :P I had a dream the other night where I drowned. Woke up and felt like I couldn't or wasn't breathing. Didn't go back to sleep after that...I also get a lot of vivid zombie dreams to where I wake up with a racing heart..Sorry about the bad dreams guys..Nightmares suck...

It's not like an obsessive consuming fear. It's like... I cant watch movies about it, i hate reading about it (even the mad dog in To Kill a Mocking Bird disturbed me). When I was little, a rabid raccoon found its way into our suburban neighborhood... You know the kind that has the houses that all look similar and your lawn has to be a certain length and trash cans must be inside a gate? Yeah like that. And it was running around in circles in the street foaming at the mouth. Its eyes were white and cloudy. We called animal control to come take care of it.... But the image is perimantely ingrained into my mind.

It's ironic that i'm a wildlife conservation major. I ADORE animals but rabies freaks me out....

Nabil Shahzad
01-19-2014, 04:13 PM
i get very different nightmares they are senseless, incomplete. like I'm sailing a ship into the river where people are having fun, swiming and then i jump over it leave it unattended and go underwater and come out where everyone is having fun and i act as if nothing has happened and the police tries to stop the ship by jumping on it from the bridge :s and i woke up heart is pounding.....*deep breath*

01-19-2014, 04:28 PM
If y'all have ever heard of Lady GaGa then you have seen her outfits, those are her nightmares incorporated into her act at the advice of Dr. Deepak Chopra.

Incorporating our fears into our real life as we feel comfortable to do it works out pretty cool. I'm not a fan of hers but am glad she found relief, and can act it out in a

healthy way. Sometimes what we perceive as our weakness is simply veiled power we hold... Peace

Olive Yew
01-19-2014, 10:58 PM
I wonder how I could incorporate my fears into reality to... I guess desensitize myself? To them.