View Full Version : here we go again

02-10-2008, 08:07 PM
I am SO tired of this. I want to go ONE day without these thoughts. I'm on zoloft, I take my meds, and they lessen things but I would give anything to feel normal again.

I'm just... really frustrated right now.

I feel better than I did, honestly, I do...but I want to feel good again. I want to go one day without having to stop and think--wow... you haven't had any issues today--which of course, makes me start thinking of my issues. I am tired of having to seek reassurance from those around me, and they are tired of me asking for it.

I miss my family. I am stressed out over money, I have friggin insomnia because of my meds and I would LOVE to sleep an entire night through.


02-11-2008, 04:45 AM
i feel your pain...i have no advice im afraid :( but just know i know what you mean...i feel EXACTLY the way you describe...im on zoloft to by the way...(((((hugs)))))

02-11-2008, 05:18 AM
ya some people are diffrent. but hopffuly u get better. im sorry your doign this. But, im doing better. but, you need to def syce ur self out. it somtimes works for me. But get better k?

02-11-2008, 10:12 AM
i feel your pain...i have no advice im afraid :( but just know i know what you mean...i feel EXACTLY the way you describe...im on zoloft to by the way...(((((hugs)))))

Thanks so for at least replying. Sometimes... I can't help but vent. There have been many times I have typed up a post here, only to delete after hitting send. I just... iono... it's beginning to get harder and harder to share how I feel, especially since everyone seems to think I am feeling better.

02-11-2008, 10:14 AM
ya some people are diffrent. but hopffuly u get better. im sorry your doign this. But, im doing better. but, you need to def syce ur self out. it somtimes works for me. But get better k?

Like I said the previous replier--Sometimes..I just need to get all this crap off of my chest. I feel like screaming and I get so frustrated because everyone around me thinks I am feeling better. Truth is... I'm beginning to think I just TELL myself I'm feeling better---but somedays I feel as bad as I used to before I began my meds. T_T

02-13-2008, 06:14 PM
I think we are normal and the other NORMALS are the freaks. I think how we are feeling is normal for human beings, maybe we are just more sensitive about it. I have always been critical, and hold grudges, and my feelings get hurt very easily. I never had these panick attacks, before my mom got very ill with cancer, NEVER. When she died my whole world fell apart, I just found myself digging into her estate stuff to comfort! But I dont feel totally totally whacked, my dr says he has seen worse, which sometimes gives me hope.

02-13-2008, 08:50 PM
Don't ever give up, ever! I know how that feels. I can remember when I was suffering how I wished I could just live and function as a normal human being.

Let me tell you, that day that you finally have a good day. It feels like you get your life back but don't hope for just one day... hope it happens everyday.