View Full Version : Weird Worries

02-10-2008, 08:07 PM
I always get worried about the weirdest things.

I want more than anything to be able to not feel so worried.
It's like my brain splits in half, half is logical and knows nothing in wrong, but the other half is stronger and makes me believe otherwise.

One time I became convinced I had flesh eating disease and did not leave my house for a week. Right now BSE is my concern. I recently discovered that it can incubate in your brain for up to 50 years before symptoms show up...

I feel like my brain is a time bomb and I can't shake it.

02-11-2008, 05:25 AM
thats preety serius...all i can say is possible take meds. i mean its prolly the last thing to do..but, might be the best for somthing like this.

02-11-2008, 06:58 AM
I'm sure that your worries are much more common than you think they are. Everyone's anxiety take its own form - some of us fear criticism or making mistakes, some have social phobias, and many others like yourself have health fears. What makes one person worry may have little or no impact at all on another of us, just as there are many things that some of us worry about that you won't fear.

Health anxiety is very common and there are many ways to try to tackle it. You could try a little self-help first - find out about yourself and read everything you can about how to change your negative thought processes and try to eliminate chronic worry. I just read a self-help CBT book and it really helps to understand what is going on inside your head. I'm sure a professional therapist would be able to help if you feel its really affecting your life.

Good luck and remember that you are certainly not alone.