View Full Version : Having a rough time tonight......

01-05-2014, 05:06 PM
Ugh..... I just feel overwhelmed and like crying?! I mean I was just doing laundry.... It wasn't that bad lol. At least I don't think.... I guess I'm just stressed but feeling anxious is one of the worst things ever :(....... I don't just want to take xanax all freakin day.... I took it this morning and some about an hour ago.... Sigh...

01-05-2014, 05:09 PM
Do you journal when you're having anxiety? I find that taking the time to write my thoughts helps calm me. It's like as I write it out I realize how very unrealistic my fears are. I also clean when I'm anxious!!

01-05-2014, 05:14 PM
Well I tried that... But I guess I didn't give it to much of a chance because I only did it like three times.... I'm not really fearing anything other than having an attack...... And if I do write about what's bothering me I'll probably cry and then by the time everyone gets home they'll think I'm a loony lol