View Full Version : Heart pains again!!!

01-05-2014, 02:51 PM
It pains in my heart again well (the left side of my chest) and my anxiety level has gone through the roof! So scared!

01-05-2014, 04:07 PM
Hi there. May I ask? Have you had this checked by a cardiac doctor?

01-05-2014, 04:10 PM
Hi, no I haven't, just because I'm just assuming it's my anxiety causing me tho have these pains :-/

01-05-2014, 04:29 PM
I only ask because sometimes that can alleviate anxiety if it's caused from a fear that something is wrong with your heart or other health based concern. I understand completely. I do think though that anytime you're talking chest pains it's a good (safe) idea to get cleared by a doc. I hate that anxiety has to manifest itself in such physical ways in such important areas.

Do you ever notice anything else with the chest pain? Do you have specific thoughts or other physical symptoms like depersonalization or racing heart?

01-05-2014, 04:35 PM
My heart does race but I always put that to the anxiety kicking in, but I suppose your right maybe I should get checked out. whats depersonalization?

01-05-2014, 05:01 PM
Depersonalization is Feeling like you're kind of out of it, like you're not really there, sort of a dream like state. It's common for some with anxiety.

I just say get checked out for the heart sensations because I ended up actually having a heart rhythm issue called supraventricular tachycardia. I don't say this to scare you, only to stress that you kind of have to be your own advocate especially if doctors already believe you have anxiety. Anxiety produces a lot of symptoms so it is important to distinguish and KNOW for your mental well being as well.

I also know that anxiety can cause legitimate chest pain. Heart sensations even if they are harmless for the most part like SVT or benign palpitations can cause actual anxiety. SVT causes your heart to race and sometimes it terminates on its own and sometime you need medicine. I take beta blockers every day now which controls it. The body's reaction to anxiety is similar but it's important to know that your body is doing what it should be and that everything really is ok physically.

Chest pain is always worth mentioning to your doc for peace of mind if nothing else!

01-05-2014, 05:42 PM
you need to be checked by the doc, to eliminate the other reasons, for the pain. Usually is anxiety but not always.

01-05-2014, 07:46 PM
Yeah I worried about my heart. Get pains on the left side all the time. Only twenty. You have to consider how unlikely it is that's it's Youre heart. You look young. If you had a heart condition it would of been diagnosed in in childhood/adolescense . But obviously getting checked out is good and itll give you peace of mind.