View Full Version : How long can you stay on medication??

01-05-2014, 02:29 PM
Just a question I've only been on setraline 50mg for just over 7 months and I wanted to know how long can you stay on any medication ?

01-05-2014, 02:54 PM
Until you're capable and ready to come off of it friend...years if need be,..decades if you wish..as long as you have testing every couple years to be sure everything is working correctly, and you feel better (better quality of life) is why it's being made anyway,....then that is up to you?.....:)

01-05-2014, 03:00 PM
Until you're capable and ready to come off of it friend...years if need be,..decades if you wish..as long as you have testing every couple years to be sure everything is working correctly, and you feel better (better quality of life) is why it's being made anyway,....then that is up to you?.....:)

Thanks E man :) I thought you could stay on it as long as you wanted but it's always nice to have others opinions and experiences

01-05-2014, 03:08 PM
Yes it is...as long as need be. If you're feeling good, or better,..why try to fix it if you're really not "broken" again persay....:D

01-05-2014, 03:19 PM
Well I've only ever suffered from my anxiety until recently and then the thoughts,but I'm not depressed or down I never have been so that's a plus at least :)

01-05-2014, 05:00 PM
I would stay on for at least a year(if you are doing well). At that point stay on it if your doing ok but if you way better may be go down to 25 mgs and hold there for a while. Allot has to due with whether you and your doc feels you anxiety was acute in nature or more a longer term issue in which case you stay on it longer. In time you will figure it out . Alankay

01-06-2014, 01:49 AM
You can stay on it indefinitely but I would check long term effects of the med.