View Full Version : The Danger of Well Intended Non Professional Medical Advice and Musings

01-05-2014, 11:58 AM
Do we sometimes use anxiety as a malingering crutch?

Imagine soldiers in trenches, they've been given the order to advance towards the enemy, also in trenches. Many of their fellow soldiers will be killed by enemy fire, possibly themselves. What must the anxiety be like for these soldiers, how do they manage to overcome that insane anxiety and rush forward to meet their fate, good or bad?

Do we over think things, so that the fear is not from the actual encounter, but from situations created in our own psyches?

Although GERD is a common symptom of Chest Pains, and anxious and non anxious people suffer from GERD, there are a myriad of things that cause chest pain, some serious. People that are new here should not make the mistake of taking member's specific advise (for anything), mine or anyone else's, until they have been examined by a doctor and received appropriate tests.

My wife, working at a Family Medical Practice, told me of a patient that was seen by the doctor, had chest pains, but lacking some of the symptoms (EKG was unremarkable, no shortness of breath, no radiating pains) that would have escalated his treatment to a visit to the Emergency Room, was scheduled for a Stress Test the next morning. The stress test is running on a treadmill while hooked to an EKG, and this patient either wanted to be sure he could do the treadmill without problem, or wanted to ease his mind that "nothing was really wrong with his heart", so he ran on his treadmill at home. He never made it for the stress test, he died at home on his treadmill.

My mother-in-law had for years complained of chest pains, and for years they told her it was her stomach acting up. So she would get pains, she would go to the hospital, they would do an EKG, they would give her stomach pills and send her home. The one time she didn't go to the hospital she was having a heart attack. She finally notified her son, who called an ambulance. She received 6 bypass grafts as a result of their findings.
Obviously some of that "Stomach Pain" was not from her stomach.

Frankly, symptoms that women have are often not taken seriously by themselves, their doctors, and others.


She never had a Stress/Echo or a Nuclear Stress, so I'm not equating this with many of us. If you've been tested under exertion, and cleared by the doctor, you can feel comfortably assured that it's not your heart. If you're new to this forum, take solace in the comments of fellow members, but until you have been seen and tested by a doctor for things that may have potentially serious physical corollaries, I would avoid taking any medical advice.

Even with something as innocuous as Omeprazole, the wrong advice can be harmful:


"Stomach cancer can have similar symptoms to stomach ulcers, and these symptoms can be relieved by omeprazole. For this reason, if it is suspected that you have a stomach ulcer, your doctor should exclude the possibility of stomach cancer before you start treatment with this medicine. Otherwise, this medicine could mask the symptoms of stomach cancer and therefore delay diagnosis of this condition. This is particularly important if you are middle aged or older and have new or recently changed symptoms."

Best to all.

01-05-2014, 12:04 PM
Could you be more screwed up?

Seriously? You post THIS on an anxiety forum? I am speechless.

I've reported this post. This is a joke to me, I'm sorry. You're harmful. You have an ego problem man. You weren't heard on the last thread and are courting controversy to gain some attention back.

Ignore list for you now, you're losing it.

01-05-2014, 12:07 PM
Edit: forget it, I don't even care, nor do many other people I presume. Take your harmful attention seeking threads elsewhere pal.

01-05-2014, 12:18 PM
So did I, I came here to relax to meet people who understand me

01-05-2014, 12:18 PM
+1 reported also

01-05-2014, 12:19 PM
is 3 already Jessed , I and you. Thanks Mist

01-05-2014, 12:21 PM
An I report it.

Wtf you tell people don't take medical advice and you give medical advice like say things can be cancer?

You have a proble. Sorry my English guys I'm French Canadian

Now everyone who read this gonna think their test isn't good.

Soooo foolish and selfish. I am Christian, I am embarrassed at your greed for people approval.

01-05-2014, 12:25 PM

01-05-2014, 12:28 PM
Maybe somewhere deep down, Artaud does care and that's why he feels it's important to express his opinion so forcefully. Or maybe his middle finger just has a boner. :3

01-05-2014, 12:29 PM
Troll in the dungeon!!!

Thought you ought to know.....


01-05-2014, 12:41 PM
Artaud is a sexy man beast. <33

01-05-2014, 12:47 PM
Well what a waste, we probably are not going to see much of him anymore.....:))))))))

01-05-2014, 01:14 PM
Did he get banned?

01-05-2014, 02:45 PM
OMG really some people,this is not what people want to hear or read

01-05-2014, 02:49 PM
Artaud is a sexy man beast. <33



01-05-2014, 02:52 PM
I think, he thinks that we are a bunch of idiots, and do not deserve his attention. We waste his time :))
May I have an opinion? (kind of scared)

01-05-2014, 05:12 PM
I like idiot attention. :D

01-06-2014, 01:45 AM
An interesting thread.

01-06-2014, 01:49 AM
An interesting thread.

It would be if it wasn't fraught with inaccuracy, irrelevant anecdotes, and fear mongering.

01-06-2014, 01:54 AM
I think this post was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. We all know, and all advise to be seen by a doctor when experiencing these things. The reality of the situation is that anxiety CAN absolutely cause each one of those symptoms. By posting what you just did, you showed your disregard for what this forum is about...support not fear. Fear will not make anything better, and all of us with anxiety probably and most likely do go to the doctor because our symptoms are so extreme, geeze.

01-06-2014, 01:55 AM
I think this post was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. We all know, and all advise to be seen by a doctor when experiencing these things. The reality of the situation is that anxiety CAN absolutely cause each one of those symptoms. By posting what you just did, you showed your disregard for what this forum is about...support not fear. Fear will not make anything better, and all of us with anxiety probably and most likely do go to the doctor because our symptoms are so extreme, geeze.

well put....

01-06-2014, 02:09 AM
If this is all it takes to scare people here then tough shit is all I have to say.

01-06-2014, 02:17 AM
If this is all it takes to scare people here then tough shit is all I have to say.

It's more the fact that it's in the wrong spirit, and attempting to affirm doubt in people, simply for provocations sake, that people have an issue with. :)

If this was a one off, then it could be construed as discussion, for sure - but it isn't. Recent context is vital here. This is the 4th argumentative situation Artaud has involved himself in over the last week and a bit, and given this was posted just 10mins after he was scolded by many members for his negative and argumentative, non team playing attitude, it's hard to argue this post was any more than him attempting to stir at something.

Terre Nova
01-06-2014, 02:55 AM
It's more the fact that it's in the wrong spirit, and attempting to affirm doubt in people, simply for provocations sake, that people have an issue with. :)

If this was a one off, then it could be construed as discussion, for sure - but it isn't. Recent context is vital here. This is the 4th argumentative situation Artaud has involved himself in over the last week and a bit, and given this was posted just 10mins after he was scolded by many members for his negative and argumentative, non team playing attitude, it's hard to argue this post was any more than him attempting to stir at something.

Wasn't he and that chick the ones harassing me about anxiety/animal rights?
I believe these were the ones attacking me...

01-06-2014, 03:08 AM
Wasn't he and that chick the ones harassing me about anxiety/animal rights?
I believe these were the ones attacking me...

He was involved in that thread.

Have you not slept yet my dear?

01-06-2014, 03:23 AM
Anyone know what happened to him? Seems like he's been banned following all the reported posts?

I liked him up until yesterday's silliness. Let's say he quit, it suits his old fashioned outspoken image.

01-06-2014, 03:28 AM

01-06-2014, 03:37 AM
Wish I had never read this post my mind is doing loops now

01-06-2014, 03:59 AM
Wish I had never read this post my mind is doing loops now

Don't let this play on your mind,some people just don't have a clue when they post things like this

01-06-2014, 04:14 AM
Wish I had never read this post my mind is doing loops now

Yes, don't let this pollute your mind. It got to me a little bit too, but! Our bodies are amazing and resilient things. Remember that:)

01-06-2014, 06:05 AM
Yikes. Wish I hadn't read this either.......im going to try my best not to think about it any longer since I've had abnormal ekgs and a stress test already.

Not the best post to place on an anxiety forum.

01-06-2014, 06:41 AM
I think his exact intention was to have people loop this through their minds over and over again. i can't believe someone would post something like that on this forum.

01-06-2014, 07:55 AM
I think he was banned at least 4 people reported his post. I am for years on forums and you do not see many banned members,eh that's sad. I think that he is a troll, smart and knows how to use the copy and paste options. He exploded, because he has so much anger, inside him...
which thread was it Terra ? I hope you got some sleep, last night?

01-06-2014, 09:05 AM
He's the first person I've seen banned, if he did get banned. I know he is a strong Christian, and I say this mostly tongue in cheek - but I don't think if you get banned from an anxiety forum for bullying and upsetting people, that you're a very good one :p

If you're reading this arty... The good book; it has a lot of useful info that you need to internalize, and not simply copy and paste. Do unto others as you would like done to yourself, turn the other cheek, love thy neighbour... Infact, anything Jesus said, would be a start.

You have some pretty severe anger and jealousy problems. I won't reveal our PMs, but to get emotionally overwhelmed by the things you did and to the people you did, suggests you are far from at peace with yourself, and use 'intellect' and quotation to hide this fact. Simply quoting Carl Jung doesnt make you a healed man.

But, if you are reading, which I kinda feel you are.. Good bye...Best of luck, no hard feelings, you are quite fun to debate with.

01-06-2014, 09:13 AM
I think he was banned at least 4 people reported his post. I am for years on forums and you do not see many banned members,eh that's sad. I think that he is a troll, smart and knows how to use the copy and paste options. He exploded, because he has so much anger, inside him...

Kinda odd Artaud being called a Troll when he was the one who posted that thread about Trolls and warning us about them.

Er, yeah, him posting this thread was probably his last hoorah and he wanted to leave us all with some "great" advice.. thanks but no thanks Art.. I do hope you find peace and have a good life! :)

01-06-2014, 09:28 AM
Guy seemed bat shit crazy to me..to many reds?


01-06-2014, 09:43 AM
Guy seemed bat shit crazy to me..to many reds

4 people have messaged me saying the post has them worried and has set them back.

Seriously, what a dick thing to do :confused:

01-06-2014, 09:49 AM
4 people have messaged me saying the post has them worried and has set them back.

Seriously, what a dick thing to do :confused:

I heard even business cat refused to do business with him... AND HES A CAT THAT ONLY DOES BUSINESS :eek:

01-06-2014, 09:50 AM
Ugh, now I'm being a troll. ;)

01-06-2014, 09:56 AM
4 people have messaged me saying the post has them worried and has set them back.

Seriously, what a dick thing to do :confused:

Yea, of all the places to post content like that, it beggers belief really. Have not seen him about since.

http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEyLzEyLzA0Lzc4L3NlcmlvdXMyMGNhLmJoSy5qcGcKcA l0aHVtYgk4NTB4NTkwPgplCWpwZw/a6ce7446/9e0/serious%2520cat.jpg

01-06-2014, 10:16 AM
Why not ask moderators to remove this thread if its bugging people so much.

01-06-2014, 10:18 AM
Because it stands as a good example of what NOT to post here.

01-06-2014, 10:21 AM
I thought about asking, but it gives people an idea what is not tolerated here, and shows our loyalty to each, other... I know we care for each other and try not to hurt anyone feelings...

01-06-2014, 10:24 AM
Lets see how many panic attacks it induces then.

01-06-2014, 10:26 AM
I too, have freaked out a little by this, but, if he is reading this and all the posts written, then he is getting what he wants.. he obviously wanted to upset people! We shouldn't give him the satisfaction, just ignore the post, he's not worth getting worked up over... hes a stranger with some obvious issues... I know some very serious christians and they would never behave like that.. he's obviously not doing a very good job of being a christian!

Dont worrryyy... be happyyyy... :D

01-06-2014, 10:29 AM
I thought about asking, but it gives people an idea what is not tolerated here, and shows our loyalty to each, other... I know we care for each other and try not to hurt anyone feelings...

How dare you have opinion Dahila, you are wrong..



01-06-2014, 10:31 AM
:D Nice one..

01-06-2014, 10:32 AM
Lol thanks.

For the record, I am trolling now and being a dick. But he had no real pic, no real name, and he is gone, so it's kinda like making fun at a ghost right?

01-06-2014, 10:34 AM
Was doin well with my anxiety til i read this and now my heads everywhere :/

01-06-2014, 10:34 AM
He's probably gone off to terrorize some other poor community..:(

01-06-2014, 10:36 AM
In seriousness; To whoever reads this and worries, none of the 'case studies' he was referencing were anxiety case studies. They were just massive anomalies.

If you just got chest pains for no reason, with no cause, that's a pretty big deal like the people he mentioned in his post. However if you get the same symptoms and have a diagnosis of anxiety, getting the relevant check will be far more reliable for you, than it would to somebody who has unexplainable symptoms - the unexplainable symptoms would obviously need greater checks.

01-06-2014, 10:42 AM
He is just a loser who gets his kicks out of scaring people and probably doesn't even suffer anxiety. He came accross as the kind of person who likes joining communitys in order to bang on about god and to insult people who have differing opinions than him. It's no wonder he's gone and i doubt we will se him back here again.

01-06-2014, 10:49 AM
I miss him already. :'( He's way more intelligent than Jesse.

01-06-2014, 10:53 AM
Janey!! He can still make another account from another IP address!!! Don't jinx us,...Jinxy!!! LMAO!!! :)

01-06-2014, 11:04 AM
I miss him already. :'( He's way more intelligent than Jesse.

Put your tongue back in your mouth you perve. Could you have possibly been all over him any more? He's probably gonna come back under a new IP in 3 days when he's finished wiping all your drool off.

01-06-2014, 11:07 AM
If he does i will troll him to the point of insanity..LOL

01-06-2014, 11:09 AM
We will recognize him, I am sure of that...he thinks that he is smarter than anyone else, it is going to his Waterloo ;)

01-06-2014, 11:15 AM
We will recognize him, I am sure of that...he thinks that he is smarter than anyone else, it is going to his Waterloo ;)

His downfall will probably be when he gets to heaven, and starts correcting God, and showing him links to webMD. He'll be sent straight down to the fire ;)

'Fuck spending eternity with this tool' - God, circa 2035

01-06-2014, 11:51 AM
hheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Terre Nova
01-06-2014, 07:49 PM
He was involved in that thread.

Have you not slept yet my dear?

My problem is being up all night and tired all day, which i'm sure would be normal for a messed sleeping pattern but ive tried meds in morning to night and back the other way.. Nothing seems to help... Blahhhhh

01-06-2014, 08:01 PM
Insomnia is the worst....:(

01-06-2014, 08:24 PM
Insomnia is the worst....:(

It sure is. Sleep deprivation does weird things to our bodys..

01-06-2014, 08:38 PM
Check the Artrud on FB hehehehe Artrud Diaz

01-06-2014, 08:44 PM
What do you mean?

01-06-2014, 08:45 PM
eh forget it, it is not nice :))

01-06-2014, 08:49 PM
Hehe Dahila you are such a troll ;)

01-06-2014, 08:50 PM
not very often though:))

01-06-2014, 08:58 PM
Lol this thread has 4 star rating... Who voted it 4 star guys!!!?

01-06-2014, 09:04 PM
Can we star the threads???????????????

I found it, and gave one star which translates torrible:))

01-06-2014, 09:07 PM
Oh right, yeah I just gave your weather thread 5 star lol :D!!

01-06-2014, 09:10 PM
Thank you very much :) rate this thread horrible and is going to be only two stars :) Must be the poster who rated:))

01-06-2014, 09:52 PM
:D I voted this awesome thread 5 stars!

01-06-2014, 10:00 PM
:D I voted this awesome thread 5 stars!

So would Michael Jackson..:D

01-07-2014, 03:16 AM
I wish I had a unicorn for every time this guy mentioned that his wife works in a family medical practice. I'd have enough unicorns and magic to rule the world. Honestly, I'll bet his wife is a paper pusher at the doctor's office and nothing more. Here's the deal. I agree with the gist of his post in that it's always best to seek professional medical advice. I believe we're all big boys and big girls who understand that. So what the hell is the point of stirring up more anxiety with these stupid anecdotal stories? Especially on a forum designed to help people with their anxieties and worries? So glad his wifey can share all this bullshit with him, but the good people on here don't deserve to be exposed to this nonsense. Look. If you read this post and it made you more anxious, see it for what it is. Just some grandstanding internet troll who has nothing better to do than try to exert power and authority over people experiencing their weakest moments. Disregard this crap. Don't let him get to you. People on here offer pretty sound advice and support, or at least they do their very best. Why? Because someone here has experienced virtually any symptomatic thing you can imagine...and most of it derives from anxiety, stress and worry. Please don't let this add to your burden.

01-07-2014, 03:22 AM
I wish I had a unicorn for every time this guy mentioned that his wife works in a family medical practice. I'd have enough unicorns and magic to rule the world. Honestly, I'll bet his wife is a paper pusher at the doctor's office and nothing more. Here's the deal. I agree with the gist of his post in that it's always best to seek professional medical advice. I believe we're all big boys and big girls who understand that. So what the hell is the point of stirring up more anxiety with these stupid anecdotal stories? Especially on a forum designed to help people with their anxieties and worries? So glad his wifey can share all this bullshit with him, but the good people on here don't deserve to be exposed to this nonsense. Look. If you read this post and it made you more anxious, see it for what it is. Just some grandstanding internet troll who has nothing better to do than try to exert power and authority over people experiencing their weakest moments. Disregard this crap. Don't let him get to you. People on here offer pretty sound advice and support, or at least they do their very best. Why? Because someone here has experienced virtually any symptomatic thing you can imagine...and most of it derives from anxiety, stress and worry. Please don't let this add to your burden.

Well said!!:)

01-07-2014, 03:32 AM
I was thinking the very same thing Ash!

I know a couple of us are making some jokes about it now he's gone, but people have read this, and will read it, and have kinda been upset by. It's good to take the sting out of it.

01-07-2014, 06:24 AM
I wish I had a unicorn for every time this guy mentioned that his wife works in a family medical practice. I'd have enough unicorns and magic to rule the world. Honestly, I'll bet his wife is a paper pusher at the doctor's office and nothing more. Here's the deal. I agree with the gist of his post in that it's always best to seek professional medical advice. I believe we're all big boys and big girls who understand that. So what the hell is the point of stirring up more anxiety with these stupid anecdotal stories? Especially on a forum designed to help people with their anxieties and worries? So glad his wifey can share all this bullshit with him, but the good people on here don't deserve to be exposed to this nonsense. Look. If you read this post and it made you more anxious, see it for what it is. Just some grandstanding internet troll who has nothing better to do than try to exert power and authority over people experiencing their weakest moments. Disregard this crap. Don't let him get to you. People on here offer pretty sound advice and support, or at least they do their very best. Why? Because someone here has experienced virtually any symptomatic thing you can imagine...and most of it derives from anxiety, stress and worry. Please don't let this add to your burden.

thank you , well said :)

01-07-2014, 07:19 AM
Stop quoting me Artaud!

And also Eman, please report to your therapy to talk about that dream you had where you were made out of candy floss and being eaten by fluffy kittens

Say whaaaa Eman!

01-07-2014, 07:51 AM
My dream lastnight was that I was being attacked by oil lamps!!!!....like some Alice in WTF Land movie!!!! YAY!!!! :) xxx

01-07-2014, 07:56 AM
Haha like beauty and the beast? You know where the candle is alive and stuff... And the teacups as well.

Go look at your cups and mugs. Do they look evil? If not... You may just be safe!

Terre Nova
01-07-2014, 11:28 PM
I wish I had a unicorn for every time this guy mentioned that his wife works in a family medical practice. I'd have enough unicorns and magic to rule the world. Honestly, I'll bet his wife is a paper pusher at the doctor's office and nothing more. Here's the deal. I agree with the gist of his post in that it's always best to seek professional medical advice. I believe we're all big boys and big girls who understand that. So what the hell is the point of stirring up more anxiety with these stupid anecdotal stories? Especially on a forum designed to help people with their anxieties and worries? So glad his wifey can share all this bullshit with him, but the good people on here don't deserve to be exposed to this nonsense. Look. If you read this post and it made you more anxious, see it for what it is. Just some grandstanding internet troll who has nothing better to do than try to exert power and authority over people experiencing their weakest moments. Disregard this crap. Don't let him get to you. People on here offer pretty sound advice and support, or at least they do their very best. Why? Because someone here has experienced virtually any symptomatic thing you can imagine...and most of it derives from anxiety, stress and worry. Please don't let this add to your burden.

You're absolutely right!! JLB... :)

01-07-2014, 11:48 PM
Artaud, I'm glad you're still reading. Nice new avatar btw!!


01-07-2014, 11:52 PM
Sweet mother of all that's epic! That's some fine work Jesse..http://www.pic4ever.com/images/Just_Cuz_13.gif

01-07-2014, 11:58 PM

01-08-2014, 12:00 AM

01-08-2014, 12:02 AM


01-08-2014, 12:03 AM

01-08-2014, 12:04 AM
Hahaha I was looking at worlds most interesting man, tryna come up with a meme

01-08-2014, 12:07 AM

01-08-2014, 12:13 AM

01-08-2014, 12:14 AM

01-08-2014, 12:16 AM

01-08-2014, 12:17 AM
I have been been holding back on this issue. There is nothing wrong with anxiety itself and think, that unless you are house bound and or dysfunctional in society - unable to hold down a job and or struggle to "fit in at all" - ect ... that 90 percent of the ramblings in here, make up for nothing more than trivial banter. Middle class boredom with kids who have too many choices.

However in saying that, the so called "professional help" IMO is very much responsible for priming kids with such hype, before they have ever had the chance to really experience fear itself - it's incited - therefore I find much more help with regards to musings, however not so much in places that deal with so many labels and hysterical Jargon.

The other side of the coin, is the new age addiction of logging in to continually provide help as if scoring points or building up ratings, likes, subscribes and that kind of thing. Hell - I myself wonder why I keep coming back here - it's certainly not for the punchline of so many jokes, nor to discuss my broken finger nails or missed beat

But each to their own - I think I like it that people are flipping out so easily, because the truth is, why the fuck should we comply to lining the trenches and taking the lives of another - just to suit the so called well equipped types. Hell, it's the professionals of this world that we need to worry about - I say fuck it - take the advice, drugs and ramble away - lets all cry like babies and annoy the hell out of those who think they know the way.

Doctors Pfffft - the rarely listen as it is - to busy watching their wrists. You got a tale, about a broken Nail - go right ahead - have a cry. - They got drugs for than now too. Broke Nail disorder - refer to med section for recommendation.

01-08-2014, 12:24 AM
Reply as you must:

Don't't worry because your unsure of how I will react.

I'm pretty sure I won't have a panic attack. ;)

01-08-2014, 12:31 AM
Reply as you must:

Don't't worry because your unsure of how I will react.

I'm pretty sure I won't have a panic attack. ;)

You mean anyone in general, or Artaud? If you meant Artaud, then I think Artaud got banned for harassing posts aimed at people. Although he may come back under a new name sometime

01-08-2014, 12:38 AM
There is expressing a differing opinion to someone else in a constructive and mature way and there is calling people by name and outright insulting them and being abusive. Artaud chose the latter.

What has annoyed me and many others here about him is that he posted malicious content to garner a response. Kind of dangerous and irresponsible given the nature of this forum.

01-08-2014, 12:39 AM
I don't know if you read the thread Dave, but this post was a retaliation to a thread where he believed his Christian beliefs were under threat. I think Dahila made the thread? They weren't by the way. It was paranoia on his part.

Anyway, a lot of the stuff he's said in this thread, although some bits do have merit, was aimed towards the sole conclusion of freaking people out, and completely undermining the forum and posters that had rejected him.

That's why his threads have become somewhat a joke. He became an easy person to satire.

01-08-2014, 01:11 AM
You mean anyone in general, or Artaud? If you meant Artaud, then I think Artaud got banned for harassing posts aimed at people. Although he may come back under a new name sometime

Goody gum drops ... been a while since I got into using quotes:

I was actually referring to yourself there Jesse - given another response you made to me in another thread of mine. Not to worry though. I had no idea about the guy getting banned - was that picture above somehow relating to that? The one with the guy having a smoke?

My posts are aimed at anyone and everyone, however if people go past the point of my generalizations and make it a personal affair, than that is a reaction beyond my intention and also something that begs the question of avoidance and resistance. On that note, I guess I could be banned too - but if it came to that, I would not lose any sleep over it. Been that and done that.

I actually like that title of this thread and think it's healthy to discuss such things - all be it unpopular for the majority. If this place is more of a positive blissful seeking adventure, then I will no doubt gravitate away and or be alienated by my confronting and challenging posts.

To be fair, I don't't know that guy, not the extent of his annoying and or said provoking responses and posts. I do however, understand how it is that people can feel that way. Not everyone that appears to be a troll, is in fact trolling, and then perhaps they might be. I hope he at least go a warning or two - I hate it when they ban me without mention of anything of what I did or said.
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Shame he is not here then - or if so - sing out man - I will talk with you - even if it hurts. I love the title and once again, not in here to browny points. Seems fair not to personally attack - however reactions often obscure such intent - especially if it comes across a buzz kill to an otherwise bubbling dynamic. But then you can't win, as next thing you know - people dis on others for generalizing.

My original response pretty much stands with the dynamics in this forum - yet I remain open to whatever speculation - even personally directed opinions. I often wonder what a trivial world we have become - resultant from out easy way of living not to mention growing desire to outperform.

Sorry this guy was unable to get his own feelings across in a more constructive way. I guess the topic here is null and void.

Take care guys - I too shall be careful what posts I make from here on out.
It's OK Jesse -> this is why I mentioned I think I might just use this place for only my exercise, positive, and goal setting threads. There does seem to be a little more uplifting dynamic than what syncs with me.

It's all good mate - I'm a little more serious, and edge than most would like. I can definitely see that now. Thing is, I think I would of got an with this said troll - all it takes is a little persistence. Some of my best friends of the past, are those that I met after banging heads.

Again - If Atrude (forgive spelling) is gone - then I think I finish talking about the guy I don't't know.

__________________________________________________ ______

As time goes on - colors show - true intent not always so easy to see though. My deepest and sincere thoughts still on offer for you guys all the same.

01-08-2014, 01:33 AM
Oh ok, I see. Not the greatest of nights sleep, I'm not the sharpest tool short of a Happy Meal right now ;)

Yeah, truthfully, I'm not against this post. If this was posted in a different context, I probably would have just entered into discussion. My health anxiety was trumped by my OCD, so such a post would never have bothered me even at my worst.

The context is:

In a different thread, he accused me, and the other posters here, of being very close to killing somebody. That was obviously a spiteful comment, and his own end here was written at that point. He wasn't a silly man, he knew that, and moments later THIS thread appeared. People's big issue with him, was he's attempted to undermine their support network by casting extreme doubt on the sanity of the posters, and then he's created a thread which creates doubt about their health - even though he tried to be smart and word it eloquently.

Doubt is gasoline to the fire of anxiety.

Debate is healthy, I'm all for debate. Controversy even, I like to think of myself as pretty controversial. I saw neither in his latter postings.

He had a large outburst against him due to building homophobia, religious insistence and a needlessly insulting nature. That was his motivation. Bitterness. Revenge too.

The reason his posts have been inundated with the funny pics, and jokes, is many people have contacted me, others too I'm sure, and been extremely hurt by the posts. Turning him into a satiric character has actually removed some of that influence he had - because he did have it, people listened to him. One young lady said this post almost 'set her back 20 steps', I won't name her of course.

That was my problem with him anyway. I'm also a little bit of a humorist, so do enjoy the chance to create some one liners, but that's another matter LOL!

I think he still reads this so I'm sure he's seen your messages.

The thing about a support system is it isn't what you say, it's the spirit in which you say it. You can say controversial and unpopular things if the spirit is intended to be thought provoking or honest... You just can't if it's meant to be harmful. Your posts - his posts - although maybe similar in style sometimes, the place they come from is vastly different, and that's why your posts are sometimes controversial but accepted, whereas his - not in this instance.

I don't think he got a warning? Dahlia embarked on a bit of a mission to shut him up.

A little bit of advice, never mess with Dahila. It's always the sweet ones you've got to watch ;)

I've never had anybody say anything about your posts to me other than them liking your no nonsense approach. I said that in another thread earlier today. I don't think anyone would want you to change mate. I know Dorrie got hurt by a post you wrote once, but I just can't get involved in that, I don't know the prison system at all, so it'd be way off base even forming an opinion on it.

I know some may think it's much ado about nothing. Probably is, I think people are just kinda surprised at seeing someone banned. It's a very unusual thing around here!

01-08-2014, 01:38 AM
Doubt is gasoline to the fire of anxiety.

Well said..

01-08-2014, 02:19 AM
Thanks... P.s. I'm the 100th reply! Oh yeah.

01-08-2014, 02:30 AM
Well .... Captain Cathryn Janeway might make you moral officer yet Jesse. :)

Let's just say that I am still learning so that my rambles well be less offensive in the near future. That ramble on prison could of not been too bad, because someone for whatever reason deemed to give it 5 stars. (not a point scorer) My point there is we should not hold back sharing for fear of ruffling a few feathers - BUT - by the same token, I do have a soft spot that is remorseful when I can not find the right words or simply be more mindful of how I may slip into letting my unresolved resentments get the better of me and thus taint my own message with bitterness.

Glad I had this chat - Thanks Jesse & MiST ;)

PS - My sincerest apologies to all that I have hurt with such insensitive and selfish indulgence - I don't mean to be that way and am truly sorry to those whom you have mentioned and any others.

Edit - being banned, can be a good lesson at times. It's why I always reveal all my usernames and am so open. Who know, I may even come across those who have sort to have me banned elsewhere and seeing the change in others can sometimes be a lesson for both.

01-08-2014, 02:42 AM
Anytime Ponder, always a pleasure.

You know what they say right 'The truth will truth will set you free, but first it'll piss you off'!!

01-08-2014, 02:59 AM

01-08-2014, 09:28 AM
Look at Artauds new signature... He's copied and pasted something YET AGAIN... But was so busy shaking with rage at the memes, he missed the opening quote marks.

01-08-2014, 09:35 AM
Artaud come back, I miss you...

01-08-2014, 10:04 AM
Wait, so he is still logging in?? I wonder how he's liking the infamy..

And yeah, I do believe that if this post came from anyone else but Artaud, it would've been fine and maybe even a good discussion. But being he posted this soon after the arguments, it was like he was trying to hurt people and give them doubt that no one with anxiety needs.

01-08-2014, 10:07 AM
Lol yeah me and Mist found he logs in. His Avatar is different, and he never had a signature before all this.

01-08-2014, 10:12 AM
Lol yeah me and Mist found he logs in. His Avatar is different, and he never had a signature before all this.

Such a troll ;)

01-08-2014, 10:13 AM
:D It's the only way he can communicae now, by changing his avatar and signature and about me information..he be all like..http://www.pic4ever.com/images/y1.jpg

01-08-2014, 10:16 AM
Such a troll ;)

Oh shh, I can't understand your French Canadian accent ;)

I can't wait to see Artauds next sig. It'll probably be 'STOP FUCKING MEMEING YOU ****s'... And I'll just Yao Ming meme him back like.... U mad?

01-08-2014, 10:18 AM
Such a troll ;)

Such an Artaud.. it can be our new word for Troll.. :P

01-08-2014, 10:31 AM
Here is Jesse the troll crying at 4am on cam hahahaha

01-08-2014, 10:33 AM
You're a dick... I'm reporting you. Everyone knows you don't post 4am Paint edited stuff xD

01-08-2014, 10:34 AM
I hope Artaud comes and kidnaps you, and you have to listen to him talk for 20 years

01-08-2014, 10:35 AM

01-08-2014, 10:35 AM
I hope Artaud comes and kidnaps you, and you have to listen to him talk for 20 years

Hahahahaha troll!!!!

01-08-2014, 10:36 AM
I'll delete it if you pay me

01-08-2014, 10:37 AM
Wow, she has you by the balls bro..LOL

01-08-2014, 10:38 AM
Ok I deleted. Now again next time dont call me fat ass hahaha <3

U forgive me?

01-08-2014, 10:40 AM
What did I do???????????? so he is back? Are you scared people?
The reason of this forum is support and support. We share our stories and it helps, it does help me.
Ponders posts are never directed at anyone and I bet not intended to insult. His stories are fantastic and I am big fan of his. The true is when Ponder posts you need to read once, take a break and read second time. Then you know what he is talking about. His fight with anxiety and depression is so inspiring I got up and started to fight with it.

Artrud (is is going to become a symbol) is a complete opposite of that.
Even I (sweet Dahila hehehe ) may hurt someone when I post, sometimes I got kind of irritated when people whine, and post the same threads, not reading the answers. Not many threads are left with original poster post only. Oh my writing skills develop like 4 years old......:(
I need something in my signature that would explain my difficulties of expressing myself. Any Ideas?

01-08-2014, 10:42 AM
Ok I deleted. Now again next time dont call me fat ass hahaha <3

U forgive me?

No.. Dahilas my forum sweetheart now, not you..

01-08-2014, 10:56 AM
Another Artaud meme


01-08-2014, 12:24 PM
Jesse you make me laugh so hard, what a fantastic world we have here:))

01-08-2014, 01:43 PM
And just a note going back to the original post..... I believe I have posted this before but warrants a rebroadcast.

An older friend of mine in his late 60's I believe, suffered from anxiety and made many heart related trips to the ER and constantly monitored and feared his heart.

Well, what do you know, he finally did have a heart attack. I might add he wasn't in the best of shape by any means.

The first time I saw him afterwards his heart anxiety was gone.

He said if he had known what a heart attack felt like , he wouldn't have wasted all of those years worrying because his heart attack HURT LIKE HELL!!!!

He surely would not confuse the two in the future.


01-08-2014, 01:45 PM
And just a note going back to the original post..... I believe I have posted this before but warrants a rebroadcast.

An older friend of mine in his late 60's I believe, suffered from anxiety and made many heart related trips to the ER and constantly monitored and feared his heart.

Well, what do you know, he finally did have a heart attack. I might add he wasn't in the best of shape by any means.

The first time I saw him afterwards his heart anxiety was gone.

He said if he had known what a heart attack felt like , he wouldn't have wasted all of those years worrying because his heart attack HURT LIKE HELL!!!!

He surely would not confuse the two in the future.


Wow, thanks for that..i feel so much better..LOL

01-09-2014, 06:50 AM
My neighbor has an ongoing problem with his heart and he is the best source of info for me. anxiety and heart pain , irregular beat and others is nothing comparing to heart attack. My mother had heart problem from early age, I know how it looks. It does not look like the pains we complained of