View Full Version : feeling of impending doom : (

01-05-2014, 09:51 AM
Lying in bed with the flu and can feel a panic attack coming up soon.
Someone anyone calm me down please!!!! My head is on overdrive Im thinking about a million negative things at once. The flu isnt helping my nose is blocked and im having difficulty breathing.
Hating this!! :(

01-05-2014, 10:01 AM
Sorry you've got the flu, Vonn.

I can't stand being sick. Last time was back in July and I had such a hard time breathing.

Try and get some rest, distract yourself.. you'll be okay.

Feel better soon! :)

01-05-2014, 10:11 AM
Playing call of duty now to distract myself. It appears to be working : p shooting zombies!

01-05-2014, 10:12 AM
My Son plays that alllooooootttttttttt.....

So, go get some nasal spray or have mom boil some water in the kitchen and breathe it in!!!....:)