View Full Version : What is your fear??

01-05-2014, 09:19 AM
Hello I thought I would start this page as it good to open up about your fears,mine was dying but now it's intrusive thoughts,they are so scary and they really make me panic,tho my silver lining is that I no longer fear death but I do still hate the panic attacks and do still have them due to the thoughts.
Please share what you fear as you will find so many fear the same and it may help you to
Know your not alone
Emma :)

01-05-2014, 09:39 AM
Hello:) mine is dying and passing out at work or a public place. My reason behind dying is I always think it's something else besides anxiety because there is always new symptoms and it comes out of no where. Mine all started 3 weeks ago out of absolutely no where.

01-05-2014, 09:48 AM
Dying and passing out in public. I'm always terrified to go to the doctors because I think something bad, I had a mammogram in the beginning of December, because I'm 40 years old, and I cried through the whole thing because I was so afraid I was going to have cancer. And it's not like I went to the mammogram because I was having problems, I went because I'm 40 and it was recommended at my age by my doctor.

Today at a store with my family, and out of nowhere Dizzy and tingling sensation in my face , it's all I could think about, and I started to spiraled downhill and went out to the truck.

As far as intrusive thoughts, even walking into the store although I felt fine, I thought oh my god what if I pass out here in the snowy parking lot?

Who the hell has those thoughts? Not normal. Totally have to take every bad thoughts or feeling to the final degree before I feel like I can bring myself back.

We had a couple more stores to go to but I had changed purses and my Xanax was in my purse at home so I told my husband I just wanted to go home.

01-05-2014, 09:49 AM
Hello:) mine is dying and passing out at work or a public place. My reason behind dying is I always think it's something else besides anxiety because there is always new symptoms and it comes out of no where. Mine all started 3 weeks ago out of absolutely no where.i am the EXACT SAME WAY. I literally get paralyzed with fear thinking about going to work or somewhere alone. When I'm at home I freak out thinking I am going to pass out or die and no one will find my body for days, I live alone and don't have a great relationship with my family.

I have to return to work tomorrow after two weeks off for the holidays and I'm so tense and nervous all day today I feel like I'm going crazy!

01-05-2014, 09:54 AM
Same here. When im alone at home im anxious thinking I'll pass out and die and no one will know. When im out im anxious thinking I'll pass out in public and if im not near an exit or close to a hospital I get even more anxious and usually have to go home earlier than planned.
Its just such torture!

01-05-2014, 10:27 AM
I am also afraid of dying and passing out or completely loosing it in public. I have had this fear that something bad will happen at any time. My husband travels a lot so I also have the fear that I will die or pass out and nobody will find me.

Lately I have been feeling better , except I have an annoying fear that I am going to stop breathing. Then I start paying attention to my breathing and stat breathing all weird!!! So annoying!! There is always something I am worried about. So tired of it :( Sunday makes me anxious knowing that I have to return to work on Monday.

I am also anxious about feeling anxious all the time.

It helps to know we aren't alone :)

01-05-2014, 10:34 AM
OMG. Same way for me on Sundays. I stress albeit going back to work and I love my job. But being off gives me stress about going back.

I've been off since New Years so today is esp bad.

The funny part, as I work at home every day but Tuesday. You think that would help me for Mondays but it sioooo doesn't

01-05-2014, 10:37 AM
I am also afraid of dying and passing out or completely loosing it in public. I have had this fear that something bad will happen at any time. My husband travels a lot so I also have the fear that I will die or pass out and nobody will find me. Lately I have been feeling better , except I have an annoying fear that I am going to stop breathing. Then I start paying attention to my breathing and stat breathing all weird!!! So annoying!! There is always something I am worried about. So tired of it :( Sunday makes me anxious knowing that I have to return to work on Monday. I am also anxious about feeling anxious all the time. It helps to know we aren't alone :)

We could be twins!!! In always anxious about thinking I'm going to be anxious. Then BAM... Downhill lol

01-05-2014, 10:39 AM
OMG. Same way for me on Sundays. I stress albeit going back to work and I love my job. But being off gives me stress about going back. I've been off since New Years so today is esp bad. The funny part, as I work at home every day but Tuesday. You think that would help me for Mondays but it sioooo doesn't
This upcoming week will be my first full week back since the holidays. We only had to work last Thursday and Friday and we were closed between Christmas and New Years. Not looking forward to a full week. Like you, I love my job too, but am so afraid of losing it at work or something silly like that. That is great that you work from home most days! Jealous!!

01-05-2014, 10:39 AM

01-05-2014, 10:40 AM
We could be twins!!! In always anxious about thinking I'm going to be anxious. Then BAM... Downhill lol

Haha yeah, my mind just spirals out of control. Ahhhhh!!!

01-05-2014, 10:41 AM
My fear is dying, having some illness and negative thoughts! I always think today is my last day or when I go to sleep I'm not gone get up! My main fear been having a heart attack every time I have some type of chest pain or discomfort I think I'm gone have a heart attack! I can't control the thoughts like I would want to

01-05-2014, 12:59 PM
My main fear is something like a heartattack or stroke, as my dad had a stroke when I was 18, and I have had anxiety ever since. I try to stay active, for my health, but sometimes the fear of my heart racing prevents me from physically exerting myself.

01-05-2014, 03:47 PM
Hmm... My fear.. I know being trapped Dosent sit well.. On a plane for example. But I guess my fear is passing out too.. The thought of panicking so severely that I faint.. Plus the thought of not being able to get help.. Hence the sever anxiety of being on a plane.. Trapped, no help.. Panic situation.. For sure.. But I get anxiety for other things.. Money, my car, being judged..

01-05-2014, 04:22 PM
My fears are disappointing people and looking weak in front of others xD

01-05-2014, 04:24 PM
My fear is with my health anxiety! Like I fear dying and not being able to look after my baby daughter and see her grow up 😕

01-05-2014, 05:08 PM
I fear being a fool I also find my anxiety focuses it self on my wife which sucks. She has always been there for me and cares deeply for me but when I'm spinning I think she doesn't care for me any more and wants some one else. I also fear screwing up my kids with my issues.

01-05-2014, 05:23 PM
Thank you Frankie my lil ones are 17 and 7 and I will try to remind myself of your words

01-05-2014, 06:23 PM
I hear ya Mark, my wife and I just had a baby girl 3 months ago and I want to be strong for her and the baby. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with something, and feel trapped. Explaining what is going on with me to her usually helps though, and she is generally very supportive, so I'm in a good situation with her which I am appreciative of. I hope your wife is supportive of your issues as well!

01-05-2014, 07:43 PM
Wow so many of these posts sound just like me! I fear dying suddenly. Like a brain anneurism or heart attack. Just sitting there and bam you're dead. Not agood fear with panic disorder. Anything that is death or cancer related makes me anxious. And anxiety causes sooooo many symptoms. Like holy shit. Horrible with someone with ha.

01-05-2014, 10:17 PM
Intrusive thoughts (e.g., harming loved ones, fear if going crazy or hearing voices), some health anxiety and fear of public places when alone...overall, mostly pure o.

01-05-2014, 10:28 PM
Mine is passing out at home or in public, or being in a life-threatening health emergency thinking that no one would help or find me. Thinking about these thoughts would make me more anxious and would certainly lead to attacks. When I'm in public, I would get anxious if there is heavy traffic, thinking that if something happens I wouldn't get to the ER in time. Or, whenever we go out, I would get anxious whenever I learn that the nearest hospital is like an hour away. The anxiety would double when I'm with my kids, thinking that nobody would look after them when something "bad" happens to me. I get by when I am at home with the family, but would be really anxious if people left for work (I work at home) or errands or would just basically leave the house. :(

01-05-2014, 10:40 PM
What work do you do at home if you don't mind me asking?

01-05-2014, 10:50 PM
What work do you do at home if you don't mind me asking?

Web design and development, CD :)

01-06-2014, 03:25 AM
I am terrified of dying!! It's my biggest fear.. Its how it will feel to die and also about leaving everyone behind!! How did you get over your fear of death??

01-06-2014, 03:30 AM
Eman over taking me on posts

01-06-2014, 03:33 AM
Intrusive thoughts (e.g., harming loved ones, fear if going crazy or hearing voices), some health anxiety and fear of public places when alone...overall, mostly pure o.

Oh I have this one so I know what your going thought

01-06-2014, 03:35 AM
Eman over taking me on posts

He's on the hunt...LMAO!!


01-06-2014, 03:35 AM
Eman over taking me on posts

Ok, I should answer seriously, as it's a good thread.

My biggest fear used to be insanity, but now maybe it's death too, like Ashlee. Not so much dying, I guess I've accepted that, but dying when I'm not ready. Before I've done a lot of the things I want to do. Chances are you get one go round on earth, you wanna make it good right.

01-06-2014, 08:30 AM
Ok, I should answer seriously, as it's a good thread.

My biggest fear used to be insanity, but now maybe it's death too, like Ashlee. Not so much dying, I guess I've accepted that, but dying when I'm not ready. Before I've done a lot of the things I want to do. Chances are you get one go round on earth, you wanna make it good right.
It is exactly my biggest fear, too. I want to make something to leave for my small family, I am talking about paintings...I want to leave everything in order.

01-06-2014, 08:32 AM
For the past year my biggest fear has been my future. I'm due to graduate in about 6 months and I'm freaking out about what to do afterwards. I guess I'm the kind of person who needs a solid plan and so far i've always had one - until now. Work is scarce for graduates in the UK, especially in the graphic design / art industry (my field of study) and my parents are very keen to know what I'm going to do. The pressure is insane and I refuse to wear a pencil skirt and sit in a grey office tapping keys for the rest of my life.

01-06-2014, 08:37 AM
Death.. it's such a broad and general and understandable fear-- I've always had it. Ever since I learned that we only have a finite time on earth and you only get that one shot, it's been my biggest fear. That and other people I care about dying.

01-06-2014, 12:53 PM
My health anxiety is very bad and just reading some of your messages made my chest go tight. I fear death, i know it will happen in the end but i dont want to be in pain or feel i couldnt do nothing to stop it from happening. I also worry about leaving my children and that they will grow up without their mum. A couple of years ago when i was having an ECG the nurse came back and said there was something wrong and did it again. After speaking to the doctor again the nurse said there was a problem but she was just a nurse and not the doctor so she couldnt explain what the issue was. Well that was it i nearly gave myself a heart attack there and then. I felt like opening the door and running and if there was a road i would of ran straight at it. I then thought to myself what about the kids and thats the only thing that calmed me down because if i had of done it they would have been with out their mum.

I notice i have one health problem , i have tests and when they say im ok i end up going on to another part of my body. I dont do this as a rule its just something that happens. The pains/aches are there they are real its just in my head they are 10 times worse. I think most of what i feel could be anxiety or you may have aches and pains but when your a normal person you dont notice them.

I really hate all of this i wish i could control it, i hate not being able to control my thoughts or feelings !

01-06-2014, 01:03 PM
Cancer returning and this time being terminal..

..and sharks!

01-06-2014, 01:10 PM
Not seeing my little girl grow up
Appendicitis and septecemia

01-06-2014, 01:16 PM
My fears are the same as the ladies at the beginning of the thread! Fainting always, at home or out somewhere and ultimately death... It doesn't help that panic/anxiety symptoms make you feel as if you're about to faint. :/

01-06-2014, 01:21 PM
Mine sounds stupid compared to everyone else's but my fear is feeling/being sick. Just thought I'd add mine on :)

01-06-2014, 02:17 PM
Mine used to be health and death a few years back but it's moved on to my mental health and scared I'm going to loose the plot. It's horrid. Especially having two young children :-(

01-06-2014, 07:44 PM
Passing out in public/at work. Not being able to cope in stressful situations such as public speaking. Failing at my job, people thinking I am not good enough. Others noticing my physical anxiety reactions. Making mistakes.

I know these are mostly irrational and I try to tell myself that. Sometimes it even works. If I screw something up or pass out I know that I'll only learn from it and people who see me pass out will only be concerned and not think less of me...

Also being 'stuck' in a meeting etc that I have to get out of due to panicking.

01-07-2014, 09:57 AM
.....and I just passed out at work today.. Got sent home.

01-07-2014, 10:07 AM
What happened? Are you alright?

01-07-2014, 10:16 AM
Just felt dizzy like I was going to pass out and made it back to an office before I did... They called my husband to pick me up and now I feel a bit better. Just resting at home. Embarrassing though.

01-07-2014, 10:31 AM
Death.. it's such a broad and general and understandable fear-- I've always had it. Ever since I learned that we only have a finite time on earth and you only get that one shot, it's been my biggest fear. That and other people I care about dying. that's my fear as well. That and never feeling like myself again.

01-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Feeling dizzy and light headed can be caused by a lot factors. I've fainted before due to dehydration and another time from constipation whilst sitting on the toilet.
Some other causes are low blood sugar or standing for too long..
feel better! : ) x

01-07-2014, 12:06 PM
@ Stacetarian!!

We need for you to post your own thread friend,...we wanna get to know you and what the heck is going on!! Can you do that please??????

Welcome by the way too...

Post it in the General discussion section if you will...

E-Man... (The Anxiety Hunter lol).....:)

01-07-2014, 02:25 PM
My health anxiety is very bad and just reading some of your messages made my chest go tight. I fear death, i know it will happen in the end but i dont want to be in pain or feel i couldnt do nothing to stop it from happening. I also worry about leaving my children and that they will grow up without their mum. A couple of years ago when i was having an ECG the nurse came back and said there was something wrong and did it again. After speaking to the doctor again the nurse said there was a problem but she was just a nurse and not the doctor so she couldnt explain what the issue was. Well that was it i nearly gave myself a heart attack there and then. I felt like opening the door and running and if there was a road i would of ran straight at it. I then thought to myself what about the kids and thats the only thing that calmed me down because if i had of done it they would have been with out their mum. I notice i have one health problem , i have tests and when they say im ok i end up going on to another part of my body. I dont do this as a rule its just something that happens. The pains/aches are there they are real its just in my head they are 10 times worse. I think most of what i feel could be anxiety or you may have aches and pains but when your a normal person you dont notice them. I really hate all of this i wish i could control it, i hate not being able to control my thoughts or feelings !

Same here. Mine used to just be death in general. Now I think I've learned to accept that to a point but I fear leaving behind my kids and missing out on them growing and having their own families

01-07-2014, 02:57 PM
Cancer, Disease or any form of Medical reasons that make my life difficult. Death comes with the territory but I don't fear it when it comes to being in an accident or driving or any of those, its purely from medical reasons. Its hard to turn my attention away from these thoughts though as my body has become hyper sensitive to body changes. so anything that's feels out of the norm sends instant signals to my brain which then decides its a terminal disease that cant be treated. Lucky for anxiety it creates symptoms all the time, and unlike getting the flu or such they don't get better over time which then makes me panic even worse.

01-07-2014, 03:05 PM
Mines abit embarrassing but it's speaking can't talk to people I have to whisper anxiety just gets the better of me! Lol :/ also prawns an foxs hahahaha

01-07-2014, 03:13 PM
Mines abit embarrassing but it's speaking can't talk to people I have to whisper anxiety just gets the better of me! Lol :/ also prawns an foxs hahahaha

Haha Ishy, prawns and foxes. It's weird I find I speak sooooo much lower when suffering a period of anxiety/depression.

01-07-2014, 03:18 PM
There really Scarey!! Emagen waking up n finding a fox wondering found your bedroom :0 hahaha yeh it is bad when your down but it's bad enough day to day thank god for haribo lol

01-07-2014, 03:27 PM
Just got into bed...anxiety has kicked in. Feel very tearful, such a s**t feeling. Not looking forward to tomorrow.

01-07-2014, 06:29 PM
Cancer, Disease or any form of Medical reasons that make my life difficult. Death comes with the territory but I don't fear it when it comes to being in an accident or driving or any of those, its purely from medical reasons. Its hard to turn my attention away from these thoughts though as my body has become hyper sensitive to body changes. so anything that's feels out of the norm sends instant signals to my brain which then decides its a terminal disease that cant be treated. Lucky for anxiety it creates symptoms all the time, and unlike getting the flu or such they don't get better over time which then makes me panic even worse.

OMG. This is soooo me!!! Wow

01-08-2014, 06:46 AM
Trigger could have been discussing a subject that I feel I should know everything about, but don't. I am too hard on myself professionally. It also could be that I had.not eaten yet and was already feeling a bit off. It's hard to seperate anxiety symptoms from when I'm just not feeling well.