View Full Version : I think i just started to have symptoms of anxiety, please help

01-05-2014, 08:59 AM
Hello, my name is tye. Im a junior in high school and I've been having this problem lately. I think I've developed signs of anxiety, yes we have been to the doctor and he says I do, but he isn't the most competent doc around. So why not ask the best source of people, people who have it themselves.
Here are the symptoms:
.Episodes of intense worrying that I'm going to die/cant breathe, i wouldnt call them full on panic attacks sense i can calm myself down fairly fast.
.feel dizzy a lot/ light headed
.Throat feels tight alot
.Heart feels ticklelish/funny
.Cant sleep without benydrill, it was given to me to relax
.If my mind isn't constantly preoccupied I will start to have these symptoms
I know I most likely have anxiety but i want to hear other people's input that has anxiety. The symptoms started the day after christmas, then I was fine for a couple of day, but then for the past 3-4 days its been non stop torture and I dont know what im focused on thats causing the problem, and every time i do have episodes my dad gets pissed off and rolls his eyes or yells at me. Please help me i am very scard and can figure out what to do. Oh and when im at home i feel relaxed and only have about 3-4 episodes a day but when im in public Im constantly on edge. The only thing keeping me sane is playing world of warcraft

Thank you

01-05-2014, 09:11 AM
Hey Tye!
1. Yes anxiety.
2. The Doc needs to put you on something besides benedryl.
3. If you're a Junior, that's old enough for real medications.
4. Your Doc IS the most competent or ISNT the most competent?
5. Those are full blown panic attacks.
6. You need benzo's at school, in the nurses station.
7. Do you drink alot of energy drinks, sodas, ????? Be honest!
8. Take a break from the video games, it is causing problems that I can't explain here in words...(all your brain wants in that game, addict)
9. Did you JUST get that game for Christmas?????????? Be honest!
10. I'm not yelling, just for exclamation...YAY!!

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Jessed03 the Forum Meizer. :)

01-05-2014, 09:23 AM
Ok thanks for the reply
.The doc isnt that competent
.I do drink diet soda everyday, but energy drinks suck
.Yes i got the game for christmas
And i just got off lexapro, the doc said that when the meds took effect the first week would be nothing but feeling lower than i already was, so i took it for a week then everything started, my parents took me off of the med and said all this should go away once the meds are out of my system, but its been more than a week since i stopped taking the meds, and the meds themselves are given for anxiety so idk.

01-05-2014, 10:31 AM
Ok bruh..
1. I appreciate your honesty with all this.
2. Your Doc is incompetent to tell your parents that if you don't feel better in 7 days, take you off of it. It take 30 days minimum to feel anything whether positive or negative unless your vomiting, dizzy, or have hallucinations and pain, then they pull you off and try another. That's why there's 2 dozen different choices.
3. The diet soda isn't helping matters much.
4. BUT, I will say that alot of this, has to do with that game....your addicted to it, already..and you sleep, eat, drink, breathe, Warcraft.
5. Don't worry, it's normal...I did it until I was 20 yrs old, with ANYTHING that I tried, liked, and entertained me.
6. I banned myself from ever playing another game, video, pinball, cards, again...because I wanted to be A Champion at whatever it was.
7. So, I took up work, started businesses, succeeded, got married twice, had 3 kids, 2 grandkids,..you get my point.
8. Get up, and away from that game every single day,...(only allow yourself so long to play it)...
9. What did you do before you got that game? Do it again to occupy yourself.....
10. I knew you got that game for Xmas...because that's why you're suddenly panicky....everything else in life, seems foreign to you now.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down Son????


& J0DERmAn03 too LMAO! (I lost a bet, have to do this)......