View Full Version : Is there anything I can do!

01-05-2014, 07:30 AM
To make my attacks more manageable?

I'm dreading going out today. My depression is super bad lately. I pretty much don't have any hope anymore, my life feels like a box of no opportunities and bad emotions. I have no energy or drive to even fix the problem I'm so lost, this aside I don't feel like doing much at home and I especially don't feel like going out either. But since i have to go out today I feel sick with dread... I know what'll happen, the min I get in the car I will start feeling detached, nothing stops it no matter how much I've slept or ate, it still happens... I feel in a dream or surreal...

The whole time I'm out I feel like I'm just fighting to distract myself from the feeling...I hate it so much I just can't enjoy an outing anymore! If anyone has some tips on how to make this less frightening I would love to read them..

01-05-2014, 07:36 AM
Oh boy...

You need medicational assist to get you stabilized friend...this (rarely) can be overcome alone, with books, tapes, classes,...but must start at a Dr's office and then supplement the other things into play as timing permits and allows...

What do you have for this "gloomy" feelings?????


01-05-2014, 07:39 AM
Agree with Eman, meds will stabilize you then you have clear mind and will make some decision.

01-05-2014, 07:56 AM
I already take anti-depressants.

They cut down on some symptoms of my anxiety, but not enough to make it go away. Since taking them, when I get a panic attack, I get the surreal, dream like feeling instead of the tingling and muscle tightening I used to have during panic attacks before the medication, if that makes sense? ..so, I really don't know which one is better, feeling depersonalized ..or feeling numb and tingly with stiff muscles..I'm starting to think, I'd take the numbness and tingling back over feeling depersonalized.. :(

01-05-2014, 08:00 AM
Ok..What is it, what all do you take,..how long, and how much?.....We'll get to the bottom of this because obviously, they're not doing what they should be doing friend..

01-05-2014, 08:06 AM
I take sertraline, it's an anti-depressant, and I know those don't necessarily target anxiety.. I used to think I was doing better with them, and I think in some ways I am, but it's not ridding of this damn anxiety.. but then again, maybe nothing can.

Medications aside (I can't do anything about that today) I would like to know what exercises I could do, or activities to relax myself before going out and getting freaked again..

01-05-2014, 08:23 AM
Progressive muscle relaxation is great.

You begin to notice when tensing up, and can consciously relax those places.

It means better breathing, better heart rate etc. you can find some on YouTube.

01-05-2014, 08:31 AM
^true, I can try that.. :ponder:

01-05-2014, 08:33 AM
1. Focus on the task at hand. Whether that be walking, driving, whatever.
2. Have a plan, where you're going, how, when, and have "safe zones" picked and planned.
3. Take a water bottle. Its multi purpose. When you feel panicky, grab your water bottle, take a sip, focus on the the task at hand again..breathe in deeply, slowly, exhale the same. Take a book. Take your favorite music. Take some headphones.
4. Try to "ignore" that it wants you to think or do, because nothing is happening anyway.
5. Yes, I understand the derealization and so do alot of us...
6. Be willing, able, to take "control"...since you have to go out today...
7. Take a friend if you can, a family member that "knows" what you're going through.
8. DO NOT worry about what anyone else may think, because you don't know what they're thinking anyway and you never will.
9. Don't pay any attention to them, only your tasks.
10. If you had an (anti-histamine) like benedryl, it may be all you need to help you acheive this tasks today..

Hope something here helps.

E-Man.. :)

01-05-2014, 08:38 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll do my best.

I've dealt with periods like this before, they do come and go, but when they are here, the hell is undescribably horrible. I wish I could come to a point where these bad periods would be gone forever and I could just be the way I used to be before the bad anxiety came into my life.

01-05-2014, 08:42 AM
You will come to that point, and that is just on the horizon..once you learn to stop being so apprehensive, anticipating, speculating, assuming, presuming, what you think may happen,...that won't happen anyway.

It looks complicated friend, but it really isn't a complex as it looks. It's deceiving, just like anxiety is. :)

You can do this....

01-05-2014, 09:01 AM

It will be somewhat like this,..oh, ok.....well that was nothing! :)

01-05-2014, 02:49 PM
Progressive muscle relaxation is great.

You begin to notice when tensing up, and can consciously relax those places.

It means better breathing, better heart rate etc. you can find some on YouTube.
sometimes people do not know how to relax the muscle, it is enough to focus on it, with a love, just the muscle you love it and you needed to relax. As stupid as it could sounds, it works :)) Threat your muscles like your soul mates they will respond :))

01-05-2014, 02:49 PM
Eman you never cease to amaze me:))

01-05-2014, 02:51 PM
:rolleyes: Guess what??? Rolleyes!!!

Thank you Dahl....:)

01-05-2014, 02:54 PM
65 rolleys already??????????????:rolleyes:

01-05-2014, 02:55 PM
NO!!! Like 14.....I gotta long rolleyes way to go to catch Jess he's sneaky! :)