View Full Version : Enjoyed the Isolation

Steven Daws
01-05-2014, 07:28 AM
Firstly, I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and New Year, I hope that everyone's anxiety was at least manageable. I had about a week of just being in the house with my wife and daughter. It was really nice, this isn't my best time of year for my anxiety, so having some time in isolation gave me a break from my stresses.

Although I had a bad cold (I shall shy away from saying man-flu!) which normally triggers my anxiety, I didn't feel too anxious. I think this was because my overall level of anxiety was lower than usual.

Here's hoping for a stable 2014. :)

01-05-2014, 07:34 AM
Hi Steven I enjoy the isolation too. The family gatherings or parties is just too much for me. My family is very small like 5 people all together... even that stress me out sometimes:)
Best wishes for stable 2014 :)

01-05-2014, 07:38 AM
Excellent story Steven!!

Glad that you're doing well friend...

Hi Dahl!

Make this day a great day! (in a foot of snow...grr)


Steven Daws
01-05-2014, 07:42 AM
Hi Steven I enjoy the isolation too. The family gatherings or parties is just too much for me. My family is very small like 5 people all together... even that stress me out sometimes:)
Best wishes for stable 2014 :)

I get that way too Dahila, this was the first year we decided to just be us for Christmas. I even found out that I liked the taste of Glenfiddich!

Excellent story Steven!!

Glad that you're doing well friend...

Hi Dahl!

Make this day a great day! (in a foot of snow...grr)


Thank you Enduronman :)

01-05-2014, 08:06 AM
We have a major winter storm in Us and Canada today, I should have some freezing rain, hopefully people will be smart driving and no one will be in accident:)

01-05-2014, 08:10 AM
Glad you enjoyed your Christmas. I really didn't this year, I was having really bad emotional numbness the whole time, other than that, it was fine.. but I've definitely had better Christmas holidays than 2013..

01-05-2014, 08:20 AM
I like your new year wish. It's very realistic, and accomplishable. A stable new year. I hope you get that :)