View Full Version : Some advice would be great....

02-10-2008, 02:36 PM
Hi again folks,

some more advice or reassurance if you'll please,

In my last post i said ive had anxiety for almost 11 years but since sep of last year things have gotten so much worse and im running out of ideas and sinking lower and lower. I have constant symptoms of dizziness, very weak in the arms/ legs, strange head sensations, headaches, chest discomfort, visual disburbances(such as floaters, flashing lights)palpations and i feel dam right "weird" etc. I had an E.C.G completed at A&E about 2 months ago - all clear, heart beat very fast but doc was happy nothing is wrong with my heart.since then i have developed pretty constant chest pain/discomfort, went to the doctor - checked chest all fine, but i cant help feeling that if i went into my doctors with a leg missing he would say it was anxiety....

Anyway im now at a loss, i am constantly worried about my health, like most people i cant stop worrying about my heart and head, i just feel so tired and awful ALL the time - ive seen my g.p a number of times and im told its anxiety and wont send me for any more tests as he feels theres no point, theres no C.B.T course at my local hospital as i'm told theres no funds to run it, there a 6 month await to see a psychologist, i feel i just cant wait that long, this thing has taken over my life and every day i just get through, no energy or too dizzy to do anything - im so sick off it and so are my friends as i am constantly on about how i feel or how sick i am, IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ANXIETY TO MAKE ME FEEL SO ILL, WEAK, DIZZY EVERYDAY, DAY IN, DAY OUT? or should i be going back to my doctors and demand more tests? ive had a few e.c.g's and blood work done, is this enough? or should i be just taking these symptoms and saying its just anxiety??? really sorry but i am running out of ideas and i feel like my life is drifting away.......

02-10-2008, 04:26 PM

02-11-2008, 05:24 AM
Hello, sorry to hear that bro. I dont have it every day but, it's less now. But, the heart and lungs thing im into. I had alot of heavyness in my chess. and my heart a bit faster and i dont want it to reach a high pulse. But, i dont think anything is wrong. Becouse, i took a test x-ray and a few blood tests. but, nothing came up. we even looked for other things that might cause somthing of this....but, nope so he put me on meds and the discomfort went away...so i stoepd taking the meds..and i havnt felt discomforted in ahwile but im still scared of my heart and stuff and i was a preety fit guy. but just a bit over weight.