View Full Version : can I just say how annoying panic is??

01-05-2014, 04:15 AM
It's seriously frustrating getting used to one symptom of anxiety or panic, learning to deal with it. Then all of a sudden something crazy and out of the blue starts happening and it throws you into more panic attacks. If anxiety was a person. I'd punch it in the face.


01-05-2014, 04:18 AM
I totally understand what you are saying. I was just thinking about that today! It's annoying and really depressing when you think you have managed to control your anxiety and panic symptoms then some other ones come alone and now you have even more anxiety and panic! It's just depressing that you can't just know ALL THE SYMPTOMS and deal with them together! New symptoms keep popping up! Why are you still up? Can't sleep?

01-05-2014, 04:21 AM
But, how could you punch it in the face if you're scared of it? ;)

You'd run off like a baby, no.

01-05-2014, 04:26 AM
We only scared cause it cause us to worry about certain symptoms mad be scared of those symptoms but if it was a person it would be much easier to kick it's ass

01-05-2014, 04:26 AM
I totally understand what you are saying. I was just thinking about that today! It's annoying and really depressing when you think you have managed to control your anxiety and panic symptoms then some other ones come alone and now you have even more anxiety and panic! It's just depressing that you can't just know ALL THE SYMPTOMS and deal with them together! New symptoms keep popping up! Why are you still up? Can't sleep?

Yes, it is ridiculous. I feel like I've mastered it. Then bam! I'm a smart rational person trapped in this anxious body. My brain has multiple personalities. One that can tell anyone who is having a panic attack exactly what's happening..and the other side that's like no, you actually are in an emergency you better act quick. Bahumbug

01-05-2014, 04:27 AM
But, how could you punch it in the face if you're scared of it? ;)

You'd run off like a baby, no.

If it was something tangible I could see, the amount of rage I could generate would be enough to obliterate it within moments. Or so I'd like to imagine anyways.

01-05-2014, 04:30 AM
We only scared cause it cause us to worry about certain symptoms mad be scared of those symptoms but if it was a person it would be much easier to kick it's ass

Right? I was just having a pain in my sinus. That turned to brain cancer in 2.5 seconds in my head. I wish I would have never taken medical terminology classes...I also wish I wasn't master googler.

01-05-2014, 04:33 AM
I hear you. The way I see it:

It's a voice in your head kinda saying you're dying, and get you scared and believe it.

If it was a person, and you went to fight it, and it said the same thing 'You're gonna die if you fight me'... You'd believe it too, right?

Or, do you only believe your mind? Because it's your mind? You feel you can defeat the person... But not your mind? If that's the case, your mind has way too much power over you. Try a little zen and live free and easy by spring time :)

01-05-2014, 04:33 AM
I was having a headache and I was on googles it said it could be a brain Something so I end up going into a panic attack and making my headache a lot worse which made the panic worse! I begged and cried to my mama to take me to the hospital ( I had to beg because I then been 30+ times in the last 2 months and they keep telling me nothing's wrong) It turned out to be a sinus infection and when they told me that I still had panic cause I thought it could turn into a brain infection and then I started having other symptoms! Just awful

01-05-2014, 05:04 AM
856 ;;;;;;;;;;)

01-05-2014, 08:15 AM
Yes, that's how it is, quite frustrating, how it manifests itself into something new to freak you out, that's it's job, to make sure it can get your attention and make you alert of "danger".. :mad:

01-05-2014, 08:00 PM
Yeah anxiety is an asshole.