View Full Version : Job Ideas

01-04-2014, 11:32 PM
I have severe anxiety. I especially suffer from nervous anxiety and a really bad panic disorder that sets off panic attacks. I haven't worked since 2003. Been on a disability support pension since 2004. However, my husband isn't working at the moment, virtually no money coming in. We have debts, bills etc. I'm thinking the only way out of this is if I get a job. What kind of jobs are there for someone like me? My previous employment was in customer service / call center work. But my nervous anxiety in that role was unbearable. I need some kind of work where there is not much pressure, expectations etc. Just something I can do without feeling like I'm going to lose it, that can get some money rolling in. Anyone got any ideas or have been thru something similar?

01-05-2014, 12:17 AM
I find working retail good, I don't handle high stress jobs.. I am qualified in admin.. But it's just not for me.. Retail is really straight forward, not much goes into it. I work at brumbys.. I absolutely love it. Maybe something similar will be good for you