View Full Version : EMDR therapy? Anyone tried this or heard positive things?

01-04-2014, 06:55 PM
At my first therapy appt. the doctor mentioned EMDR therapy for my PTSD and anxiety. Has anyone heard of this or had it done? I've researched a little about it and from what I have read it can be a pretty powerful tool in terms of decreasing or eliminating anxiety in certain situations. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Thanks!!!!!

01-04-2014, 07:05 PM
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Thanks!!!!!

I've read good things about it. Also, propranolol, a common beta blocker, is used as well to depotentiate the memories, either immediately after the incident or afterwards in conjunction with elicited memories, i.e. they help you relive some of the incident in your memory, and the propranolol supposedly permanently takes away the severity of the memories. In either case, the propranolol is used for several weeks, not a lifetime.

01-04-2014, 07:15 PM
Wow that's crazy. I'm actually on propranolol currently to keep my heart rate from spiking and to just relax me. I'm gonna have to look more into this but I'm really thinking about giving it a go:)

01-04-2014, 09:34 PM
Wow that's crazy. I'm actually on propranolol currently to keep my heart rate from spiking and to just relax me. I'm gonna have to look more into this but I'm really thinking about giving it a go:)

There's some home made presentations of EMDR on YouTube, and some explanatory ones as well. One or two talk about side effects of EMDR, posted by individuals, but I'm not convinced of the validity of their concern.

Good that you're on Propranolol. Talk to your therapist about the PTSD angle on the use of Propranolol.