View Full Version : Help!

01-04-2014, 12:54 PM
The past week I have been having the most terrible time with "extra heartbeats" I went to the er who told me I was okay and there is nothing I can do about them. My problem is for the past 3 nights I can't fall asleep because as soon as I get into bed no matter how tired I am they start going like crazy. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I think that's what the increase of them is from but it's driving me insane as I want to sleep and it's preventing it. Last night it was about every 5 beats!! I honestly feel like I could die any moment.

01-04-2014, 12:57 PM
Hello I fully understand what your saying as this was one of my most scary things,I've had test after test and seen heart specialists and what they are telling you is true,there's nothing wrong with you,even tho I know it feels
Like your going to have a heart attack,you won't

01-04-2014, 01:00 PM
Hello I fully understand what your saying as this was one of my most scary things,I've had test after test and seen heart specialists and what they are telling you is true,there's nothing wrong with you,even tho I know it feels Like your going to have a heart attack,you won't

Did you find some things made it worse? I get it bad after eating especially and bed time! I almost don't want to eat yet I have to because I'm pregnant.

01-04-2014, 01:01 PM
em1 is right, if you have had all the tests and been given the all clear then it's very unlikely you have any heart problems. The feelings are intense i know and many of us here have suffered the same symptoms.

The feeling of skipped beats or double beats or racing heart beats is such a common symptom.

Please try not to worry, if the specialists say you are fine, then you are.

Congrats on your pregnancy, if you have a boy you should name him Wayne, it's an awesome name..http://www.pic4ever.com/images/84.gif

I know exactly what you mean about getting it worse after eating, i too have this and found that eating less but more frequently helped a bit. I also get it when i lay on my back in bed, at the moment i'm listening to this in bed:


It helps me focus on the music and words and not on what my heart is doing.

Cheers, MiST.

01-04-2014, 01:01 PM
Also is having an ECG sufficient enough or should I ask for more tests? During the ECG they did see the extra beats.

01-04-2014, 01:05 PM
Did they seem overly concerned? i'm sure they would have performed more tests if they were worried. You could always request a 5 or 7 day heart trace.

01-04-2014, 01:08 PM
I had a 48hr holter monitor 4 weeks ago but they are worse now! At the er they were not concerned at all because I don't have other symptoms which doesn't sit well with me. I get shortness of breath in the moment but not prolonged. It does make me feel really warm when they happen over and over.

01-04-2014, 01:10 PM
If you feel
That would put your mind at rest then ask for
More tests but I really
Don't think you need to,your doctor would not put you and your baby in any danger trust me :)

01-04-2014, 01:13 PM
Yes, the symptoms of anxiety can be strong and powerful and can make us feel terrible. Try to remember that you have been looked at by medical professionals and they are not concerned. I understand it must be very hard for you as you have the added concern of worrying about the health of your baby.

I'm pretty new here and can't offer much in the way of advice, but i can assure you that your symptoms are very common and many here feel the same and have found ways to cope and eliviate the symptoms.

Hopefully someone more knowledgable than me will chime in and help you.

01-04-2014, 03:11 PM
I feel the same way and haven been through all the tests. They say I am fine, but I still get palpitations. They used to to send me in to a full on panic attack, now I can kinda roll with it. I have read that gluten can cause these types of reactions in your body, when I eat a bad meal I will have a racing heart for a good hour or so.

01-04-2014, 03:22 PM
I feel the same way and haven been through all the tests. They say I am fine, but I still get palpitations. They used to to send me in to a full on panic attack, now I can kinda roll with it. I have read that gluten can cause these types of reactions in your body, when I eat a bad meal I will have a racing heart for a good hour or so.

Mine seems to palpitate for more than an hour after eating! It's very uncomfortable. How do you deal with it? Do you get it when trying to sleep?

01-04-2014, 05:26 PM
Last night it was about every 5 beats!! I honestly feel like I could die any moment.

Obviously I can't address the pregnant aspect, but you are under a doctors care, he/she should know. In a healthy heart, they are of no significance. You mentioned 1 in 5, there are people that have them that often 24 hours/day. Even that many would be of no concern to a doctor if they knew your heart was healthy.

I went to the doctor's one day, I had one normal beat then a premature beat, then normal then premature. On and on without breaking this pattern. I felt like I barely got to the doctor's in time to save my life. Taken back, hooked up to the EKG, the doctor says "oh, you're in bigeminy" and sends me home. No problem, the heart likes bigeminy. Weird.


Overeating can cause them, I'm sure being pregnant as well. The Vagus nerve is connected to your stomach and heart, if it gets stimulated, it effects the heart rhythm, not in a serious way, we're just wired that way.

When we first lie down it's common to get them, there is a change in hemodynamics, the blood in your legs is more abundantly available, gravity is no longer pulling it down. There are pressure sensors around your heart, they sense the change in pressure and try to correct the heart rate. This usually goes away after lying down for awhile.

Relax, ride through them, they're not out to get you, your heart is wired to keep running.