View Full Version : Herbal Alternatives
02-09-2008, 06:43 PM
Is anyone out there more about the herbal alternative for anxiety, panic and insomnia? I'm not taking anti-d's anymore and just wondering if something herbal can help reduce symptoms? I was thinking maybe teas and over the counter herbs?
And has anyone heard of Alpha Stim? And if what have you heard about it?
02-10-2008, 09:43 AM
I go in for valerian, passionflower stuff like that. It seems to work.
02-11-2008, 10:07 AM
kava, magnesium are a couple of other natural treatments. I have also read studies that vitamin b8 taken at 18 grams a day over a couple months period of time helps but its expensive at that dosage.
02-11-2008, 09:07 PM
Hey! Im all for the natural alternative! No way will I touch any medications! Heres some tips I would suggest trying out!
Kava (its a herbal root to calm the nervous and stimulants of the brain) you cannot take it if you have been drinking alcohol as it will not be effective and it can cause liver problems..
Everynight I prepare valarian root tea (fresh loose tea) not in the bag as it not as potent. I fall asleep like a baby..its a really soothing relaxant tea..
SF88 - High potency B complex vitamins to build up your seriton, dopamaine and GABA levels in the brain - promotes the good feeling chemicals in the brain
Slippery elm - you can get this in a form of a powder (tastes like hell) but calms the muscels in the body...
Try rubbing lavender on your pillow at night this can help you fall asleep.
Also give yourself 30mins of wind down time before bed, have a bath read a health magazine or do some yogo or relaxing music on softley.
I have some other alternative options too so if you want to know more just msg me id be more than happy to share!
I plan on studying Naturopathy next year sometime :)
Hope this helps :)
02-13-2008, 08:05 AM
Hi guys ;)
For natural therapies t owork for me i like to take in my whole lifestyle.
Exercise is really the best outlet for me- i feel it as burning awya the worries and fears.. i like to walk long distances up and down hills and listen to music that inspires me, calms me or either releases all the fears with a good beat..
Diet i try to aviod most packet foods- there are whole sciences between food allergies and nervousness and eating from the garden so to speak really does make a different - the so called 'calm foods'..
a big difference you can get in gaining better moods and clarity is to clear your body from toxins and to eat mainly raw fresh fruit and veges.. eating mainly a raw diet is such a benefit even tho it may sound extreme but there have been major nutritional studies for decades on it.
Apparently eating alot of raw fruit and veg in your diet increases loads of vitamins and minerals easily absorbed into the body that we loose in cooking- such minerals like Potassium and enzymes that help in the body utilise all our nutrients.
You find on a high raw diet that your body helps itself kind of thing and that you have a higher tolerance to stress and feel a sense of clarity and brightness.
It has worked for me in the past last year - but unfortunaltey after a heartbreak- i went into the junkfood.. now i have to wean off again as it really makes a big difference in my anxiety levels.
Giving oyurself a whole nutritional blood test to see if you lack in anything - as stress and anxiety uses up alot of nutrieants and we can get ill an alimented from deffeciencies.
Also if you google acid/alkaline balance for your body - it is well worth a look into. Well worth. : )
Music and visualising positves and dreams.. - affirmations, writing all your fears down and using your own cognetive therapy to change those internal thoughts and visuals into something less bad and fearless..
having music that relieves you helps ..
Heat Therapy - i find this a real benifit to relaxing - a hot/warm shower or bath.. a warm soup or dinner, a hot herbal tea :))), i always have a hot water bottle with me to bed - heat is a soothing tool.. and getting some rays form the sun too.
As for herbs and suppliments -melotonin is good, homeopathy and all - i think there is an endless supply of wonderful therapies that can work - i guess it depends on the person's own body and prefferances.
I've been looking into Htp-5 which is a natural amino acid (protien) that helps carry and stimulate seritonin in the brain - it suppose to help boost your bodie's own happy moods and lesson anxiety. It's actually known as a natural party drug becuae it helps with moods from a hangover.
Kava is suppose to be very good.
and i've heard of Bio-feedback whcih i cant be bothered explaining lol - but if you google it.. : )
Im also thinking of studying in the field of natural medicines but more so on nutrition. : )
good luck.
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