View Full Version : The lindon method

01-04-2014, 11:47 AM
Now I've heard so much about this and how he's got good results,I must say I would love to try it has anyone been on this or the panic away program?

01-04-2014, 11:50 AM
You mean this?


Any website that makes you scroll down that far with wonderful quotes about it's success and how great the program is usually has a catch..http://www.pic4ever.com/images/231.gif

01-04-2014, 11:54 AM
Yes that's the one

01-04-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm assuming they want money?

01-04-2014, 12:08 PM
It's good for anxiety, far less so for intrusive thoughts. Not sure if that makes any difference?

Pretty pricey too at like £100!

01-04-2014, 12:14 PM
Guys exploiting people who suffer with this disease is just no right. Now I stop before I start swearing. :)

01-04-2014, 12:31 PM
I'm just thinking of anything that Would work would be worth that amount and why would it even sell that much if it don't? I'm not saying that everything works for everyone as we all are
Not on the same
Meds or if anything at all,I'm just asking if you all think it does work or not ?

01-04-2014, 12:37 PM
I think it works yeah, I think it's more or less the best program out there right now.

Sadly you can charge anything you want online. Even crappy books can sell for $40, it's crazy.

01-04-2014, 12:39 PM
I think it works yeah, I think it's more or less the best program out there right now. Sadly you can charge anything you want online. Even crappy books can sell for $40, it's crazy.

Yes I think your right there

01-04-2014, 03:02 PM
I use one of the linden method guided meditation audio exercises and I swear by it. It always calms me down and lets me relax. The end bit he makes you visualize being at this amazing mansion with a huge garden and Its just so peaceful. .

01-04-2014, 03:04 PM
The end bit he makes you visualize being at this amazing mansion with a huge garden and Its just so peaceful. .

Sounds like Kelly Howel and a lot of other guided meditation

01-04-2014, 03:06 PM
I use one of the linden method guided meditation audio exercises and I swear by it. It always calms me down and lets me relax. The end bit he makes you visualize being at this amazing mansion with a huge garden and Its just so peaceful. .

Guided relaxation is awesome. Such an under rated technique on this forum. I've never tried that one though, I've never associated mansion and relaxation :p I'm kinda curious to try it

01-04-2014, 04:58 PM
Maybe I should try one, guys you think the linden method is the best?

01-04-2014, 05:00 PM
I've only tried BrainSync


01-04-2014, 05:04 PM
ok when I try I will tell you how it works ok? :)

01-04-2014, 05:05 PM
Cool, you be our test subject..

"lay back, this won't hurt a bit"


01-04-2014, 05:06 PM
I've only tried BrainSync


Is there a similar one for humans?

01-04-2014, 05:15 PM
Is there a similar one for humans?

NO cats only

01-04-2014, 08:51 PM
no fun making of poor Dahila, I will listen some and tell you if this is working or it is usual BS.