View Full Version : Just Been Broken - Anxiety At Its Worst!!! Help!

01-04-2014, 08:54 AM
Okay, now you might know from my other posts I have had a crush on someone that I like, and she likes me too. I think. She gives me all the signs but now when I went to ask her out ice skating she said maybe, and she didn't in the end.

Now, basically, I have found out she's a completely different person to what I thought. I think she gets a kick out of me liking her. A little bit about her:

She likes big muscles, she likes good looking men, she is a snob (thinks she has class) and is too good for some people. She gets pissed nearly every night, doesn't have many friends (good ones), doesn't consider herself as a chav, doesn't like talking to some people and tried to get laid with every guy. She doesn't like people who are on benefits and likes men with good job etc.

What can you tell me about that type of woman, she's 21. She goes on holiday like every year, maybe more... Is she worth my effort to date her ?? She seems interested, but I don't know if I should show interest back, because I don't want to get hurt. I'm already hurting because I thought she was different. was wrong. She thinks she's very mature. She watches lots of reality TV shows as well...

I think she was a lot worse when she was younger. She didn't consider herself as "classy" and I think she was a whore. mixed around with a lot of chavs and older men etc. She still is kinda a whore I think...

When I'm around her, she does act nice but I don't know if it's just for show.

I feel really hurt, because I'm going to have to put up with her in my English lesson next Thursday... I feel really painful and empty inside, very angry and I don't know if I should try and change her into the nice person I can see in her, or if I should just ignore her, although that would be hard

her friend also posted on her wall:

"We should go on the undateables". What's that suppose to mean, I asked her out ??!?!

01-04-2014, 09:00 AM
Sounds like the worst possible girl to get involved with Bro. Trust me, some women get off on the strangest things and string guys along and enjoy playing with their feelings, they get some weird twisted power trip out of it.

You don't need women like that in your life and it sounds to me like you know this. I hate to sound crude but if you only want to get with her because you want to get in her knickers because she is hot then just forget it, she will only spin that around to make you feel bad about that also.

From how you have described her i can't fathom why you would want to be with her?

Move on Bro, there are plenty of women out there.

01-04-2014, 09:03 AM
I don't know why. I just feel like I know her, and that she isn't being her self. I feel like I know her deep down and I really like her. I don't just want her for sex. I will move on, although it makes me angry when she's around other guys and she knows this.

01-04-2014, 09:06 AM
Meh, leave her to it Bro..

She sounds like a right screw up..

You don't need her when you have us..:D

01-04-2014, 09:10 AM
Yeah okay then, I guess she does. Thanks! :D

01-04-2014, 10:45 AM
Don't waste your feelings on someone like her,the right girl will
Come along and you then will be thinking why did I like her in he first place,it very hurtful yes but in the long run you would have saved your heart for someone that will
Give you there's back 😊

01-04-2014, 12:33 PM
Okay, now you might know from my other posts I have had a crush on someone that I like, and she likes me too. I think. She gives me all the signs but now when I went to ask her out ice skating she said maybe, and she didn't in the end. Now, basically, I have found out she's a completely different person to what I thought. I think she gets a kick out of me liking her. A little bit about her: She likes big muscles, she likes good looking men, she is a snob (thinks she has class) and is too good for some people. She gets pissed nearly every night, doesn't have many friends (good ones), doesn't consider herself as a chav, doesn't like talking to some people and tried to get laid with every guy. She doesn't like people who are on benefits and likes men with good job etc. What can you tell me about that type of woman, she's 21. She goes on holiday like every year, maybe more... Is she worth my effort to date her ?? She seems interested, but I don't know if I should show interest back, because I don't want to get hurt. I'm already hurting because I thought she was different. was wrong. She thinks she's very mature. She watches lots of reality TV shows as well... I think she was a lot worse when she was younger. She didn't consider herself as "classy" and I think she was a whore. mixed around with a lot of chavs and older men etc. She still is kinda a whore I think... When I'm around her, she does act nice but I don't know if it's just for show. I feel really hurt, because I'm going to have to put up with her in my English lesson next Thursday... I feel really painful and empty inside, very angry and I don't know if I should try and change her into the nice person I can see in her, or if I should just ignore her, although that would be hard her friend also posted on her wall: "We should go on the undateables". What's that suppose to mean, I asked her out ??!?!

Based on your third paragraph, she doesn't sound like a very Christian person. You need to surround yourself with like minded people. Not necessarily crazy ones like us, that's why we come to this site, but you need to be with someone who you simply can't live without and more importantly, can't live without you.

Reread your third paragraph and think to yourself, if that was written on a sign around her neck, would you give her a second chance?

01-04-2014, 05:00 PM
You can't change people mate, someone out there may be able to, but she isn't at that stage yet. I was once that girl. Before my trauma I was sweet, caring Etc after that. I used guys, had sex with then to gain power I lost in my trauma, I was a down right bitch. Over time I grew up. My ex helped me alot, but After I broke up with my ex of 2 years, I slowly started going down that road again... Why you may ask? I was basically cured?! Why do that? WELL I met a guy right.. Me to a T, he reminded me of my self, and also my old self. We began a thing, but I wasn't the only girl.. I tryed to change him, then I have up on him and he came crawling back.. But after awhile I just new it wasn't right.. It hurt because we were so alike.. But too alike. We clashed. And me trying to change him into what I wanted from a man.. Didnt work and it annoyed me.. So I ended up changing myself. It took me awhile.. But as soon as I met my fiancé.. Shit fell into place.. I'm now a stronger version of what I was before my trauma. Conclusion? Moral to my story? You need someone who fits with you, first go.. No effort involved. It's natural. You WILL find this mate, but you need to get hurt in the process so you have knowledge to get into a blossomed beautiful relationship with a rose.

01-05-2014, 05:40 AM
All of you guys are right, but it's the thing that she put on her wall that got me the most. I think she thinks I don't have class, although she's pretending that she does. She's setting herself high standards. I do have high standards, higher than hers and this is what her friend and her puts on her wall.

Her friend: "We should go on the undateables."

Then she replied, " were classy now :) "

I mean, what's that suppose to mean ? I really don't get it.... Can anyone care to explain ? Thanks.