View Full Version : Blood Pressure Scare *Please Help*

01-03-2014, 08:17 PM
Hi i am a 14 year old male and ive been having chest paing for around a month now and it came out of nowhere. I did everytest for heart and lung and it turned out to be anxiety. Like 2 hours ago i felt like i was about to have an attack but i didnt reach the full peak cause i calmed down quickly. But i just took my blood pressure in my left arm and it was 147 over 82 and my right arm was 139 over 81. After the first one i got scared and my heart rate speed up. I also have been having mild headaches for the past 2 or so hours. Does almost having an anxiety attack cause increase of blood pressure and cause headaches. Since im still young and im pretty healthy. Im actually almost underweight and just barely in the normal zone. Also ive had 2 weeks off school and i barely did any activiies so would that contribute to it. Please help because this really scared me.
Thank you so much for any help you give me.

01-03-2014, 08:19 PM
Sup buddy. I'm 24 and went through that. There is nothing wrong with going to ur parents man. I wish I did earlier!

01-03-2014, 08:22 PM
Some people have white coat syndrome. Blood pressure and heart rate can change when having them tested. Seems like you may have a little of that.

I think you're ok. You're young, your numbers are still fine, you clearly have some stress.

Like my man above says; going to your parents, seeing what your doctor says about all of this... I think that'll be a good thing. You don't wanna waste these precious years worrying about things that are almost certainly not gonna affect you at this age! Youth is for fun my man. Save health worries for when you're 60 ;)

01-03-2014, 08:44 PM
Some people have white coat syndrome. Blood pressure and heart rate can change when having them tested. Seems like you may have a little of that.

I think you're ok. You're young, your numbers are still fine, you clearly have some stress.

Like my man above says; going to your parents, seeing what your doctor says about all of this... I think that'll be a good thing. You don't wanna waste these precious years worrying about things that are almost certainly not gonna affect you at this age! Youth is for fun my man. Save health worries for when you're 60 ;)
I just went to the doctor yesterday for anxiety constant chest pain and me doctor said it's probably muskulo skeletal pain. Also I have throbbing in my neck and I can see the throbbing but only lasts for a couple of seconds and it scares me

01-03-2014, 08:47 PM
My first panic attack I had after my dad died. It's where it all started bud. I ended up calling my mom in tears as a 23 year old man. You'll just feel better telling a parent bud. Don't try to do it alone

01-03-2014, 08:50 PM
My first panic attack I had after my dad died. It's where it all started bud. I ended up calling my mom in tears as a 23 year old man. You'll just feel better telling a parent bud. Don't try to do it aloneYeah i know my parents have been with me since my first panic attack a month ago and ive had constant chest pains and problems since then even thought everything is fine i still feel those pains. And now i over react to everything thinking it something so serious when most of the time it isnt but i feel it is and i google it and completely unrelated things scare me so much more

01-03-2014, 08:56 PM
You sound exactly like me. My first one happened and I would have been in the ER if it wasn't for my schools D1 football team doctor. Called him instantly bc I was googling stuff and you'll learn the hard way it is a bad idea. For anything lol. You'll be okay buddy just keep ur parents and close friends in the loop as they wanna help u fight like we do!

01-03-2014, 09:02 PM
Yeah she makes good points. If u can't resist make sure u put anxiety bc you'll find some good things to read. It's prob how I found this forum.

01-03-2014, 09:16 PM
Remember to type in search the word anxiety as first search word before your symptom ok. It will generally show you what you are feeling is related to your anxiety rather than every unthinkable horror out there that comes up otherwise. Best bet is no google but if you must try this as an alternative ok.

Best wishes
Thank you and most of the time I do that but sometimes other things come up and scare me