View Full Version : Hey everyone! I'm new and need help!

01-03-2014, 07:33 PM
Hey everyone! My name is Kile and I have had GAD for six years now:/ I do function quite well how ever (full time job, newly married, have a house....etc). About a year and a half ago I was doing great anxiety wise. My body was getting used to all the stupid sensations and junk that goes with having GAD then boom........I watch my friend pass away in a horrible accident at work. After that is when it seems my body went down hill. Ever since then I have been very hyper sensitive about my body and constantly thinking something is terminally wrong with me. It first started out with a double ear infection and CRAZY vertigo, then it moved on to me thinking I had MS, ALS, anything that ended with and S, I had. Well after going back and forth to the doctor several times and having test after test ran it turns I'm healthy as an ox......on paper. I still just can't believe anxiety can cause all the feeling I have very day day in day out. But I have accepted my fate and just deal with all of it everyday.

Ok now on to where I really need help. For about three months now I have been having trouble talking. It's not that I can't move my mouth or anything like that but when I try and talk to someone I can only speak for a little while before running out of air and feeling like I can't breath! It's okay in the morning but by the time I get home at the end of the day my chest and back hurts from trying to find enough air to talk! I have had my doctor tell me it's acid reflux.....went and had an upper GI, no damage shown. I've thought maybe I had cancer and I'm losing my voice, went and had tests run, no cancer. Thought maybe I'm having heart failure, had my heart tested, perfectly fine. Bottom line I'm pretty sure it's anxiety. It's just not going away!!!! I really just want to be able to talk and joke with people like I used to and not have to pick and choose words so I can say a sentence and not run out of breath. We'll thank you guys for reading this and I hope I can get some insight on what this is or if anyone else has or currently is experiencing this. Please let me know I want this gone now!

01-04-2014, 06:16 AM
What meds did they tell you to take everyday?

If they didn't tell you to take some everyday, then get some omeprazole (prilosec) and take it every single day...it's called GER...

and don't tell us that youre afraid of meds either, or you will not get better.

Have a good day friend!

E-Man. :)

01-04-2014, 06:19 AM
PS: Hypochondria isn't generally classified as being General Anxiety Disorder bruh..If it was GAD, you wouldn't be thinking that there's something wrong with you terminally..of which there isn't.

If you or your Doc "thinks" it's GAD...then try some (buspar) to start with, then go from there..

You haven't mentioned panic either, so a low dose AD would be helpful too IMHO.


01-04-2014, 09:27 AM
PS: Hypochondria isn't generally classified as being General Anxiety Disorder bruh..If it was GAD, you wouldn't be thinking that there's something wrong with you terminally..of which there isn't.

If you or your Doc "thinks" it's GAD...then try some (buspar) to start with, then go from there..

You haven't mentioned panic either, so a low dose AD would be helpful too IMHO.


I've had GAD for six years...........the hypochondria thing started last year after I watched my friend die and realized we don't live forever and I could be dead at any minute. I currently take buspirone (generic buspar), and Zoloft. Believe me I've been diagnosed correctly with GAD and also PTSD from a plane accident. I don't know if taking a stomach med would help because I've already had an upper GI done and they said everything was ok. Could this still be what's causing it even with no damage show?

01-04-2014, 10:21 AM
Hi, I began experiencing anxiety as a child (it started of as health anxiety), it began around the time my Grandmother had breast cancer. I wrote a post on my blog today about it after reading other forums. You can read it at walkthethoughtblog (copy and past into Google) and it's under todays date - I hope it helps; please share it with others if it does. Sorry I can't paste the link. I'm new to the site and I can't paste links yet.

01-04-2014, 10:33 AM
Could this still be what's causing it even with no damage show?

