View Full Version : Newbie- Introducing Myself

01-03-2014, 03:28 PM
Hi all, I am new to this site. I have been going through a difficult anxiety cycle over the last few months and good to know there are others out there who get it! Most people around me do not understand anxiety and the physical toll it can take at times. Not sure if anyone goes through "cycles" with their anxiety? I can go a few years with very mild symptoms..although the anxiety is always present, I find that every few years I go through a time of panic attacks, dizziness, lightheadedness etc. Right now, here I am. It got so bad last week that I was convinced I was dying (even though rationally I knew it was panic) and drove myself to the ER. I am a working Mom with a hard core career in a senior executive position. I do all the things the doctors tell me to do...eat right, work out daily, hot yoga etc and find myself suffering a myriad of typical anxiety symptoms anyhow. Doctors say "its hormonal", "its just anxiety" etc...very frustrating. It hard to go through the day lightheaded, thinking you are going to die etc....
Glad to know I am not alone!

01-03-2014, 03:30 PM

Yes, alot of people here think that they're going to die every day, amazingly enough though, they're still here for a year or more...:)


01-03-2014, 03:56 PM
Hey Dizzykat!

Lightheadedness most certainly makes life difficult. Even more so the dying part. The human bodies weren't really made to keep working calmly amidst the fear that one is dying. You do well to hold down your position. Often with dizziness issues, simply living can be enough of a chore!

You haven't mentioned anything about your mind. You've mentioned you do a lot of healthy activities to help your anxiety, have you had any psychotherapy to help things? How did you find it if so?

01-03-2014, 05:13 PM
I have dizziness/ligheadedness all day every day. Have had for 18 months. It's awful :(

01-03-2014, 05:29 PM
Welcome! You will definitely find lots of helpful people here!

01-03-2014, 05:59 PM
Hi and welcome..:D

Terre Nova
01-03-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi all, I am new to this site. I have been going through a difficult anxiety cycle over the last few months and good to know there are others out there who get it! Most people around me do not understand anxiety and the physical toll it can take at times. Not sure if anyone goes through "cycles" with their anxiety? I can go a few years with very mild symptoms..although the anxiety is always present, I find that every few years I go through a time of panic attacks, dizziness, lightheadedness etc. Right now, here I am. It got so bad last week that I was convinced I was dying (even though rationally I knew it was panic) and drove myself to the ER. I am a working Mom with a hard core career in a senior executive position. I do all the things the doctors tell me to do...eat right, work out daily, hot yoga etc and find myself suffering a myriad of typical anxiety symptoms anyhow. Doctors say "its hormonal", "its just anxiety" etc...very frustrating. It hard to go through the day lightheaded, thinking you are going to die etc....
Glad to know I am not alone!

Welcome DizzyKat! :)

01-03-2014, 06:36 PM
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've posted on the forum! I'm currently suffering a lot from health anxiety some days are worse than others, I don't really have any1 around who can give me advice as none of my family & friends have ever suffered from this.... Just a quick question.... Is anxiety always present? Like even when you think your having a good day not really thinking too much about things but then BAM u get dizzy etc?? That's what scares me thinking there's something else wrong with me because in my head I feel I've had a good anxiety free day so why is it happening? if that makes sense to anyone??

Terre Nova
01-03-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've posted on the forum! I'm currently suffering a lot from health anxiety some days are worse than others, I don't really have any1 around who can give me advice as none of my family & friends have ever suffered from this.... Just a quick question.... Is anxiety always present? Like even when you think your having a good day not really thinking too much about things but then BAM u get dizzy etc?? That's what scares me thinking there's something else wrong with me because in my head I feel I've had a good anxiety free day so why is it happening? if that makes sense to anyone??

It can be for sure... everyone is different and you'll find people that experience every single symptom the same as you..
Read through the threads and you'll find people going through exactly what you are..
I too suffer from health anxieties and ive had times where my anxiety is really low and extremely high.. But it seems to be aways somewhat prevalent..
You're not alone :)

01-03-2014, 07:02 PM
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've posted on the forum! I'm currently suffering a lot from health anxiety some days are worse than others, I don't really have any1 around who can give me advice as none of my family & friends have ever suffered from this.... Just a quick question.... Is anxiety always present? Like even when you think your having a good day not really thinking too much about things but then BAM u get dizzy etc?? That's what scares me thinking there's something else wrong with me because in my head I feel I've had a good anxiety free day so why is it happening? if that makes sense to anyone??

It can yeah. An over sensitive nervous system can last months-years and can set off/be set off at silly times or because of small things.

01-03-2014, 07:03 PM
^ Hey Terre :)

I have made so many clashing posts today it's crazy. My psychic powers clearly aren't on it today!

01-03-2014, 07:13 PM
Definitely seems like a common symptom of anxiety. I get really bad dizziness when my anxiety is at its worst, always makes me feel like I'm having a stroke or something...

01-03-2014, 07:37 PM
Thanks guys, a few month back I was quite bad I was getting all kinds of crazy things happening, numbness, I felt my blood was runnin cold, burning sensations, headaches, everytime I ate I thought I would choke & then something would get stuck in my throat I would go into a massive panic at that point!! I still get it all now only back then it seemed to be all day long, It's the thoughts that jus don't go away & those thoughts are just constantly of dying, I'm only 26 I don't smoke or drink alcohol so I'm probably pretty healthy infact I know I am but it's jus that little devil on the other shoulder that's says "no your not!" I'm constantly thinking I have a major health problem at the minute it's a stroke & brain tumor!! Never something small is it!!! I constantly think I'm going to have a stroke & then what do u know... My face starts to feel weird maybe burns a little, no matter how much I try & talk myself out of these situations it never quite works, I felt a few week back I was getting a whole lot better but since being out of routine due to the Xmas holiday I've felt it creeping back in again! I've never really had the reassurance off a doctor that all this IS anxiety & I guess that's what I've come on the site to get in a way.... Sorry for going on with myself but this just feels like a massive get it all off my chest moment! :-) x

01-03-2014, 08:17 PM
Thanks guys, a few month back I was quite bad I was getting all kinds of crazy things happening, numbness, I felt my blood was runnin cold, burning sensations, headaches, everytime I ate I thought I would choke & then something would get stuck in my throat I would go into a massive panic at that point!! I still get it all now only back then it seemed to be all day long, It's the thoughts that jus don't go away & those thoughts are just constantly of dying, I'm only 26 I don't smoke or drink alcohol so I'm probably pretty healthy infact I know I am but it's jus that little devil on the other shoulder that's says "no your not!" I'm constantly thinking I have a major health problem at the minute it's a stroke & brain tumor!! Never something small is it!!! I constantly think I'm going to have a stroke & then what do u know... My face starts to feel weird maybe burns a little, no matter how much I try & talk myself out of these situations it never quite works, I felt a few week back I was getting a whole lot better but since being out of routine due to the Xmas holiday I've felt it creeping back in again! I've never really had the reassurance off a doctor that all this IS anxiety & I guess that's what I've come on the site to get in a way.... Sorry for going on with myself but this just feels like a massive get it all off my chest moment! :-) x

Hey, it's fine. You could even make your own thread and talk about it as much as you like if you want. It sounds like you have a pretty standard anxiety problem. Most of the usual symptoms, most of the usual complaints :)

01-03-2014, 08:33 PM
Hey, it's fine. You could even make your own thread and talk about it as much as you like if you want. It sounds like you have a pretty standard anxiety problem. Most of the usual symptoms, most of the usual complaints :)

Thanks feels comforting to know I'm not the only one!

01-03-2014, 08:43 PM
you don't have anything to apologize for we all go through this trust me! I have had the dizziness, the burning sensation accompanied by many other symptoms! I am now dealing with my negative thoughts of thinking that I'm going to dye prematurely! First it was my head I was having headaches and a stiffness in my neck so I thought I had a brain tumor..... I then been through all the illness cancer, brain tumor, heart attack, blood clots, aneurism and many more and the doctor always confirmed I has none of that but I still think I'm gone die! I know that it is really time consuming and it's depressing to feel that way everyday! I would say go to the doctor and get a confirmation cause that may be the thing that set your mind free and they can tell you about anxiety and even try to offer you some medicine!

01-03-2014, 09:06 PM

Everything you've just described about yourself is also me! That's exactly what I'm going through I have been the doctors & had ecg's & a heart monitor etc everything was fine, there was a time I was at the doctors all the time but I don't really go with my new complaints anymore due to just thinking I'm a nuisance with it! I have been offered meds but I declined them, you see that's where my health anxiety kicks in again that I don't want to take anything incase of side affects I would drive myself into a panic over it so I felt it's best to stay clear for now.
I find it frustrating I'm wasting everyday in this state of mind but at the same time it's so hard to break the habit, I never knew how powerful anxiety & stress was until I started suffering from it myself

01-03-2014, 09:27 PM
Me also, I have had like 20 EKGS and this number is not exaggerated I also think I had more than that.... I then had a 24 holter monitor and a 48 hour holter monitor..... I then had 10 X-rays in then been to the hospital like 30 times in the last 2 months! Now when I go to the hospital they offer me all kinds of medicine and I don't take them because I'm scared of the side effects and I know I will panic so I be like okay give them to me but I'm not gone take them! It's not healthy for us to think this way all day everyday! I wish I knew what to do you know?