View Full Version : Are Depression and Anxiety my only concern?

01-03-2014, 01:35 PM
This is gonna be a little lengthy, but bear with me. I am freaking out!

I am a 19 year old male, that on paper shows I have been fairly healthy my whole life. I was almost never sick growing up, and never got a sickness as bad as most others. But I feel like that is changing a lot.

I received a concussion in my early teens that sidelined me for one night at the hospital. Lost my ability to talk clearly, and bad vomiting. I was better after a night's sleep and don't feel there are any recurring problems.

But everything started going down hill my 8th grade year. I played baseball and other sports, always trying to stay active and in shape. I was in the field playing ball, and I basically lost it. I felt like everything got extremely quiet. Like people that were talking no more than 15 feet from me were hundreds of yards away. It's like nobody made any noise. I shook my head and when I opened my eyes, I had major tunnel vision on anything that I tried to focus on. I had to come off the field. After that incident, I didn't have another problem for a while.

Then, I was sitting in class, and I got the same feeling. its like I turned my head the wrong way or something. The whole world seemed to fly past me, things started getting dark, moving slow, and like the walls were closing in. I finally was able to shake the feeling, but I felt off for a couple days, and have pretty much felt it lingering around everyday since then. Like it is sitting back ready to pounce. I went to the hospital a couple days in a row to have work done. Drew blood, EKG, checking for Lymes, thyroid problems (i think), and even diabetes. They came up with nothing. So I'm just going crazy.

One thing that began to happen is I would get these migraines. I've only had maybe 4 or 5 my whole life. But I don't know if they are significant. I'd get bad auras where I couldn't see half of what I was looking at, followed by an intense aching headache, weakness and numbness in the arms and legs, then the vomiting will always follow. Other than that once in a blue moon occurrence,I get small headaches every now and again. I would say I almost never have a headache.

3 weeks ago, I got sick. Sore throat, swollen tonsils, persistent dry/productive cough, and congestion. THAT WAS IT. I went out and played on my men's softball team because i felt I could. I made it through the whole practice without an issue. But I didn't get better two days after, so I went to the doctor. Took my blood and gave me a strep test. Strep was negative and my blood count looked normal except for a raised MO. He said I could have mono or a virus, but i had no fatigue or anything like that. Prescribed me Azitromycin in case something came up and I needed it, and sent me on the way.

I took the pills for the week, and went to practice the day after I finished them. I made it halfway through practice before I got horrible, and it was all familiar. I noticed I was a little more sensitive to sunlight, so I was having to shield my eyes. I noticed things got extremely quiet. Cars on the road seemed like they weren't even there. The noise of the ball off the bat was almost nonexistant. My vision began to darken around the edges like I was going to faint(though I have never fainted), I panicked and ran off the field. I got calmed down, played a little more ball, but I just felt off. Kinda like I wasn't really there. A zombie in a sense. I borrowed a friends sunglasses and could tolerate how I was feeling, but if I pulled off the sunglasses, everything was a big glare and blur.

After practice, it was a struggle to drive home. I was panicking, felt like I didn't know where I was(though I have lived in the same area my whole life). I felt confused, and scared I was going to end up wrecking. But i fought it. I made it home, but nothing has been easier. Days later, I still feel in a fog, out of place, spacey. Like I'm not me.

After crying myself to sleep two nights in a row, I went back to the doctor and let him know what was going on. His eyes looked the whole time like a confirmed diagnosis of depression and anxiety. He ran a blood test and said my blood count was back to normal. Prescribed me three medications.

.5 mg Lorazepam three times a day for anxiety.
25mg of Sertraline(zoloft) for depression
100mg of Doxycycline for infection? I guess he thinks sinuses are causing head congestion though I don't have sinus pressure. I do have two upper teeth hurting at the moment though.

I have now taking two of each pill, and not sure if I feel any different just yet. The lorazepam definitely calms me down, and helps me get to sleep at night, but my brain fog is still there. I don't think my mind feels fatigued like it did though.

Here's my symptoms as I told him:
-Brain fog, feel confused, difficulty coming up with words, loss of awareness
-Nausea, no appetite, but no vomiting
-Peeing regularly from water intake, but nothing more really
-Gurgling stomach through much of the day
-Body ache, and muscle ache, with now tooth ache
- Cold, clammy feet, and sometimes sweaty hands.

Close Family History:
-Mom has hypothyroidism, depression/anxiety, and is on ambien for problems sleeping.
-Dad had a head injury as a teen, and is on a pill that keeps him from having severe panic attacks where he doesn't know who we are, where he is, and can't be constrained. Other than that, he runs his own business, handles stress well, and functions normally.
-Grandma on dad's side is bipolar and depressed(Lot's of physical ailments keep her down)
-Grandpa on mom's side has dimentia
-sisters have thyroid issues.

Could there be something else going on?

Thanks for reading through, and any help anyone can give me.