View Full Version : Emotions

Olive Yew
01-03-2014, 11:40 AM
Kay so I know i've been posting a lot but.... Just trying to figure out how to shake off this last bit of anxiety symptoms.

So you know how when you feel REALLY in love or just overwhelmed by passion, you get butterflies? Or even if your really excited you'll get this band of like tingly fluttery feeling around your middle?..... Idk how many of your remember that feeling.... But that's the one thing I cant seem to get back..... I can be HAPPY now... And relaxed and stuff... But I lost my happy butterflies.... (Lol)

Has this happened to anyone else? And any ideas on how to get them back?.... Cuz I miss kissing my man and getting that shivery butterfly feeling. Or getting all excited about something instead of like "oh yeah this will be cool" blah.

01-03-2014, 11:45 AM
Go to a fun fair. Those rides often give me that butterfly feeling. Are you on medication? Perhaps that takes the edge off things? I imagine the butterly feeling is something to do with adrenaline or some other chemical our body produces under certain situations and stimulai. So I guess try and expose yourself to it more and see.

I always found that butterflies faded in relationships. Not to say that the caring and love faded, it's just that butterflies are quite unique and special and never occur that much later in relations for me.

But who knows? We're all different.


Olive Yew
01-03-2014, 11:53 AM
No medications. I dont have anxiety much anymore. I'm just trying to get back to normal completely :P

I'm one of those people that used to get happy butterflies for like everything. Probably why i was so hyper 'n stuff too. Lol. Life was like wonderful all the time.... I guess Im trying to find my excitement again lol

01-03-2014, 11:54 AM
I can get excited easily and very hyper and manic. but I also get extremly anxious down n depressed too. I think it's just part of my persona.

I hope it comes back for you though.


Olive Yew
01-03-2014, 11:57 AM
Thanks. :) i think it will... Exercise will probably help

01-03-2014, 12:00 PM
Olive, unfortunately as we get older, and especially after dealing and trying to heal from anxiety issues, that "butterfly" feeling doesn't come on quite as much. I totally understand that feeling you are talking about...I would get that feeling just thinking about my husband when we were dating. Of course we've been together for over 30 years now, but every now and again I still get butterflies :)

I fear that anxiety kills a little bit of our "childish" behaviors and makes us face things a bit more seriously. Does that make sense? I think that is why we lose those feelings. Perhaps you just need to find something that is really new and exciting to get that feeling back. It is not a loss of love; just a loss of savoring the unknown. The unknown has now become something we may dread or not look forward to. Knowing allows us to prepare ourselves ahead of time.

Hope this helps?

01-03-2014, 12:07 PM
you lost me at love....sry LMAO!!! :)

01-03-2014, 12:11 PM
:eek: ...........

Olive Yew
01-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Olive, unfortunately as we get older, and especially after dealing and trying to heal from anxiety issues, that "butterfly" feeling doesn't come on quite as much. I totally understand that feeling you are talking about...I would get that feeling just thinking about my husband when we were dating. Of course we've been together for over 30 years now, but every now and again I still get butterflies :) I fear that anxiety kills a little bit of our "childish" behaviors and makes us face things a bit more seriously. Does that make sense? I think that is why we lose those feelings. Perhaps you just need to find something that is really new and exciting to get that feeling back. It is not a loss of love; just a loss of savoring the unknown. The unknown has now become something we may dread or not look forward to. Knowing allows us to prepare ourselves ahead of time. Hope this helps?

Yes it does. Thank you :) i'm determined not to be a boring person now that i've had anxiety though. I WILL get it back. I'm determined

Olive Yew
01-03-2014, 12:27 PM
I've had small traces of it every once in a while. I think that side of my brain is just trying to wake up again

Olive Yew
01-04-2014, 09:34 PM
So it's getting worse.... And before anyone suggest it, it has nothing to do with me losing interest in my man. I KNOW I love him. He hasn't done anything wrong or different. But my head will randomly start hurting and then I'll just get really irritated with my man for no reason. Then the pressure will lesson and I'll go back to being... Content..... I cant feel excited or loving or anything... Just content... And it isnt just about him either. It's everything... My lizards, my family, friends, artwork... There's no powerful good emotions... Just content. :( but i'm really worried about what's happening with my feelings for my man. I KNOW i'm in love with him. I care about him. I would be crushed if I lost him. But why this bored.... Stagnant.... Un-passionate-ness? Has anyone felt similar? I'm not really anxious anymore. I thought I was getting better. :( i want my powerful good feelings back!

01-04-2014, 09:36 PM
This pleases me a lot to hear Olive...

Means you are getting better :)

Olive Yew
01-04-2014, 09:57 PM
How so? Have you experienced this?

01-04-2014, 10:09 PM
Yeah. Soon after my anxiety attacks decreased, I went on holiday with my then GF. I remember feeling slightly bored with it, and wasn't all that interested in kissing and having sex, and stuff. Even though I cared about her a lot...

Love, and enjoyment and pleasure... It's mostly Dopamine. When your serotonin is high like with anxiety, it affects your dopamine, making it normal to feel that way. It's gotta all balance out again.

Goes back to normal in time. You've been going through life or death scares, takes time to readjust my dear!

You'll ride this out Olive. You'll ride it out like a drunken sorority girl on a mechanical Bull, when the first prize for staying on is free drinks.

Olive Yew
01-05-2014, 05:12 AM
Oh my.... Drunken sorority girl on a mechanical bull... I cant say i've even dreamed of such frivolity.... Perhaps I should.... Break out of my shell a bit :P maybe this will be fun!

01-05-2014, 07:04 PM
Olive, it will come back. I take medication (Zoloft or sertraline) and I remember in the beginning it affected my sex drive and my thrill for anything. You are not feeling anxious anymore which is good, but Jesse is right. It is a balancing act. Your brain needs to rebalance those levels. Also, your brain is still in the mode of awaiting another attack. Although you have a grip on it, your brain hasn't quite caught up yet. Just keep doing whatever you are doing and soon it will all balance and those feelings will come back.

I don't remember if you are taking meds or not, but if you are it is a common side effect. However, it does level out. It did for me. Of course I am 51 y/o now, but I remember fretting because I just did not feel like sex at all anymore. I was very concerned that my husband would leave me or cheat on me because I wasn't fulfilling my "wifely duty". It all worked out and although that part of our life is not prominent, it is still very enjoyable again.

Olive Yew
01-05-2014, 07:09 PM
I am not taking medications. They dont do well with me... Any of them... Even non anxiety meds. It's best to just let my poor system be lol

Olive Yew
01-10-2014, 07:25 AM
I GOT MY BUTTERFLIES BAAAAAAAACK!!!! :D last night i'm on the phone with my man and he was all "we can start wedding planning" and stuff and I like flipped out and could not stop smiling and squealing like a little girl and my stomach was fluttering all over the place. :D

01-10-2014, 07:31 AM
I GOT MY BUTTERFLIES BAAAAAAAACK!!!! :D last night i'm on the phone with my man and he was all "we can start wedding planning" and stuff and I like flipped out and could not stop smiling and squealing like a little girl and my stomach was fluttering all over the place. :D

Aaaaaaaah yeah ;)

Anxiety thinks it's so clever, but it's sooo predictable lol

01-10-2014, 07:36 AM
I GOT MY BUTTERFLIES BAAAAAAAACK!!!! :D last night i'm on the phone with my man and he was all "we can start wedding planning" and stuff and I like flipped out and could not stop smiling and squealing like a little girl and my stomach was fluttering all over the place. :D
Yay, Olive! Be all like, "That take, Mr. Anxiety." No one's taking your butterflies, girl. ;)

I'm happy for you! Have a great day! :)

Olive Yew
01-10-2014, 07:52 AM
Yay, Olive! Be all like, "That take, Mr. Anxiety." No one's taking your butterflies, girl. ;) I'm happy for you! Have a great day! :)

Thank you!!!! :D

Olive Yew
01-21-2014, 03:56 PM
Iiiit's baaaaack :( the depression and emotional numbness... Gosh sometimes i really wish i could just get meds and be done with this.... I hate feeling like I dont love my fiancé or all of the important people in my life :( and it makes doing school work really hard because I simply just dont care. -faceplant-

01-21-2014, 05:13 PM
Up and downs like the waves, Olive.. you'll get there. Don't let this set you back. The important thing is that the good feelings DO come back :)

Olive Yew
01-21-2014, 05:17 PM
Yeah... :( just so ready to be DONE with all of this