View Full Version : why cant I calm my self down :-(

01-03-2014, 10:48 AM
Why cant I calm my self when panicing :-( I hate it, ive got the shakes, im so mad at my self :'(

01-03-2014, 10:52 AM
Sazaroo, take some deep breaths, hold them in and exhale slowly. Close your eyes while doing this and think of something that is very calming to you. Visualize that thing that is calming in your mind and put yourself there. Continue to do the deep breathing and just meditate. In 15-20 minutes you should feel more calm.

Also, have you eaten? You may be shaking because your blood sugar is low. When anxiety is bad, we tend to not want to eat. This happens to me and I am a diabetic, so not really good for me to not eat.

Also, did you recently start any new anxiety meds? Sometimes when you first begin a med, you will get tremors from it. This will subside, but sometimes it can be bothersome.

I hope you find a way to calm down. I used to wrap a blanket around my shoulders (like a cacooning effect) and pace, or sit and rock. I found the deep breathing and meditation much more effective.

01-03-2014, 11:49 AM
Sazaroo, take some deep breaths, hold them in and exhale slowly. Close your eyes while doing this and think of something that is very calming to you. Visualize that thing that is calming in your mind and put yourself there. Continue to do the deep breathing and just meditate. In 15-20 minutes you should feel more calm.

Also, have you eaten? You may be shaking because your blood sugar is low. When anxiety is bad, we tend to not want to eat. This happens to me and I am a diabetic, so not really good for me to not eat.

Also, did you recently start any new anxiety meds? Sometimes when you first begin a med, you will get tremors from it. This will subside, but sometimes it can be bothersome.

I hope you find a way to calm down. I used to wrap a blanket around my shoulders (like a cacooning effect) and pace, or sit and rock. I found the deep breathing and meditation much more effective.

Hello thank you so much for responding, I have tried deap breathing and feel slighty better, im not on any meds as im pregnant but I used to take meds before finding out I was becoming a mommy, I had eatten about five mins before my attack so maybe your right shaking is my sugar levels, I just want to wake up and not be anxious even if just for an hour :-(

01-03-2014, 11:54 AM
I totally understand that sazaroo, and trust me it will come. Mornings are always worse for anxiety. Don't know why, they just are. I was always (and when I have flare ups still am) most anxious in the mornings. It makes it very difficult to get yourself together to get ready and leave for work. I would get up a little early just so I could sit quietly and do deep breathing and meditation. I also pray constantly and ask God to please lift the anxiety or at least make it bearable and to get me through the day. I also talk to myself quite a bit and tell myself everything is okay and I am in no immediate danger. Sometimes I even get really angry because I just don't want to deal with it anymore.

Whatever will work, I'm all for it. Hope things ease up for you. Also hope everything goes well with pregnancy and congratulations! Motherhood is the greatest!

01-03-2014, 12:11 PM

01-06-2014, 01:25 AM
I totally understand that sazaroo, and trust me it will come. Mornings are always worse for anxiety. Don't know why, they just are. I was always (and when I have flare ups still am) most anxious in the mornings. It makes it very difficult to get yourself together to get ready and leave for work. I would get up a little early just so I could sit quietly and do deep breathing and meditation. I also pray constantly and ask God to please lift the anxiety or at least make it bearable and to get me through the day. I also talk to myself quite a bit and tell myself everything is okay and I am in no immediate danger. Sometimes I even get really angry because I just don't want to deal with it anymore.

Whatever will work, I'm all for it. Hope things ease up for you. Also hope everything goes well with pregnancy and congratulations! Motherhood is the greatest!

Thank you again for taking the time and responding to me your very kind :-)

01-06-2014, 01:26 AM

Why you rolling your eyes about my post huh?

01-06-2014, 01:28 AM
Why you rolling your eyes about my post huh?

Slap him! He's doing it to everyone! :rolleyes:

How you doing Saz?

01-06-2014, 01:29 AM
Why you rolling your eyes about my post huh?

I was going for the :rolleyes: record, but only ended up with 16...hardly a record.

Hope you're doing better today those Sazzz!

e. :)

01-06-2014, 04:11 AM
I know it sounds strange.. but if you can... take yourself to the bathroom, sit on the toilet with your head in your hands anbd take some long deep breaths and just sit in silennce for a while! Or even just sit on the cold floor and close your eyes and focus on your breathing!! It works for me!! Hope you feel better now!