View Full Version : Trouble Urinating (Possible TMI)

01-03-2014, 09:35 AM
Hi all,

Got a weird issue today. I only urinated twice. I've drunk quite a lot. Now normally I think I pee perhaps a little more than most people. Especially when i've drunk quite a lot. But today i've only managed to go twice, both times whilst doing number 2. Sorry if that's TMI.

It's got me slightly concerned because the epididy has been quite bad the past 4 days and the 2 times I have urinated today it stung ever so slightly. After finishing there's just a general burning sensation at the tip of the penis.

The colour of the urine is dark too and i've drunk 3 glasses of water and 2 cups of tea. Which should be enough to make the urine lighter. But then I think to myself, the past 48 hours i've had 4 naproxens, 40 mg on propanlol twice and 2 citaloprams. Could this be causing issues with urination?

I have to say, it's got me slightly worried and i'm not sure what to do. I was almost tempted to leave work and go imemdiately to the Dr's. But I think it's just worry because now i'm seemingly obssessed that something internally is wrong. But how could it be? I urinated twice today. Not as much as I normally do, but nonetheless I did urinate. The fact it stings slightly does concern me, but the pain remains around the epididymis and nowhere else. I believe if it's a UT infection the pain urinating is qwuite severe and you do get localized pain around other areas, which I don't have. Since worrying abouit the whole urination "issue" i've been getting aches and pains in other places. but I think it's because I panicked when I realized 30 mins ago that I had only urinated once today. Shortly after the panic set in I needed the toilet and urination came naturally.

I guess it's unnerved me mainly because normally I urinate a lot during the day. That could just as easily be down to anxiety. Considering how the past 2 weeks i've had some very severe stress and anxiety occuring, perhaps it stands to reason I could be having these issues?

Could someone try and speak some sense into me? I've rang the Gp and am expecting a call back in a while.


01-03-2014, 09:44 AM
Well it could be kidney stone, it just happened to my friend son. Please go to doctor , to be on save side. I think you have the bladder infection but i am not doctor. You will need some meds. Panic does not cause pain in that places. You did good calling the doc:) good luck
UTI this is what I think no bladder infection, sorry and thank you Frankie :)

01-03-2014, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the reply. Thing is the epididymitis first came about around 8 months ago. They put me on 5 different antibiotics and none of them cleared the condition up. I'm just worried they keep dishing out these things like candies. After a while the body builds up tolerances to antibiotics. Plus i'm on 3 meds as it is. It's just a bit overwhelming needing to be on so much stuff to try and make me feel normal.

I've also googled each medication i'm on. Every single one has "decreased urine output" as one of the side effects.

EDIT: Oh great. Propranolol says please contact Dr immediately if one of these severe side effects is expeienced - decreased uraintion.

Now i'm going into a panic....


01-03-2014, 10:41 AM
If fluids went in, and did not come out, they must be somewhere. Decreased urinary output should cause tissue swelling, pronounced, and is often evident in the legs. Failing that, no noticeable edema, you likely are not retaining water.

Sweating is another way to loose water and decrease urinary output. Sweating from high body or external temps, or sweating because it's extremely dry, are some of the ways we loose water.

Just a thought.

01-03-2014, 11:10 AM
Hi all,

Saw my GP. Managed to give a urine sample when I got there. didn't think i'd be able to and then I urinated a fair amount. The test came back perfect, no infection or blood or sugars. She said it's likely due to nerves or possible the medication. I was trying to rationalize the situation - the fact I had urinated twice and the fact that whilst there was some discomfort urinating it was very minor. Clearly everything was working, but i freaked out entirely at work nonetheless. It feels like i've backtracked quite a few steps recently in the road to recovery. Whilst I am eventually rationalizing situations, i'm reverting back to being driven by frantic and overpowering emotions when I'm experiencing new or intense symptoms.

She advised that one of the GP's used to be a surgeon in Urology and that I should discuss with him how best to tackle the Epididymitis now that it's chronic. So that's that then. Just a shame I let myself get so distraught after realizing i'd only urinated once that day. Stress can do horrid things


01-03-2014, 11:29 AM
Have you been drinking alcohol?

01-03-2014, 11:31 AM
No I haven't. Why?


01-03-2014, 02:07 PM
Well, if you're dehydrated due to drinking it can cause those symptoms.

01-03-2014, 07:03 PM
I do not think many of us drink....

01-03-2014, 11:21 PM
Glad everything is okay. I know it can still be frustrating when you don't know what's going on. I have been having the same issue except the opposite. I have been urinating more than usual with the feeling to always go. They did a urine culture and all came back okay....UGH! It has gotten slightly better, but it is still tormenting me.
I was going to say, it may very well be the medicine your on. Are any of them new meds?
I have read a lot in the last few days and have seen that stress can definitely mess with the bladder.
Hope your feeling better.....

01-04-2014, 03:14 AM
I do not think many of us drink....

Oh geeze isn't that so true. Nope, definitely cannot drink.

01-04-2014, 06:51 AM
this what i think, most of us know that alcohol and the drugs do not go well together.