View Full Version : Physical Effects of Anxiety on the Body

01-03-2014, 08:14 AM
I know this may be a TMI situation or question, but does anyone else go through digestive or intestinal difficulties when their anxiety is high? It seems whenever I get breakthrough anxiety, I always get overactive digestion and intestinal problems.

As if it is not bad enough that I'm feeling anxious and having to use everything in my power to appear normal and get on with my day at work, but then my body reacts and causes stomach aches, noises, gas, and then comes the frequent visits to the restroom :(

Does anyone have any ideas of how to counteract this? I hate when I have digestive and intestinal stuff.

01-03-2014, 08:21 AM

I get stomach trouble too: nausea, gas and excess acid etc. Firstly, I would go to the doctor to see if they gave give you something. But as for helping yourself, you can do deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation.

Peppermint tea or ginger tea is good for settling the tummy too. Stay away from caffeine, spicy food or fizzy drinks.

Good luck x

01-04-2014, 03:41 PM
I also suffer from stomach issues, which i'm relating to my anxiety. I'm still trying to find something that works, but, as mentioned before, herbal teas seem to help, as does the occasional pepto bismol.
My major issue is stomach bloat, but I'll keep searching for a solution.

01-04-2014, 03:46 PM
YES!! lately i've started dry heaving for no reason!! and whenever I have a panic attack I always need to go to the toilet during or after!! The physical effects of anxiety can be really horrible!! Also, I sometimes feel like my stomach is empty even if i have just eaten!! Maybe try some over the counter medication to settle the stomach!!

01-04-2014, 04:17 PM
Yes I get all that to

01-04-2014, 04:26 PM
Hi:) I'm sorry about your stomach issues I haven't gotten those I know anxiety can do a lot to you. I do however get heartburn a lot and to the point I feel it coming up my throat. Is that also part of anxiety??

01-04-2014, 04:50 PM
Well thank you:) that's a lot of info! Makes sense. I just can't believe all the things anxiety can do! I'm finding out a lot more

01-04-2014, 05:53 PM
Hi Mel, Googling symptoms is not great especially if health anxiety is something someone struggles with. Getting information on how our body responds to panic, anxiety, threat etc though is really beneficial in understanding our body and mind as well as it's responses. Have a look at fight and flight response or just google what happens to body in panic attack. Many other things happen at that time than what I mentioned above. There is lots of good information to help you understand it. It is also the first basics explained in CBT which many of us have for treatment alongside our meds. Good to meet you to by the way!

Thank you:) it's good to meet you also:) ill google that. I don't like to google symptoms then it leads to me thinking brain rumors or other things.

01-04-2014, 06:33 PM
I just checked it out!! Thank you!:) it helps knowing the symptoms. I just really need to quit trying to understand and just go with what I can go with:)

01-04-2014, 06:55 PM
Oh anxiety can affect us in soooo many ways. I learned that a long time ago. I do take stuff for my stomach/digestive/intestinal issues. I just wanted to be sure that I wasn't an oddball when it came to that.

I have found taking a good probiotic helps a great deal with digestive/intestinal issues. I use Align and it works very well. For bloating and gas I use GasX, or a liquid antacid. I use Tums too, but not too often because they raise my blood sugar (I'm diabetic). I have found that L. Planataruum is an enzyme that works really well with bloat and gas too. The Align contains an probiotic called Bacterium Infantus and it is a wonderful one for stomach.

Frankie, I was extremely agoraphobic when my anxiety first began. I was also going to school for medical billing at night and working during the day. I would have to take breaks because my anxiety would flare and I would just start crying and freaking out. Also, the bathroom thing was a big issue too. That one still is for me. If I'm going a lot, I hate to be anywhere but home because I'm very shy about it. I also don't want people to know that I'm in the bathroom for that long. But, you have to remember that bathrooms are there for a reason, and they are there to be used. So I had to stop caring about what others might think. If I have to go, then I do. I may not like it, but I do it.

I also find if my stomach is acting up that if I drink some carbonated beverage with no ice it will make me burp and usually help alleviate some of that bloated feeling.

Oh, and Frankie, thanks for the wealth of information! I also like to know what to expect and what is happening in my body and mind. That was extremely helpful to understand.

01-04-2014, 09:01 PM
What can I say even my grandchild says Granma you need to go again???????? Well I am on diuretics beside the beta blockers.
I started to make my own Kefir and the smoothies and it seems to take care of some of my stomach problems. I take tecta for more or less two weeks and I am fine for a months. I take in a lot of fiber, in form of veggies, oatmeal, and flax. It helps. Maybe you should try ladies :)