View Full Version : Help with meds!!

01-03-2014, 03:32 AM
I only realised this morning that I have ran out of my meds (20mg Fluoxetine/Prozac), I thought I had one more pack left and I don't!! I am unable to go to the doctors as I am at work and I am not going home tonight, So I don't know what to do about my meds? I am worried about not taking my meds for 2 days!!

I have conctacted my doctors surgery and I have faxed over a letter explaining that I urgently need a new prescription. Over the phone, the receptionist said, fax it over and we will take it from there. I am worried that they aren't going to fax over a new prescription and if they do, I'm worried that the Pharmacy won't take a fax copt of a prescription.

What shall I do??

01-03-2014, 03:38 AM
You've done everything right. The Doctor on call, and or your Doctor,..will NOT let you run out of this type of medication or any medications for that matter so you will be getting your meds today.

Lesson learned, you're doing very well and they don't want to risk that any more than you do. SO relax....

(Also, contact your pharmacy and they can transmit an immediate request to fill from there electronically. Then, even a nurse can push the button whether a Doc is there or not, for this "type" of medication. It isn't a controlled substance)...Yer funny!!!! :)


01-03-2014, 03:45 AM
Thanks E-man!! Yes, will try and contact the Pharmacy!!

The problem is, the receptionist at my surgery are useless and rude !! But will get my meds if its the last thing I do!!

01-03-2014, 07:28 AM

Goodbye headache!!!

01-03-2014, 07:30 AM
Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!! :)