View Full Version : goals and believing in yourself

02-09-2008, 12:52 PM
Im setting myself goals and steps for them but it is really hard with anxiety.. it seems i have to constantly write my fears down everyday and try to combat then jsut to be able to try and not get so anxious..

My question is how do you get through a goal that seems like trying to catch clouds?

out of reach because of constant negative feeling and thinking , because of fears and self disbeliefs based on past failures?

02-09-2008, 03:42 PM
I think the best way to combat a task/goal which on the surface seems impossible is to tell yourself that it is possible.

If straight away you are thinking negatively then you're setting yourself up to fail and when you do so you'll just be like "well I knew it."

You need to take things one day at a time and one step at a time and tell yourself you will get there.

For example if walking into your Woolworths and buying something provokes extreme anxiety in you, start off first by walking up to Woolworths, then another day walk inside, continue going as far as you feel comfortable until you're ready to take that final plunge and buy something - obviously this wouldn't work in goals such as "I want to get married one day" so I may be barking up the completely wrong tree lol!

What are your goals?


02-09-2008, 11:40 PM
Thnx Smurfs : )

Well my goals are to get out of this deppression, to get healthy and fit again, to be able to be independent for once- which includes flying interstate to a place i hardly know anyone but where i have found it much easier to cope.

its quite a staircase.

Do you have goals?

02-13-2008, 06:16 PM
I was doing yoga, then husband started traveling ALOT! Then the house started getting messy and he would bitch, cause he would come home, and it would be a mess! NO ONE COMES OVER! Its not like we have nasty bugs or anything, I just dont pick up every little thing!